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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第78章

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 strange and subtly unreal; and her subordinates' nerves visibly frayed with the waiting。 She called a halt to let the underlings rest and collect themselves。 They stopped in a small chapel with the images of skulls; daggers; and spinotders worked in bas…relief on the walls and the bones of long…dead priestnotesses interred beneath the floor。 Rumor whispered that a cleric had cut her own throat in this sanctuary and her ghost sometimes haunted it; but the Baenre had never seen the apparition; and it wasn't in evidence then。
The priestesses and novices settled on the pews。 For a while; no one spoke。
Eventually Jyslin; a second…year student with a heart…shaped face and silver studs in her earlobes; said; 〃Perhaps nothing will happen。〃
Quenthel stared coldly at the novice。 Like the rest of the party; the younger female cut a warlike figure with her mace; mail; and shield; but her dread showed in her troubled maroon eyes and shiny; sweaty brow。 
〃We will face another demon tonight;〃 Quenthel said。 〃I feel it; so it's pointless to hope otherwise。 Instead I suggest you concentrate on staying alert and remembering what you've learned。〃
Jyslin lowered her eyes and whispered; 〃Yes; Mistress。〃
〃Wishful thinking is for cowards;〃 Quenthel said; 〃and if you fools are lapsing into it; we've lingered here too long。 Up with you。〃
Reluctantly; someone's links of supple black mail chiming ever so faintly; Quenthel's minions rose。 She led them onward。
In light of the two previous intrusions and the obvious uselessness of the wards the mages of Sorcere had created; Quenthel had placed Arach…Tinilith on alert and organized her staff and students into squads of eight。 Most of the units would stand watch at set locations; but several would patrol the entire building。 The Baenre princess had opted to lead one of the latter。
She'd also decided to throw open the storerooms and armories and disnotpense all the potent enchanted tools and weapons still deposited there。 Even the first…year students bore enchanted arms and talismans worthy of a high priestess。
Not that the gear had done much to bolster Jyslin's morale; nor that of many another novice。 Had Quenthel not been suffering her own carefully masked anxieties; their glumness might have amused her。 The girls had seen demons throughout their childhoods。 They'd even achieved a certain intimacy with them in Arach…Tinilith; but this was the first time such ennottities had posed a threat to them; and they'd realized they hadn't truly known the ferocious beings at all。
No doubt some of the females had also been perceptive enough to recnotognize that they themselves had been in paratively little danger until Quenthel mustered them in what was more or less her personal defense。 If so; their resentment; like their uneasiness; was irrelevant。 They were her underlings; and it was their duty to serve her。
〃It's the wrath of Lolth herself;〃 whispered Minolin Fey…Branche; a fifth…year student who wore her hair in three long braids。 Obviously; she didn't intend for her voice to carry to the front of the procession。 〃First she strips us of our magic; then sends her fiends to kill us。〃
Quenthel whirled。 Sensing her anger; her whip vipers rose; weaving and hissing。
〃Shut up!〃 she snapped。 〃The Spider Queen may be testing us; eliminotnating the unfit; but she has not condemned her entire temple。 She would not。〃
Minolin lowered her eyes。 〃Yes; Mistress;〃 she said tonelessly。
Quenthel noticed that no one else looked reassured; either。
〃You disgust me;〃 the Baenre said。 〃All of you。〃
〃We apologize; Mistress;〃 said Jyslin。
〃I remember my training;〃 Quenthel said。 〃If a novice showed a hint of cowardice or disobedience; my sister Triel would make her fast for a tenday; and eat rancid filth for another after that。 I should do the same; but unfortunately; with Arach…Tinilith under siege; I need my people strong。 So all right; though it should shame you take it; you can have annotother rest。 You'll fill your bellies; and it had better stiffen your spines。 Othnoterwise; we'll see how many of you I have to flog before the rest cease their cringing and w
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