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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第39章

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ing。 〃Don't let your males slack off。 I want the defenses plete before you leave to cast your spell into Narbondel。〃
〃Consider it done。〃
Quenthel turned and walked back toward Arach…Tinilith。 The primary entrance to the imposing spider…shaped temple had bee merely an odd…looking hole。 The artisans hadn't yet finished repairing the crumpled adamantine leaves of the gate。 Gromph smiled to think how that must annoy his sister。 Knowing her as he did; he was fairly certain the unfortunotnate metalworkers had already felt the weight of her displeasure。
Well; perhaps they wouldn't have to bear it for much longer。 He finnotgered a small ornament; a black stone clasped in a silver claw dangling over his heart。
Quenthel hadn't asked about the trinket; nor had Gromph expected her to。 He always wore his amulet of eternal youth and the brooch that helped him imbue Narbondel with radiant warmth。 Beyond those two staples; he tended to adorn the Robes of the Archmage with a constantly changing array of charms and talismans; depending on his whim and the particular magical tasks he expected to perform that day。 His sister had had no reason to suspect that this particular trinket was of any particular significance; certainly not to herself。
If she had noticed it at all; she probably assumed the stone was onyx; ebony; or jet。 In actuality; it was polished ivory cut from a unicorn's horn after Gromph slew the magical equine…sacred to the despicable elves of the World Above…in a necromantic rite。 The orb was only black because of the entity he had placed inside it only two hours before。
〃That was her;〃 he murmured; too softly for any of the spell casters bustling about him to overhear。 〃Did you take her scent?〃
Yes; the demon answered; its silent voice like a nail scratching the inside of Gromph's head。 Though it was unnecessary。 I may not possess the power of sight; but that has never hindered me as I sought my prey。
〃I was just making sure。 Now; can you succeed where Beradax failed?〃
Of course。 No one of your world has ever escaped me。 Afterward; I will feast on Quenthel's soul; one tiny morsel at a time。
Most likely the netherspirit would do exactly that; and if it failed; Gromph had six more waiting in line to pick up where it left off。 Perhaps it wouldn't even e to that。 He had; after all; manipulated events in such a way as to inspire more mundane assassins。
A third…year student came scurrying up with a stubby chalcedony wand in his hand。 Recalled to more immediate concerns; Gromph sighed and prepared to teach the youth how the device worked。

Pretending to take an interest in an itinerant vendor's rack of cheaply forged and poorly balanced daggers; Ryld turned and surreptitiously surnotveyed the intersection。
A fellow with what the weapons master suspected were self…inflicted sores on his legs chanted for alms and shook a ceramic bowl。 Since it was a rare if not demented dark elf who ever felt the tug of pity; the beggar sat near the entrance to a shabby boarding house catering to non…drow。
A female hurried by with a hooked and pointed pole…virtually a pike; when one really looked at it…on her shoulder and a giant weasel on a leash。 She was plainly an exterminator headed out to rid a household of some substantial infestation。
A snarling noble from House Hunzrin drew his rapier and lashed a moner with the flat; evidently because the latter had been a trifle slow stepping out of his way。 The Hunzrins were notorious for their virulent arnotrogance。 Perhaps it stemmed from the fact that they controlled the greater part of Menzoberranzan's agriculture。 Or maybe they were pensating for the fact that; for all their wealth; they were stuck living in 〃mere East。〃
Any number of other rather drab and hungry…looking souls rushed on about their business。
〃Reliving childhood memories?〃 the wizard asked。
〃You forget;〃 Ryld replied; 〃I was born in the Braeryn。 I had to work my way up to get to Eastmyr。〃
〃I daresay you took one look around; then kept right on climbing。〃
〃You're right。 Just now; I was checking to see if someone's tailing us。 No one is。〃
〃What a pity。 I wa
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