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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第131章

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s prisoner had jumped ahead in the story。 〃For a time; I dwelled therein but I quarreled with the eldest alhoons; who connotsidered themselves the leaders of the rest。 I conducted certain investiganottions they had; in their ignorance and timidity; forbidden。〃
The Master of Sorcere laughed and said; 〃If you can't find it in your heart…assuming an illithilich retains the organ…to consider us equals; you must at least concede we're kindred spirits。 You weren't angling for the Sarthos demon; were you?〃
〃No;〃 said Syrzan curtly。 〃Suffice it to say that if not for some bad luck; I would have usurped the place of the eldest lich of all; but as matters fell out; I had to flee into the wilderness; a solitary wanderer once more。〃
〃Surely you found someone to enslave。〃
Pharaun noticed the air in the dream cavern had grown cooler。 Perhaps it was responding to its maker's somber reflections。
〃I found small encampments;〃 Syrzan said。 〃A family of goblins here; a dozen troglodytes there。 I used them; used them up; each in its turn; but no little hole infested with a handful of brutes could give me what I truly craved。 I yearned for a teeming city; full of splendors and luxuries; over which I would rule; and from which I could conquer an empire。 But the taking of such exceeded even my powers。〃
〃Or mine;〃 Pharaun said; 〃hard as that is to credit。 So; lusting for what you couldn't have; you spied on the cities of the Underdark; didn't you; or one of them; anyway。 You kept your eye on Menzoberranzan。〃
〃Yes;〃 Syrzan said; 〃I've watched your people for a long while。 I discovnotered the cabal of renegade males some forty years ago。 More recently; I obnotserved the priestesses' debility; no mere dark elves could hide such an enormous change from an observer with my talents。 I remembered the would…be rebels and arranged for them to make the same discovery; then I emerged from the shadows and offered them my services。〃
〃Why?〃 Pharaun asked。 〃Your collaborators are drow; and you're; if you'll pardon my bluntness; a member of an inferior species。 Jumped up vermin; really。 You don't expect Houndaer and the boys to honor a pact with you once the prize is won? Dark elves don't even keep faith with one another。〃
〃Fortunately; the prize won't be won for decades; and during those years; I'll be subtly working to impose my will on my associates。 Long before they assume the rulership of the city; I'll be ruling them。〃
〃I see。 The fools have given you your opening; and now that which you could never conquer from the outside you'll subjugate from within; exnottending the web of pulsion farther and farther; one assumes; until all Menzoberranyr are mind…slaves marching to your drum。〃
〃Obviously; you understand the fundamentals of illithid society;〃 said Syrzan。 〃You probably also know that we prefer to dine on the brains of lesser sentients and that we share your own race's fondness for torture。 Still; some of your folk will fare all right。 I can't eat or flay everyone; can I?〃
〃Not unless you want to wind up a king of ghosts and silence。 And where; may I ask; do these stone…burning fire bombs e from?〃
〃Menzoberranzan isn't the only drow city possessed of ambitious males;〃 the illithi…lich said。
Pharaun was momentarily speechless。 Another drow city…
〃Now; it's your turn to satisfy my curiosity;〃 Syrzan said; interrupting the drow's reverie。
〃I live for the opportunity。〃
〃When Houndaer and the others explained our scheme; did you sinnotcerely consider joining us?〃
Pharaun grinned and said; 〃For about a quarter of a second。〃
〃Why did you reject the idea? You're no more faithful or less ambitious than any other drow。〃
〃Or illithid; I'll hazard。 Why then did I remain firm in my resolve to betray you to Gromph?〃 The slender dark elf spread his hands。 〃So many reasons。 For one; I'm a notable wizard; if I do say so myself; and in Mennotzoberranzan we mages have our own tacit hierarchy。 In recent years; I've channeled my aspirations into that。 Should I rise to the top; it will make me a personage nearly as exalted as a high priestess。〃
Syrzan flipped its tentacles; a gesture that conveyed impat
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