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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第82章

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The undercreatures howled; and for a moment; until he pushed the feelings away; Ryld felt his magically induced disgust blaze up into savage bloodlust。
〃We can be avenged! Repay every injury a thousand fold! Cast down the drow to be our slaves! We'll wrap ourselves in silks and cloth…of…gold and make them run naked; feast on succulent viands and feed them garbage! We'll sack Menzoberranzan; and afterward those of us who wish it will return to our own peoples laden with treasure; while the rest of us rule the cavern as our own!〃
Not likely; thought Ryld。 He turned to say as much to Pharaun; then blinked in surprise。 The wizard looked as if he was taking this diatribe senotriously。
〃They're just venting their resentment in the form of a fantasy;〃 the warnotrior whispered。 〃They'd never dare; and we'd crush them in a matter of minutes if they did。〃
〃So one would assume;〃 Pharaun replied。 〃e on; I want a closer look。〃
They started working their way forward through the agitated throng。 Some of their fellow spectators plainly resented their shoving。 Ryld had to toss one hobgoblin down onto the floor of the sunken arena; but no one seemed to think it odd that they wanted to get closer to the charismatic leader。 Others were doing the same。
The Prophet continued his oration。
〃I thank you for your work and your patience; which soon will reap their reward。 Word of our revolt has reached every street and alley。 We have warriors everywhere; and each understands what he is to do when he hears the Call。 Meanwhile; the drow suspect nothing。 Their arrogance makes them placent。 They won't suspect until it's too late; until the Call es and we rise as one…until we burn them。〃
Ryld and Pharaun had forced their way close enough to see the Prophet pick up a sandstone rod and anoint the end with an oil from a ceramic bottle。 The rod burst into yellow; crackling flame as if it were made of dry wood; that exotic bustible product of the World Above。 The master of Melee…Magthere squinted at the sudden flare of light。
〃Eyes of the Goddess!〃 Pharaun exclaimed。
〃It's a neat trick;〃 Ryld said; 〃but surely nothing special by your stannotdards。〃
〃Not the fire; those two bugbears standing behind the Prophet。〃
〃His bodyguards; I imagine。 What of them?〃
〃They're Tluth Melarn and one Alton the cobbler; two of our runaways。 They're wearing veils of illusion; too; but of a simpler nature。 I can see past theirs。〃
〃Are you serious? What are drow; even rogues; doing aiding the instiganottor of a slave revolt?〃
〃Perhaps we'll find out when we tail the Prophet and his entourage away from here。〃
〃I taught you how to use the fire pots;〃 the orator continued; 〃and my friends and I have brought plenty of them。〃 He gestured toward several
hovering floatchests。 〃Take them and hide them until the day of reckoning。
The bright notes of a brazen glaur horn blared through the air。 For a moment; confused; Ryld thought 〃the Call〃…whatever that was…had arnotrived; then a thrill of panic; or at least the memory of it; reminded him what the trumpet truly portended。 Judging by the goblins' babbling and frantic peering about; they knew; too。
〃What is it?〃 Pharaun asked。
〃You're nobly born;〃 said Ryld; hearing a trace of an old bitterness in his voice。 〃Didn't you ever go hunting through the Braeryn; slaying every wretch you could catch?〃
The wizard smiled and said; 〃Now that you mention it; but it's been a long time。 It occurs to me that this is probably Greyanna's doing。 Not a bad tactic; really; even though it involves a lot of waste motion。 Once I shielded us our hunters couldn't pinpoint our location; but they knew our mission would bring us to the Braeryn so they organized a hunt for a party of nobles。 The idea is that all the turmoil is likely to flush us out and send us scrambling frantically through the streets; at which point they'll have a better chance of spotting us。〃
〃What's more;〃 said Ryld; making sure his swords were loose in their scabbards; 〃your sister gives us the choice of retaining our veils of illusion and being harried by our own kind; or casting them off and facing the wrath of th
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