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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第68章

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ay for some time in the ghoul's fetid embrace。 Evennottually; however; she mustered the trembling strength to pull free of the claws embedded in her bleeding limbs; after which she crawled a few feet away from the winged corpse。
Gradually; despite the sting of her punctures and bruises; she started to feel a little better。 Physically; anyway。 Inside her mind; she was berating herself for an oute that wasn't really a victory at all。
Given that she needed to learn what Umrae knew; not kill her; she'd bungled their encounter from the beginning。 She supposed she should have agreed to the traitor's terms; but she'd been too angry and too proud。 She should also have spotted the vial and fought more skillfully。 If not for luck; it would be she and not her erstwhile scribe lying dead on the stone。
She wondered if her sojourn in Menzoberranzan had diminished her。 Back in Ched Nasad; she had enemies in… and outside House Zauvirr to keep her strong and sharp; but in the City of Spiders none had wished her ill。 Had she forgotten the habits that protected her for her first two hundred years of life? If so; she knew she'd better remember them quickly。
The enemy hadn't finished with her。 She wasn't so dull and rusty that she didn't recall how these covert wars unfolded。 It was like a sava game; progressing a step at a time; gradually escalating in ferocity。 Her unknown adversary's first move; though she hadn't known it at the time; had been to turn Umrae and lie to Triel。 Faeryl's countermove was to capture the spy and remove her from the board。 As soon as Umrae missed some prenotarranged rendezvous; the foe would know her pawn had been taken and advance another piece。 Perhaps it would be the mother。 Perhaps the foe would suggest to Matron Baenre that the time had e to throw Faeryl in a dungeon。
But life wasn't really a sava game。 Faeryl could cheat and make two moves in a row; which in this instance meant truly fleeing Menzoberranzan as soon as possible; before the enemy learned of her agent's demise。
Light…headed and sour…mouthed from her exertions; Faeryl dragged herself to her feet; trudged in search of Mother's Kiss; and wondered just how she would acplish that little miracle。

C h a p t e r

Cloaked in the semblance of a squat; leathery…skinned ore; whose twisted leg manifestly made him unfit for service in a noble or even merchant House; Pharaun took an experimental bite of his sausage and roll。 The unidentifiable ground meat inside the casing tasted rank and was gristly; as well as cold at the core。
〃By the Demonweb!〃 he exclaimed。
〃What?〃 Ryld replied。
The weapons master too appeared to be a scurvy; broken…down ore in grubby rags。 Unbelievably; he was devouring his vile repast without any overt show of repugnance。
〃What?〃 The Master of Sorcere brandished his sausage。 〃This travesty。 This abomination。〃
He headed for the culprit's kiosk; a sad little construction of bone poles and sheets of hide; taking care not to walk too quickly。 His veil of illusion would make it look as if he were limping; but it wouldn't conceal the anomnotaly of a lame ore covering ground as quickly as one with two good legs。 
The long…armed; flat…faced goblin proprietor produced a cudgel from beneath the counter。 Perhaps he was used to plaints。
Pharaun raised a hand and said; 〃I mean no harm。 In fact; I want to help。〃
The goblin's eyes narrowed。 〃Help?〃
〃Yes。 I'll even pay another penny for the privilege。〃 he said as he exnottracted a copper coin from his purse。 〃I just want to show you something。〃
The cook hesitated; then held out a dirty…nailed hand and said; 〃Give。 No tricks。〃
〃No tricks。〃
Pharaun surrendered the coins and to the goblin's surprise; squirmed around the end of the counter and crowded into the miniature kitchen。 He wrapped his hand in a fold of his cloak; slid the hot iron grill with its load of meat from its brackets; and set it aside。
〃First;〃 Pharaun said; 〃you spread the coals evenly at the bottom of the brazier。〃 He picked up a poker and demonstrated。 〃Next; though we don't have time to start from scratch right now; you 
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