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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第142章

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 the bargain。
The weapons master started to riposte with a chest cut; then sensed movement on his flank。 He pivoted。 Hoping to take him unawares; the rogue next to Urlryn was swinging an axe at his knee。 It was how warriors fought in a line。 You killed the male who was focused on your neighbor。
Ryld leaped over the attack。 When he landed; his leg screamed with pain and threatened to buckle beneath him。 Shouting; he made it hold and cut at the axeman's belly。 The broadsword crunched through mail; and the rogue toppled。
Ryld's blade was still buried in the axeman's guts when Urlryn and the other surviving warrior rushed him。 The master floundered backward; dragging the broadsword free。 Swords flashed at him; and somehow; even off…balance; he dodged them; but in so doing; fell on his rump。
The rogues scrambled forward to finish him。 He surprised the other stranger with a bone…shattering kick to the ankle; knocking him reeling backward; then reared up on one knee; his sword raised in a high guard for what he knew was ing。
Urlryn's blade crashed down on his own; and he felt the jolt all the way to his shoulder。 With both feet planted beneath him; the renegade could bring all his strength to bear。 Ryld couldn't。
But he was bigger and more powerful than his adversary and was nicely positioned to hamstring other drow。 Teeth gritted; he maintained his denotfense until his enemy faltered; then whipped the broadsword behind the rogue's leg for a drawing cut。
Urlryn let out a shrill cry and staggered sideways。 Ryld heaved himself up and turned toward the wizard; only to discover he could no longer see him。 Deprived of his wall of warriors; the spellcaster had conjured another defender; a vaguely bearish thing with folded bat wings and luminous crimson eyes; so huge it nearly filled the corridor。
Ryld had watched Pharaun exercise the famous Mizzrym talent for illunotsion on numerous occasions; and his experiences stood him in good stead。 He sensed; though he couldn't say how; that the demon bear was just a phantasm。 He limped forward; flicked the broadsword at it; and it popped like a fungus discharging a cloud of spores。 It was strange to think that; had he believed in it; it could have torn him to shreds。
The rogue mage turned tail。 Ryld didn't want the bastard to reappear and try to kill him again later; so he gave chase。 His head and wounded leg seemed to scream in unison; and he had to stop。 The sorcerer scuttled round a corner and disappeared。 
As Ryld waited for the pain to subside; he realized he couldn't survive many more fights in his present condition。 He either had to escape his foes posthaste or shed his disabilities。
Sadly; he had just about e to the conclusion that he was fated to wander through the castle; ducking his enemies the while; until pure luck led him to an exit。 That could take hours。
He had reason to hope he wouldn't need nearly as long to revitalize himnotself; but he'd leave himself vulnerable during the process。 He wouldn't be able to sneak in the opposite direction whenever he detected a party of hunters。 He'd have to stay in one place。 Still; it seemed the better option。
He skulked along the corridor; peering into doorways。 One led to a desnotolate training hall。 The target mannequins looked like ghosts in their shrouds of spiderweb。
Near the right…hand wall were tiers of seats; from which spectators could watch the warriors train。 If Ryld crouched down behind the structure; no one would see him without making a careful search of the entire room。
Besides; the master thought; going to ground in a salle might bring him luck。 The dark powers knew; he needed it。
He limped behind the sculpted seats and sat down on the floor with his legs crossed。 He rested his hands on his thighs; closed his eyes; and notmenced a breathing exercise。
Spellcasters smugly imagined they were the only folk who truly knew how to meditate。 They were mistaken。 The brothers of Melee…Magthere had mastered the practice as well。 It helped them reach the highest level of martial proficiency。
Spellcasters。 The thought reminded him of Pharaun。 It brought the shock and a
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