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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第87章

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law; the antithesis of chaos。 The sword that had bee an extension of the demon's will froze inside it like an insect in amber…and the demon was equally still。 For a moment; at least。 The creature began hitching ever so slightly forward; working itself loose of the restricting magic。
The Mistress of Arach…Tinilith was essentially a creature of chaos as well; but mortal and native to the material plane; and thus the spell had no power over her。 She wheeled and dashed to the body lying in the doorway。 Only the spider part of it was moving; chewing and slurping on the rest。
The dead girl turned out to be Halavin Symrywin; who'd had the surnotprisingly good sense to remove all that gaudy; clinking jewelry before atnottempting to attack by surprise。 The novice had managed the arbalest rather deftly; considering her sore; mutilated hands。
Quenthel stooped to pick up the weapon and the quiver containing the rest of the enchanted quarrels。 She moved warily; but the feasting arachnid paid her no mind。
She turned; laid a dart in the channel; and shot。 When the shaft hit it; the demon shuddered in its nearly immobile form; but didn't die。
It occurred to her that she could get away from it while it was trapped; muster any loyal minions who hadn't partaken of the poisoned supper; and fight the thing at the head of a pany; just as she'd originally intended。 After the harrowing events of the past minutes; the idea had a certain appeal。
But after what she'd endured; she wanted to be the one to teach this vermin a lesson about molesting the clergy of Lolth。 Besides; the appearnotance of strength was vital。 So she kept shooting as fast as the cocking action of the weapon would allow。 The demon inched its way toward her as if it was made of half…cooled magma。
Four bolts left; then three。 She pulled the trigger; the dart struck the demon in the middle of its horned; triangular head; and it winked out of existence。
She could still hear its voice; but knew that was just because it had shrieked so long and loudly。 She gave her head a shake; trying to quell the phantom sound; then glimpsed yet another shadow watching her from some distance away。
〃You!〃 she shouted; cocking the arbalest to receive the penultimate quarrel。 〃e here!〃
The other dark elf bolted。 Quenthel gave chase; but she was still a little winded from the struggle with the demon; and her quarry outdistanced her and disappeared。
The Baenre stalked on through the labyrinthine chambers and corridors until she rounded a bend and came face to face with three of her minions。 The goddess only knew what their true sentiments were; but confronted with her leveled arbalest and the obvious fact that; while her gear was much the worse for wear; she herself was unscathed; they hastily saluted。
〃I killed tonight's intruder;〃 she said; 〃and a homegrown enemy as well。 What do you know of our situation? Is anyone else dead?〃
〃No; Mistress;〃 said a priestess。 The lowered visor of her spider…crested helmet pletely concealed her features; but from her voice; Quenthel recognized Quave; one of the senior instructors。 〃Most of those who ate and drank the tainted meal are waking。 I think the poisoner only wanted to render us unconscious; not kill us。〃
〃Apparently;〃 said Quenthel; 〃she was willing to let the demon adminnotister the coup de grace to me。 What of those who encountered the entity before I did?〃
Quave hesitated; then said; 〃When they tried to hinder it; it hurt them; but not to the point of death。 They should recover as well。〃
〃Good;〃 Quenthel said; though she took no joy in knowing she was the unknown enemy's sole target。
〃What are your orders; Mistress?〃 asked Quave。
〃We'll have to sort out the living from the dead; and deal with each acnotcordingly。 We'll also look for the place where the demon got in; and seal it。〃
These were tasks that would doubtless keep her occupied for the rest of the night; but she knew she had to find a way to stop the intrusions; and pull the fangs of another crisis as well。
It would all for make an arduous day's labor; with the oute uncernottain enough to depress even a high priestess。 Still; 
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