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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第141章

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de fell; his severed head tumbling away。 For a moment; Pharaun felt a touch of relief; then he noticed his friend's grimace and the blood on his thigh; and heard the calls of other pursuers drawing near。
〃It sounds as if all the rogues are hunting us;〃 the wizard said。 〃What a gracious pliment。〃
〃They heard the fight;〃 Ryld replied。 〃They have some idea where we are; and thanks to you; this passage has bee a cul…de…sac。 We have to move…now。〃
〃Perhaps you would have preferred me to let the rest of our attackers swarm all over us。〃
〃Just move。〃
They did; with the prisoners in the web shouting imprecations after them。 Pharaun soon discerned that Ryld was making an effort not to limp nor show any sort of distress but couldn't mask his pain pletely。
The wizard considered leaving patches of darkness behind to hinder pursuit; but had he done so; he would have been marking his trail。 He could only think of one trick he could use to evade the renegades; and hoped it wouldn't be necessary。
Twice; the masters sensed a band of rogues was near and hid in a room until they passed。 Finally they found a staircase leading downward。 Phanotraun hoped their descent to the lower level would throw off the pursuit but soon realized it hadn't。 Perhaps it was because the fugitives were leavnoting a trail of blood。 Pharaun's little cut had stopped bleeding; but Ryld's gashed leg had not。
Despite himself; the burly swordsman began taking uneven strides; one shorter than the other。 Pharaun heard a murmur of voices ing from behind and out of a side passage as well。
He said; 〃Stay where you are。 I have an idea。〃
Ryld shrugged。
The wizard advanced a few paces down the corridor。 He lifted his wisp of cobweb and chanted。 Power groaned through the air; and crisscrossing cables sealed the corridor。 The rogues he'd heard were on the other side。 So was Ryld。
The swordsman looked at his friend through the interstices and said; 〃I don't understand。〃
〃And you a master tactician。 Truly; I regret this; but I could either stick with you and let your injuries retard my progress or else leave you behind as a rear guard to slow my pursuers。 Considering how vulnerable I curnotrently am; the choice was reasonably obvious。〃
〃Damn you! How many times have I saved your life?〃
〃I've lost count。 At any rate; this will make one more; in the course of which you'll finally be rid of your melancholy。 Good…bye; old friend。〃
Pharaun turned and strode away。
He heard a crossbow clack; and flung himself to the side。 The quarrel flew past him。 Ryld had needed mendable accuracy to avoid snagging the missile in the adhesive mesh。
Pharaun glanced back and said; 〃Nice shot; but you might want to save your quarrels for the renegades。〃
He skulked on; and quickened his pace when someone shouted behind him; and metal clashed on metal。
Ryld quickly learned that one of the rogues was a wizard; and a deft one at that。 He had no difficulty lobbing spells through the line his rades had formed across the hall; leaving them unscathed but battering the weapons master with one attack after another。
So far the flares of power had seared and chilled the Master of Melee…Magthere but done no serious harm。 He doubted that would last。 He needed to put a stop to the magic before the mage slipped an attack through his natural resistance; and that meant breaking through the line
He faked a sidestep to the left; then dodged right。 His wounded leg throbbed; and a soreness; the residue of Syrzan's attack; twisted through his mind。 The pain slowed him just enough to render the deception inefnotfective。 Urlryn; the long…armed; gap…toothed renegade on the right; annotother of Ryld's former students and a good one; met him with a wicked thrust to the belly。
As every warrior knows; you can't retreat at the same instant you're adnotvancing。 Ryld had no choice but to defend with the blade。 He swept his broadsword across his body in a lateral parry。 Urlryn tried to dip his point beneath the block; but moved just a hair too slowly。 Ryld smashed his adnotversary's blade aside; loosening his grip in the bargain。
The weapons master started to ripos
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