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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第62章

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red the source of the sound in the plaza below。
Bare to the waist; rapiers in one hand and parrying daggers in the other; two males circled one another。 They stood straight and stepped lightly in the manner of well…trained fencers。 Their discarded piwafwi s; mail; and shirts lay where they'd tossed them on the ground along with a pair of empty wineskins。 A third male looked on from beneath an overhanging balcony some distance away; where the batants quite possibly hadn't noticed him。
Faeryl sighed。 This little tableau was mildly intriguing; but it clearly had nothing to do with her own situation。
After her frustrating interview with Matron Mother Baenre; she'd realnotized she had an opponent。 Someone who'd traduced her; possibly to keep her from departing Menzoberranzan; though she couldn't imagine why。 From that inference; it was a small step to the suspicion that the enemy had an agent inside her household。 It was what any intelligent foe would try to arrange; and it arguably explained how Faeryl's intention to go home had been discerned and countered with a word in Triel's ear。
Seething with the need to outwit those who had made a fool of her; Faeryl devised a ruse to unmask the spy。 She surprised her retainers with the order to pack。 They were slipping out of Menzoberranzan that very night。 She thought her loyal vassals would obey; but the traitor would try to sneak away to report the household's imminent flight。 Crouched on the roof; Faeryl would spot her when she did。
That was the plan; anyway。 The ambassador could think of several reanotsons why it might fail。 The residence had means of egress on all four sides; but she couldn't survey all four at once; not unless she floated well above the roof; and that option presented problems of its own。 Most dark elf boots possessed a virtue of silence; and their mantles; one of obnotscuration。 The traitor might even have some more potent means of esnotcaping notice; such as a talisman of invisibility。 Were she any higher above the ground; Faeryl might have no hope at all of detecting the spy's surreptitious exit。
Of course; the traitor might also have a means of municating with her confederates via clairaudience; or a charm of instantaneous transit; in which case the envoy's scheme was doomed no matter what。 She'd cling to the roof until someone in authority; a pany of Baenre guards; perhaps; showed up to take her and her entourage into custody; but she'd had to try something。
She crawled on。 Below and behind her; one of the duelists groaned as his foe's blade plunged through his torso。 Magic flickered and sizzled; and the victor dropped as well。 The wizard who'd been watching from a disnottance strolled forward to inspect the steaming corpses。
Faeryl wondered if the three had been siblings; and the wizard was the clever one。 She'd had a brother like that once; until an even trickier male turned him to dust and absconded with his wands and grimoires。 A minor setback for her House; but interesting to watch。
Overhead; something snapped。 She glanced up。 Four or five riders on wyvern…back were winging their way east。 Above them; projecting from the cavern ceiling; the stalactite castles shone with their own enchantnotments; a far lovelier sight; in her opinion; than the miniscule monochronotmatic stars that speckled the night sky of the so…called Lands of Light。
Then; so faintly that she wondered if she'd imagined it; something brushed against something else。 The sound had issued from the southwest。
Faeryl scurried over to that part of the roof and peered down。 At first glance; nothing appeared changed since the last time she'd checked that way。 Perhaps her nerves were playing tricks on her; but she kept on looknoting anyway。
Octagonal steel grilles protected the round windows cut in the wall below her; but if a drow knew the trick; she could unlatch one and swing it aside for an entrance or exit via levitation。 Apparently; someone had; for after a few more moments; Faeryl noticed that one of the web…pattern shields hung ever so slightly ajar。 With that sign to guide her; she spotted the shrouded figure skulking to
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