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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第37章

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y's representative in Menzoberranzan; the task is my responsibility。〃
〃No one has charged you with it。〃
〃Then I take it upon myself。 Yet I'm reluctant to venture across the Underdark with merely my own little entourage for protection。 Traders guard their caravans very well。 Anything that could destroy all those mernotchant trains would likely put a quick end to me; too; in which case; Matron Mother; the priestesses of Menzoberranzan would know no more about the new menace beyond their borders than they do now。 Accordnotingly; I ask you to provide me with a sizable escort。 I'll march it to Ched Nasad and back again and see what befalls me along the way。〃
〃You have an enterprising nature;〃 said Triel 〃It does you credit。 Alas; Menzoberranzan can't spare any troops。 Not at this time。 Our forces are engaged in training exercises。〃
Faeryl fancied she knew the real reason the Baenre was at present relucnottant to divest herself of any portion of her military strength。 Her caution made perfect sense on its own terms; but surely it must yield to the gravnotity of the envoy's concerns!
〃Matron Mother; if trade with Ched Nasad does not resume; the people of Menzoberranzan will find themselves bereft of countless amenities。 Some of your craftsmen will lack the raw materials they need for their work。 Your own merchant clans will endeavor to send caravans to my city; and those expeditions will probably not return。〃
〃I imagine some clever male will import the same goods via a different route if he can reap a profit thereby。〃
Faeryl was beginning to feel as if she were mired in some lunatic dream。
〃Matron; you can't be serious。 Ched Nasad is the single greatest source of wealth your people possess。〃
Demons of the Web; it was in fact half again as populous as Menzoberranzan itself。 The two realms had long been equals; and it was only a notparatively recent happenstance that had reduced the once independent City of Shimmering Webs to vassalage。
Triel spread her dainty; obsidian hands in a gesture of helpless resignanottion and said; 〃Wealth that is as much ours when stored in our trading costers in Ched Nasad as in our own vaults here。〃
Faeryl didn't know what else to say。 No argument; however cogent; seemed capable of piercing Triel's shield of bland; almost mocking placency。
〃Very well;〃 the ambassador said through gritted teeth; struggling to keep a grip on her temper。 〃If I must; I'll manage without your help。 It will exhaust my purse; but perhaps I can hire some of the sell swords of Bregan D'aerthe。〃
Triel smiled。 〃No; my dear; that won't be necessary。〃
〃I don't understand。〃
〃I cannot give you leave to depart so precipitously。 Who then would speak on behalf of your people? Even more importantly; I believe you may be right。 Some new peril may be lurking in the Underdark and massacring drow left and right。 I don't want it to kill you as well。 I hold you in too high an esteem; and I certainly wouldn't want the other nobles of Ched Nasad to think that I blithely sent you to your doom。 They might infer that I have little regard for even the most exalted officers of your splendid city; when of course; nothing could be farther from the truth。〃
〃You honor me。 Yet considering what's at stake…〃
〃Nothing is more important than your safety。 Anything could happen if you attempt to traverse the tunnels at this unsettled time。 You might not even make it out of Bauthwaf。 Why; one of Menzoberranzan's own patrols; weary from too much duty; imagining a dwarf crouched behind every stalagmite; might mistake your band for a hostile force and loose a volley of poison darts at you。 You might die an agonizing death at the hands of your own friends; in which case I would never forgive myself。〃
A chill crept up Faeryl's spine; because she understood what Triel had really said。 The matron mother had just forbidden her to leave the city; on pain of death。
But why? What accounted for Matron Baenre's sudden hostility? Faeryl had no idea until she happened to glance up at the draegloth's face。 Somenothow the half…fiend's leer suggested an explanation。
Triel had decided Faeryl was less diploma
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