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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第127章

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〃Alas; Exalted Mother;〃 Faeryl said; 〃your daughter can take no pleasnoture in an honor she didn't earn。〃
Still stroking the prisoner's features with the claw; Jeggred lifted one of the smaller hands that; save for their dusting of fine hair; looked no difnotferent than those of an ordinary dark elf。 He caught hold of Faeryl's ear and twisted it; and she gasped at the brutal stab of pain。 When he finally let go; the organ kept on throbbing and ringing。 She wondered if the draenotgloth had inflicted permanent damage; though it really didn't matter。 In the hours to e; deafness would be the least of her problems。
〃I wish you wouldn't deny your guilt;〃 sighed the dainty little Baenre matriarch。 〃I always find that dull。〃
〃Even when it's true?〃 Faeryl felt a fresh cut bleeding under her eye。 Apnotparently; when Jeggred had abused her ear; she'd bucked against his claw。
〃Don't be tiresome;〃 Triel said。 〃You were fleeing; and that confirms your guilt。〃
〃All it confirms is my certainty that someone has poisoned your mind against me;〃 Faeryl retorted。 Jeggred caught hold of a lock of her hair and gave it a vicious tug。 〃My aversion to being condemned unjustly。〃
〃Did you think to escape by running back to Ched Nasad?〃 Triel asked。 〃My word is law there; too。〃
〃How do you know?〃 Faeryl asked。
Jeggred slapped her with one of his enormous fighting hands; bashing her head sideways。 For a moment; the shock froze her mind。 When her senses returned; she tasted blood in her mouth。
The draegloth crouched; placing his bestial face directly in front of her own; and growled; 〃Respect the chosen of Lolth。〃
〃I mean no disrespect;〃 Faeryl said。 〃I'm just saying that for all we know; anything could be happening in Ched Nasad。 Cloakers could have overnotrun the city; or it may have drowned in tides of lava。 I doubt it; I pray not; but we don't know。 We need to find out; and that's why I was sneaking away。 Not to betray the weakness of Menzoberranzan's clergy to some enemy or other。 Mother of Lusts; it's my weakness too! To gather intellinotgence; to reestablish munication…〃
〃I told you I have been in munication with Ched Nasad;〃 Triel said。
〃To reestablish trustworthy munication 。。。〃 Faeryl persisted; 〃to make myself useful and so demonstrate I'm your loyal vassal; never a traitor。〃
Triel made a spitting sound; then said; 〃My loyal servants obey me。〃
Faeryl wanted to weep; not from fear; though she was experiencing plenty of that; but from sheer frustration。 Jeggred ran his claw along her carotid artery。
〃Matron;〃 the Zauvirr said; 〃I beg you。 Let me confront the person who traduced me。 Give me that one chance to prove my fidelity。 Is it so hard to imagine someone telling you a lie? Don't your courtiers slander one annotother all the time as a means of vying for your favor? Is it impossible that someone or something in Ched Nasad is lying to you even now…telling you all is well while days; then tendays; then months go by without a single caravan?〃
Triel hesitated; and Faeryl felt a thrill of hope。 Then the ruler of Men…zoberranzan said; 〃You're the liar; and it will do you no good。 If you want me to show any mercy at all; tell me whose creature you are。 The svirfneblin? The aboleths? Another drow city?〃
〃I serve only you; Sacred Mother。〃
Faeryl said the words without hope; for she saw that she would never convince the Baenre of her innocence。 It was too hard for Triel to measure up to her predecessor; too hard to rule in these desperate times; too hard to make decisions。 She wasn't about to rethink one of the few she'd mannotaged to squeeze out; no matter how foolish it was。
Jeggred slapped Faeryl and kept on slapping until she lost count of the blows。 Finally time seemed to skip somehow; and he wasn't hitting her anymore。 Why should he bother? He'd already battered all the strength out of her。 She would have fallen if not for the ropes holding her up。 A broken tooth had lodged under her tongue; and it was all she could do just to spit it out。
〃I told you;〃 the draegloth snarled; 〃respect 
〃I am respectful;〃 Faeryl wheezed。 〃That's why I give the truth even when it might be e
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