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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第146章

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he magical ponents that corresponded to the spells he had prepared。 With every one he filched; he felt a little better; almost like a cripple regaining the use of his legs。
As he worked his way across the room; he spotted a pair of boots sitting atop a little cupboard。 They were plainly special in some way; for the maker had tooled runes into the leather。 Without his silver ring; Pharaun lacked the ability to instantly discern what virtues they possessed; but playing a hunch; he decided to take the time to try them on。
The boots squirmed; molding themselves to his feet; then quivered against his flesh like an animal eager to run。 He took an experimental step; and the magical footwear kicked off on its own; augmenting the strength of his legs and propelling him all the way across the shop in a single bound。
Not bad; he thought。 Not as good as a flying carpet; but helpful nonetheless。
He took a few more strides; getting the feel of the boots; then headed out。 Just as he exited the shop; a howling; shrieking cacophony exploded out of the air。 An instant later; a horde of undercreatures…ores; mostly; with a sprinkling of long…armed goblins…came charging out of the stands of stalls and kiosks to the east。
Blundyth's neighbors gaped in utter astonishment。 For some; the instant of consternation was fatal。 The undercreatures swarmed over them like ants harvesting the carcass of a mouse。
Some of the remaining merchants bolted。 Others shot their hand crossnotbows; or conjured flashes of magic。 One optimist sought to cow the rebels with threats; invective; and mands until a scrofulous ore; slopping the liquid out of a tin bucket; threw some of Syrzan's liquid fire on him。 The incendiary ignited flesh as easily as stone。
His great blanket of zpiwafivi flapping around him; Pharaun ran。 Each amplified stride bounced him off the ground; but thanks to the virtues of the magic boots; he always landed softly。
A pair of ores glared at him and hefted their spears。 He whispered an innotcantation; and a ragged blackness; the essence of death itself; danced among the undercreatures。 They collapsed; already rotting。
For the moment at least; Pharaun was in the clear。 He raced on; while all around him; his city went down in blood and fire。
〃You must know some song; some magic; to track an enemy;〃 Houndaer said。
〃If I did; I'd be singing it;〃 Omraeth said curtly。 〃Now be quiet。 If the masters hear us ing; they'll do their best to evade us。〃
〃He's right;〃 said Tsabrak; scuttling along on his eight segmented legs。 〃Shut up; or we'll never get this done。〃
Houndaer was wearing Ryld Argith's greatsword strapped across his back; and for an instant he fairly quivered with the urge to try it out on his panions。 He wasn't used to such insolence; not from other males; and certainly not from a degraded creature like a drider。
Yet he restrained himself; because he needed them。 He prayed he'd be the one to catch up with the fugitives; who'd made him look a fool in the eyes of the other renegades; but he knew he couldn't kill both of them by himself。
Tsabrak raised his hand and whispered; 〃Wait!〃
〃What is it?〃 Houndaer asked。
Instead of replying; the half…spider started taking deep breaths。 His nosnottrils flared。 He turned this way and that; then crouched down to sniff along the floor。 His front legs bent; and his arachnid lower body tilted like a tray to bring his dark elf head down。
〃Did you pick up the scent?〃 Houndaer asked。
He felt an upswelling of excitement; and made a conscious effort to quell it。 He didn't doubt that Tsabrak smelled something pertinent; but over the course of the last hour; the brute; whose metamorphosis had evinotdently altered his perceptions; had picked up the trail several times only to lose it again。
〃Follow me;〃 said Tsabrak; nocking an arrow。
The drider led his panions to the arched entrance to a training hall; where target mannequins stood in shrouds of spiderweb and a tally board hung on the left…hand wall。 Over the years; the chalk had lost most of its phosphorescence; but Houndaer could still read the score of a fencing bout in faintly gleaming ciphers
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