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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第159章

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As it turned out; the slave rebellion was pandemic; and the trek wasn't altogether easy。 He considered going to ground in some castle or house; but when he saw the flames gnawing stone; he knew he had to get back。
Dirty; sore; and coughing; he eventually made it home; and when he rose to the top of the limestone wall; he saw something that lifted his spirnotits; albeit only a little。
Eight Masters of Sorcere stood in the open air; chanting; gesturing; atnottempting a ritual; while an equal number of apprentices looked on。 The wizards had fetched much of the proper equipment out of the tower。 That was something; Gromph supposed; but the incantation was a usenotless mess。
The Baenre reached out and hauled himself onto solid ground and his hands and knees; another irksome affront to his dignity。
He rose and shouted; 〃Enough!〃
The teachers and students twisted around to gawk at him。 The chantnoting died。
〃Archmage!〃 cried Guldor Melarn。 He was supposedly without peer in the realm of elemental magic; though it couldn't be proved by his pernotformance thus far that night。 〃We were worried about you!〃
〃I'm sure;〃 said Gromph; striding closer。 〃I noticed all the search parnotties you sent out looking for me。〃
Guldor hesitated。 〃Sir; the mistress of the Academy manded…〃
〃Shut up;〃 said Gromph。 He'd e close enough to see that the teachnoters were standing in a plex pentacle; written in red phosphorescence on the ground。 〃Pitiful。〃
He extended his index finger and wrote on the air。 The magic words and sigils reshaped themselves。
〃My lord Archmage;〃 said Master Godeep。 〃We drew this circle to exnottinguish the fires below。 If you break it…〃
〃I'm not breaking it;〃 said Gromph; 〃I'm fixing it。〃 He turned his gaze on one of the apprentices; some moner youth; and the dolt flinched。 〃Fetch me a bit of fur; an amber rod; and one of the little bronze gongs the cooks use to summon us to supper。 Runf
〃Archmage;〃 said Guldor; 〃you see we already have all the necessary foci for fire magic。〃 He gestured to a brazier of ruddy coals。 〃I'm whispering to the flames below; manding them to dwindle。〃
〃And making more smoke in the process。 That's just what we need。〃 Gromph kicked the brazier over; scattering embers across the rock。 〃Your approach isn't working; elementalist。 I should exile you to the Realms that See the Sun for a few decades; then you might figure out what it takes to extinguish a fire of this magnitude。〃
The male came sprinting back with the articles Gromph had requested。 The Baenre whispered a word of power; and the pentacle changed from red to blue。
〃Right; then;〃 he said to the wizards。 〃I assume you can tell where you're meant to stand; so do it and we'll begin。 I'll say a line; you repeat it。 Copy my passes if you're up to it。〃
For a properly schooled wizard; magic was generally easy。 He relied on an armamentarium of spells; many devised by his predecessors; a few; pernothaps; invented by himself。 In either case; they were perfected spells that he thoroughly understood。 He knew he could cast them properly; and what would happen when he did。
An extemporaneous ritual was a different matter。 Relying on their arcane knowledge and natural ability; a circle of mages tried to generate a new effect on the fly。 Often; nothing happened。 When it did; the power often turned on those who had raised it or discharged itself in some other manner contrary to their intent。 Yet occasionally such a ceremony worked; and with his station; his wealth; and his homeland at stake; Gromph was resolved to make this one of those times。
After the mages chanted for fifteen minutes; power began to whisper and sting through the air。 The archmage tapped the beater to the gong; sounding a clashing; shivering tone。 At once a vaster note answered and obscured the first; a booming; grinding; deafening roar。 Gromph's subornotdinates flinched; but the Baenre smiled in satisfaction; because the noise was thunder。
Perched high in the side cavern; the residents of Sorcere had an excelnotlent view of what transpired next。 The air at the top of the great vault; alnotready thick with smoke; grew denser s
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