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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第73章

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〃Good afternoon; my lady;〃 the wizard said; bowing。 〃It shames me beyond measure to ignore your request。 Yet should this gentleman and I pass through your door a second time; the bugbears and their ilk will rush in; and that; I think; is the very eventuality you sought to forestall。〃
〃Who are you? You don't talk like an ore。〃
〃My lady is a marvel of perspicacity。 We are in fact drow lords e to consult you on a matter of some importance。〃
〃Why are you disguised?〃
〃The usual reason: To confound our enemies。 May we approach? It's tenotdious trying to converse across the length of the room。〃
Smylla hesitated; then said; 〃e。〃
Pharaun and Ryld started forward。 Behind them; the bugbears were cursing; shouting threats and questions; and pounding on the far side of the door。
After four paces; the wizard's stomach turned at yet another stench; this one humid and gangrenous。 He'd half expected something of the sort; but that didn't make it any easier to bear。 Even the phlegmatic Ryld looked disnotfited for an instant。
〃Close enough;〃 Smylla said; and Pharaun supposed it was。
He had no desire to e any nearer to that wasted form with its boils and pustules; even though the enchantments bound into his mantle and Ryld's cloak and dwarven armor would probably protect them from infection。
〃Can you help us?〃 asked Ryld。
The sick woman leered。 〃Will you pay me with the magnificent great…sword you wear across your back?〃
Pharaun was somewhat impressed。 The illusion of pig…faced orcishness shrouding his friend made Splitter look like a battle…axe; but Smylla's rheumy; sunken eyes had pierced that aspect of the deception。
When he recovered from his surprise; Ryld shook his head。 〃No; I won't give you the sword。 I worked too hard to get it; and I need it to stay alive; but if you want I can use it to clear away the goblinoids outside。 My notrade and I are also carrying a fair amount of gold。〃
Her dry white hair spread about her head; Smylla lay propped against a mound of stained; musty pillows。 She struggled to hitch herself up straighter; then abandoned the effort。 Apparently it was beyond her strength。
〃Gold?〃 she said。 〃Do you know who I am; swordsman? Do you know my history?〃
〃I do;〃 Pharaun said。 〃The gist of it; anyway。 It happened after I more or less withdrew from participation in the affairs of the great Houses。〃
〃What do you know?〃 she asked。
〃An expedition from House Faen Tlabbar;〃 the wizard replied; 〃vennottured up into the Lands of Light to hunt and plunder。 When they renotturned; a lovely human sorceress and clairvoyant acpanied them; not as a newly captured slave but as their guest。
〃Why did you want to e? Perhaps you were fleeing some implacable enemy; or were fascinated by the grace and sophistication of my people and the idea of living in the exotic Underdark。 My hunch is that you wanted to learn drow magic; but it's pure speculation。 No outsider ever knew。
〃For that matter; why did the Faen Tlabbar oblige you? That's an even greater mystery。 Conceivably someone harbored amorous feelings for you; or you; too; had secrets to teach。〃
〃I had a way of persuading them;〃 Smylla said。
〃Obviously。 Once you reached Menzoberranzan; you made yourself useful to House Faen Tlabbar as countless minions from the lesser races had done before you。 The difference being that you were accorded a cernottain status; even a degree of familiarity。 Matron Ghenni let you dine with the family and attend social functions; where you reportedly acquitted yourself with a drowlike poise and charm。〃
〃I was their pet;〃 said Smylla; sneering at the memory; 〃a dog dressed in a gown and trained to dance on its hind legs。 I just didn't know it at the time。〃
〃I'm sure many saw you that way。 Perhaps some saw something else。 From all accounts; Matron Ghenni behaved as if she regarded you as a ward; just one notch down from a daughter; and with the mistress of the Fourth House indulging you; few would dare challenge your right to notport yourself like a Menzoberranyr noble。 Indeed; no one did; until she turned against you。〃
〃Until I fell ill;〃 said the sorceress。
〃Quite。 Was it a natural d
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