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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第40章

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eone's tailing us。 No one is。〃
〃What a pity。 I was hoping that if we asked enough questions in diverse male gatherings; some more friends of the runaways would try to murder us; or at least seek to learn what we're about。 Perhaps the rogues are too canny for that。〃
〃What do we do now?〃
〃Visit the next vile tavern; I suppose。〃
They started walking; and Pharaun continued; 〃Say; did I ever tell you how; two days into my first mission to the World Above; I wound up having to tail a human mage while the sun was blazing in the sky? I was blind with the glare; my eyes…〃
〃Enough;〃 Ryld said。 〃You've told this a thousand times。〃
〃Well; it's a good story。 I know you'll enjoy hearing it again。 There I was; blind with the glare 。。。〃
As the two masters strolled on; they passed a doorway sealed with a curnottain of spider web。 Forbidden by sacred law to disturb the silken trap until such time as its builder ceased to occupy it; the luckless occupant of the house had placed a box beneath his front window to serve as a makeshift step。
Across the way; a ragged half…breed child; part dark elf; part human by the look of her; brushed past a drunken laborer; then quickened her pace a trifle。 Ryld hadn't actually seen her lift the tosspot's purse; but he was fairly certain she had。
Pharaun came to a sudden halt。 〃Look at this;〃 he said。
Ryld turned; the long; fortable weight of Splitter shifting ever so slightly across his back。 On a wall at the mouth of an alley; someone had clumsily daubed a rudimentary picture of a clawed hand surrounded by flames。 Though it was small and smeared in paint that barely contrasted with the stone behind it; Ryld was slightly chagrined that Pharaun had nonotticed it and he hadn't; but he supposed wizards had a nose for glyphs。
〃Do you know what this is?〃 asked Pharaun。
〃An emblem of the Skortchclaw horde; one of the larger tribes of ores。 I've been to the Realms that See the Sun a time or two myself; remember?〃
〃Good; I'm glad you confirm my identification。 Now; what is it doing here?〃
Ryld took a reflexive glance around; searching for potential threats; and said; 〃I assume some orc painted it。〃
〃That would be my supposition; too; but have you ever known a thrall to do such a thing?〃
〃Of course not。 What slave would dare deface the city; knowing that each and every drow takes pride in its perfection?〃
〃A crazy one。 We've all seen them go mad under the lash。〃
〃Whereupon they attack their handlers。 They don't creep about scrawlnoting on walls。 I'd like to questions the people in these houses on either side。 Perhaps someone can shed some light on this occurrence。〃
〃You get curious about the strangest things;〃 Ryld said; shaking his head。 〃Sometimes I think you're a little mad yourself。〃
〃Genius is so often misperceived。〃
〃Look; I know this puzzle is going to nag at you; but we're right in the middle of trying to find the runaways and so save your life。 Let's stick to that。〃
The tall; thin wizard smiled and said; 〃Yes; of course。〃
They walked on。
〃But eventually;〃 Pharaun said after a moment; 〃when we've located the rogues and covered ourselves in glory…or at least convinced Gromph to let me continue breathing…I am going to inquire into this。〃
They traveled another block; then a column of roaring yellow fire fell from the sky; engulfing Pharaun's body。 Wings beat the air; and an arrow streaked at Ryld。 

The netherspirit couldn't see the new enchantments surrounding Tier Breche; but as the uttermost attenuated projection of its substance washed over them; it could feel them。
Metaphorically speaking; the wards were not unlike a castle。 There was the motte; the steep slopes of which would slow an enemy's approach while the defenders rained missiles down on him。 Atop that loomed the thick; high walls; virtually unbreachable and un climbable。 Amid those was the renotcessed gate; defensible by spears and arrows loosed from three directions。 Within the passage itself; murder holes gaped in the ceiling to rain burnnoting oil on the invaders' heads; while beyond it rose a gatehouse with batnottlements at the top; another barrier to
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