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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第30章

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d that anyone had managed to eavesdrop on his conversations while the longhorn was shrilling away。
The other male scowled and asked; 〃Why?〃
〃Just making conversation。 Do you know something about the rogues?〃
〃No; but I know that in the Jewel Box we don't like it when people are too curious。 We don't like them hunting runaways。 We don't like them lisnottening to every private thing we say and reporting back to the Mothers。〃
〃I'm not a spy。〃
Maybe he was; but he had no intention of confessing it to this fool。
〃Ha!〃 the swordsman scoffed。 〃If you were; you wouldn't admit it。〃
〃Be that as it may; I suggest you and your friends return to your table and let this boy and I finish our game。〃
The male with the red sword swelled like an inflated bladder on the verge of bursting。 〃You're trying to dismiss me like a servant? Do you have any idea who I am?〃
〃Of course; Tathlyn Godeep。 I trained you。 Do you remember me?〃
Ryld pushed back his cowl; exposing his hitherto shadowed features。
Tathlyn and his friends goggled at their former teacher as if he had just revealed himself to be some ancient and legendary dragon。
〃I see you do。 So I'll bid you good day。〃
Tathlyn looked as if he was groping for a ment that would allow him to terminate this confrontation with his dignity intact; but the onnotlookers started to laugh。 His fear less pelling than his pride; he screwed the sneer back onto his face。
〃Yes;〃 he said; his voice raised to cut through the laughter; 〃I know you; Master Argith; but you don't know me; not the person I have bee。 Today I am the weapons master of House Godeep。〃
House Godeep was one of the petty Houses of Narbondellyn; whose frantic rivalries on the very bottom rungs of the ladder of status were almost beneath the notice of the nobles farther up。 Ryld doubted the Godeeps would rise much higher with Tathlyn leading their warriors。 During his training; the boy had learned to swing a sword with reasonable skill; but he had always demonstrated extraordinary recklessness and gennoteral poor judgment when placed in mand of a squad。
〃Congratulations;〃 said Ryld。
〃Perhaps if you'd known I would rise to such an eminence; you wouldn't have taken such delight in smashing my knuckles and beating my shoulnotder to pulp。〃
〃I didn't do it for sport。 It was to teach you to close the outside line and to stand up straight。 I tried simply telling you to make the adjustments; but you didn't heed me。
〃Now;〃 Ryld continued; 〃I've explained I have no intention of tattling to the matrons about anything I might happen to learn in this place。 Is my word good enough for you? If so; we should have no quarrel。〃
〃That's what you say。〃
〃Lad…excuse me 。 。 。 Weapons Master; pause; breathe; and reflect。 I sense you're feeling angry over your aches and bruises。 Perhaps you want to take it out on someone; but I'm not the person who administered the beating。〃
Tathlyn stood silent for an instant; then he said; 〃No; you're not; and I suppose all the punishment during training was for my own good。 No hard feelings; Weapons Master。 Enjoy your match。〃
He started to turn away; then whirled back around。 The point of the red long sword streaked at Ryld's neck。
Before the four panions had even reached the sava table; Ryld had inconspicuously centered his weight and planted his feet in a manner that would allow him to get out of his chair quickly。 He simultaneously sprang up and brushed the blade aside with a sweep of his arm; but he didn't strike it at quite the proper angle。 The wicked edge of the red sword drew a little blood。
Ryld realized that this was his first real fight in the better part of a year。 He'd intended to go out with one of the panies patrolling Bauthwaf; slaughter himself a few of the predators that were always wandering in from the caverns farther out; but somehow he had never bestirred himself to do it。
That was no problem。 He had no fear that he was rusty。 It was just that; looking back; he was surprised at his lack of motivation。
All these thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant and without slowing his reactions in the slightest。
Tathlyn jumped back ou
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