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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第152章

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〃I thought I'd already demonstrated that / rule here;〃 the Baenre said。 〃Does anyone else wish to contest my orders?〃
〃If so;〃 Pharaun said; 〃she should be aware that I stand with the misnottress; and I have the power to scour the lot of you from the face of the plateau。〃
Ignoring the boastful wizard; Quenthel surveyed her minions。 It apnotpeared that no one else had anything much to say。
〃Good;〃 the Baenre said。 〃Let us rouse the tower and the pyramid。〃

C h a p t e r

T H |R E E
With Quenthel in the lead; the Academy descended from Tier Breche like a great waterfall。 Some scholars tramped after her on the staircase; while others floated down the cliff face。 A few; possessed of magic that enabled them to fly; flitted about like bats。
〃Perhaps Mistress would care to bide a moment;〃 said Pharaun。 At some point he had slipped off to his personal quarters long enough to wash his face; b his hair; and throw on a new set of handsome clothes。 He returned alone; still claiming ignorance of Gromph's whereabouts。 〃This is as good a spot as any to spy out the lay of the land。 We're below some of the smoke but still high enough for an aerial inspection。〃
Since Gromph was still either unavailable or uninterested; the Mizzrym was…with obvious relish…acting in the Archmage s stead。 It was arguably an affront to House Baenre as much as the archmage; but Quenthel had given the order anyway。 Until her brother returned or the crisis abated; she needed someone to speak for Sorcere; and she was sure it would upset Gromph in an amusing way to have this dandy taking his place for so important a task。 
She halted; and her minions came to a ragged; jostling stop behind her。 The whip vipers reared to survey the cityscape along with her。 From the corner of her eye; she saw Pharaun smile briefly as if he found the serpents' behavior ical。
〃There;〃 said Quenthel; pointing; 〃in Manyfolk。 It looks as if House Auvryndar may have finished exterminating their own slaves; but a mob keeps them penned within their walls。〃
〃I see it; Blessed Mother;〃 said Malaggar Faen Tlabbar from the step behind her。 The First Sword of Melee…Magthere was a merry…looking; round…faced boy with a fondness for green attire and emeralds。 〃With your permission; that might be a good place to start。 We'll lift the siege and add the Auvryndar to our own army。〃
〃So be it;〃 Quenthel said
The residents of the Academy reached the floor of the lower cavern; whereupon the instructors; particularly the warriors of the pyramid; set about the business of forming the scholars into squads; with swordsmen and spearman protecting the spellcasters。 Then they had to arrange the units into some semblance of a marching order。
Like every princess of a great House; Quenthel had a working knowlnotedge of military matters; and she watched the attempt to create order with a jaundiced eye。
〃I could wish for a proper army;〃 she muttered。
She hadn't meant for anyone to hear; but Pharaun nodded。
〃I understand your sentiments; Mistress; but they're all we have; and I'm sure that if we've trained them properly; we have a chance。〃 He coughed。 〃Against the thralls; anyway。〃
〃Your meaning?〃
〃The greatest danger of all is this pall of smoke。 I think Syrzan; for all its cunning; miscalculated。 If the mages we left upstairs don't extinguish the flames; we'll all suffocate; female and male; elf and ore alike; leaving the alhoon a necropolis to rule。 Still; I suppose we must concentrate on our task and not fret about the rest。〃
〃What alhoon?〃 she demanded。
He hesitated。 〃It really is a long story; Mistress; and not crucial at this moment。〃
〃I will decide what is crucial; mage;〃 she said。 〃Speak。〃
Before Pharaun could begin she saw the First Sword approaching; prenotsumably to inform her that the pany was ready to set forth。
As they started to march; she listened to the mage's tale of the undead mind flayer and its designs for Menzoberranzan。 There was more; she was sure; that he was holding back; but she could always torture it out of him later。
Along the way; the teachers and students found their way littered
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