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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第169章

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h; she would have to endorse the fiction that Triel was in no way responsible for any of her misfortunes。 For after all; the sovereign of Menzoberranzan was a pernotfect being; whom the Spider Queen herself had exalted above all others。 How; then; could she possibly make a mistake? It rankled a little; but Faeryl was more than willing to embrace the lie to avoid a return to the dungeon。
〃Thank you; Matron;〃 she said。 〃Thank you with all my heart。〃 Triel waved her hand; and a servant brought wine。 〃Do you still want to go home?〃 the Baenre asked。
Pharaun had been summoned to a good many audiences in the course of his checkered career; and it had been his experience that no matter how urgent the occasion; one generally wound up parked in an antechamber for a while。 Matron Baenre's waiting area was considerably more lavish than most; and in ordinary circumstances; he would have amused himself by passing esthetic judgment on the decor。 Instead he had to address annotother matter; for when he arrived; Ryld was sitting on a chair in the corner; half hidden behind a marble statue。
The carving depicted a beautiful female doing something unpleasant to a deep gnome; for the greater glory of the Dread Queen of Spiders; one assumed。
The Mizzrym hadn't spoken to his friend since the slaughter of the renenotgades。 He supposed the time had e。 But first he paid his respects to Quenthel; who; much to her annoyance; was being kept waiting as well。 The mage then bowed to a stern…faced drow male; looking ill at ease and out of place in rough outdoorsman's clothes and ugly trinkets。 Pharaun didn't know him。
〃Valas Hune;〃 the warrior said; 〃of Bregan D'aerthe。〃
Pharaun introduced himself; then strolled toward the Master of Melee…Magthere。
〃Ryld!〃 the wizard said。 〃Good afternoon! Have you any idea why the Council summoned us?〃
The burly swordsman rose and said; 〃No。〃
〃To shower us with honors; one assumes。 How are you?〃
〃I rejoice to hear it。 I was concerned because I could tell that warrior's trance strained even your constitution。〃
For a moment; the two masters regarded one another in silence。
〃My friend;〃 Pharaun said; having lowered his voice。 〃I truly regret what happened。〃
〃What you did was tactically sound;〃 said Ryld。 〃It was what any sennotsible drow would have done。 1 hold no grudge。〃
The wizard looked into weapons master's eyes and realized that for the first time; he couldn't read him。
Perhaps Ryld meant what he was saying; but it was just as likely he was lying; lulling his betrayer's suspicions to facilitate some eventual revenge。 Thus; while Pharaun might continue to observe the forms of their long friendship; he could never trust his fellow master again。
For a moment he felt a pang of loss; but he quashed the sensation。 Friendship and trust were for lesser races。 They weakened a dark elf; and he was better off without them。
Pharaun gave Ryld an affectionate clap on the shoulder; just as he had a thousand times before。
When the tall doors opened; all eight Matrons of the Council sat ennotthroned and illuminated on an eight…tiered pyramid of a dais; with Triel of course set higher than the others; and a span of radiant marble webbing arching overhead。 Quenthel stalked in proudly; ahead of Pharaun and the other males; and why not? She was Mistress of Arach…Tinilith and a Baenre。
Truth to tell; a miniscule part of her; a part she loathed and repudiated; hadn't wanted to e in; because her unknown enemy was very likely in the room
The matriarchs weren't the only folk in the vicinity of the platform。 A symbol of the goddess's favor and a source of practical protection; Jeggred loomed behind Triel's chair。 Servants scurried about the steps to do the great ladies' bidding。 Gromph stood on the highest riser; a place of ultinotmate honor for a male。
When she; the mage; the weapons master; and the mercenary reached the foot of the dais; Triel began to praise them for their efforts against the illithilich and its pawns。 At first the oration was pretty much what Quenthel had expected; but soon it took an unexpected turn。
She herself would lead an expedition 
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