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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第49章

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dle Melee…Magthere。〃
On further inspection; Pharaun observed that the subordinate priestess had readied a scroll as well。 That struck him as vaguely odd; but he supnotposed this was hardly the time to ponder the possible significance。
The warriors were approaching steadily but warily; and not merely; he suspected; because of the hovering rapier。 Greyanna could neutralize the weapon; but they feared that Pharaun would work some terrible magic that only required speech; not gestures or a focal object。 He was sorry to disappoint them。 He did have one or two such spells in his memory but none that could annihilate all five of these unpleasant folk at a single stroke; and he knew that once he conjured some devastating attack; they would abandon any intention of taking him alive for a demise by torture。 They would strike back as fast and murderously as possible; and immonotbilized in the mesh; he would have little hope of defending against their efforts。
〃Actually; you ought to think twice about harming either of us;〃 he said; hoping that further conversation would slow the fighters' advance; even if only for a second。
Greyanna chuckled。 〃Be assured; I've thought of it a thousand thousand times。〃
〃The archmage won't like it。〃
〃I'm acting on behalf of the Council。 I doubt he'll deem it politic to retaliate 。 。 。 any more than Melee…Magthere will。〃
〃Well; Gromph won't sign his name to your cadaver; but someday 。。。〃
Pharaun's fingers finally jerked into the pocket and closed around a small but sturdy leather glove。 With the net still tightening every second; it was just as hard to withdraw the article as it had been to reach it。 He exnotperimented to see if he could possibly fumble it through the proper mysnottical pass。
Such a cramped; tiny motion was neither easy nor natural for him。 He was accustomed to conjure with a certain flair; making sweeping; dramatic gestures。 Yet he had on occasion practiced making the signs as small as posnotsible。 It was good for his control and had a few times allowed him to cast a spell without an adversary realizing what he was about。 So he had some hope of properly manipulating the glove。 If only the web wasn't so con…strictive or his hand so dead and awkward。
〃Excuse me;〃 Greyanna said; then suspended the conversation to read from her scroll。
It was of course divine magic; not arcane; and Pharaun didn't recognize all the words。 The effect; however; was unmistakable。 The rapier jerked and fell to the ground with a clank。 The masked wizard stepped forward and scooped it up。 Pharaun was content at least with the fact that the rapier's peculiar enchantment would make it impossible for Greyanna's henchman to turn the weapon on him…at least not for an hour or so。
Pharaun recognized the mage; whose high; wide forehead and small; pointed chin were unmistakable。 Pharaun had always thought they made the other mage's head look like an egg。 He was Relonor Vrinn; an able wizard and longtime Mizzrym retainer。 He was still wearing his silk sash with the spell foci tucked inside and an eight…pointed gold brooch securnoting it。
Scimitars in hand; the warriors approached the net。 Judging from their smiles; they'd decided there was nothing to fear and were looking forward to beating the two prisoners unconscious。
Pharaun was not yet satisfied with his employment of the glove; but he was rather clearly out of time。 He would just have to try the pass and see if it worked。 He shifted the focus one more time; meanwhile reciting an incantation under his breath。
A giant hand; radiant and translucent; appeared beneath the net。 The instantaneous addition of another object lodged inside jerked the mesh even tighter。 Pharaun knew the jolt was ing; but he cried out anyway。
The pain only intensified when; responding to the wizard's unspoken mand; the hand hurtled twenty…five feet into the air; carrying the net and its prisoners along。 For a moment; Pharaun feared he would black out; but the pressure eased。 As he'd hoped; and despite the best sliding; bunchnoting efforts of the web of ropes; his own weight was dragging him free。 He shoved and thrashed to spee
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