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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第44章

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〃We apologize for the intrusion;〃 Pharaun said。
The weapons master glowered at him。 〃Why are we running?〃
〃That pillar of fire was divine magic; not arcane。〃 Pharaun lifted his hand; displaying the silver Sorcere ring and reminding his friend of its power to identify; not just protect him from; magic。 〃It's priestesses atnottacking us。 Killing them would call attention to us; make the Council even more eager to put a stop to our inquiry。 It might even make them want to kill us irrespective of how our mission turns out or of what Gromph decides。〃
Pharaun grinned and added; 〃I know I promised you glorious mayhem; but that will have to wait。〃
Ryld replied; 〃It's a difficult thing to sneak away from foes who hold the high ground。〃
〃I'm an inexhaustible font of tricks; haven't you noticed?〃 Pharaun beamed at the assembled paupers and said; 〃How would you all like to assist two masters of the Academy engaged in a mission of vital impornottance? I assure you; Archmage Baenre himself will wax giddy with gratinottude when I inform him of your aid。〃
His audience stared back at him; fear in their eyes。 One of the female moners produced a bone…handled; granite…headed mallet and threw it。 Ryld caught it and hurled it back。 The makeshift weapon thudded into the center of the laborer's forehead; and she collapsed。
〃Would anyone else care to express a reservation of any sort?〃 Pharaun asked。 He waited a beat。 〃Splendid; then just stand still。 I assure you; this won't hurt。〃
The Master of Sorcere pulled a wisp of fleece from a pocket and recited an incantation。 With a soft hissing; a wave of magical force shimmered through the room。 When it touched the paupers; they changed; each into a facsimile of Ryld or Pharaun himself。 Only a single child remained unnotaffected。
〃Excellent;〃 said Pharaun。 〃Now all you have to do is go outside; at which point; I remend you scatter。 With luck; many; if not all of you; will survive。〃
〃No!〃 cried one of Ryld's doubles in a high; agitated voice。 〃You can't make us…〃
〃But we can;〃 said Pharaun。 〃I can fill the house with a poisonous vapor; my friend can start chopping you to pieces。 。。。 So please; be sennotsible; go now。 If the enemy breaks in here; your chances will be signifinotcantly worse。〃
They looked sullenly back at him。 He smiled and shrugged; and Ryld hefted Splitter。 The moners began to scurry toward the door。
The two masters fell in at the back of the crowd; prepared to chivvy folk along as necessary。
〃Shadows of the Pit;〃 murmured Pharaun; 〃I wasn't at all sure they would actually do it。 I am a persuasive devil; aren't I? It must be my honest face。〃
〃Decoys aren't a bad idea;〃 said Ryld; 〃but now that I think of it; why not just turn us invisible?〃
Pharaun snorted。 〃Do I tell you which end of the sword to grip? Invisnotibility's too mon a trick。 I'm sure our foes are prepared to counter it。 Whereas the illusion may work。 It's one of my personal; private spells; and we Mizzrym are famously deft with phantasm。 Now; when we get outnotside; don't lose track of me。 You don't want to go skipping off with the wrong Pharaun。〃
Most of the moners had vacated the house。 Pharaun drew a deep breath; steadying himself; and he and Ryld plunged out into the open。
The moners were scattering as directed。 As far as Pharaun could tell; no one had attacked any of them。 Perhaps; as he'd hoped; the enemy was entirely flummoxed。
The masters; fleeing like the rest; turned one corner and another。 Phanotraun was beginning to feel the smugness that es from outwitting an adversary when something rattled and rustled above his head。 He looked up in time for it to slam him in the face and knock him down。 Dropped from a fair height; the thick; coarse strands of rope prising the net struck with the force of a club。
Also trapped; Ryld cursed; the language vulgar enough to make the Braeryn proud。
Pharaun needed a second to shake off the shock of the impact; and he realized his current situation was even more unfortunate than he'd initially thought。 The net; woven in a spider web pattern; was animate。 Scraping his skin; striving to render him pletely immobil
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