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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第123章

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 other race it might belong。 He glanced over at Pharaun; who conveyed with a subtle shrug that he didn't know; either。
〃Syrzan is my ally; not my superior;〃 said Houndaer; glaring back at the spider…thing。 〃I make my own decisions; and I've decided these gentlemen can help us。 They're masters of Tier Breche…〃
〃I know who they are!〃 Tsabrak screamed; flecks of foam; perhaps mixed with venom; flying from his lips。 〃Do you think me a mindless beast? I studied on Tier Breche the same as anyone!〃
〃Then you know how useful their talents could be;〃 said the craftsman; 〃and how unlikely it is they can do us any harm; particularly now that the prince has disarmed them。〃
〃Just point us to Syrzan;〃 Houndaer said。 〃It will allay your fears。〃
It? Ryld wondered。
〃I can't;〃 the drider said。 〃It's gone off somewhere。〃
〃Where?〃 Houndaer asked
〃Agitating slaves? Acquiring more magic fire from its secret source? How do I know? You'll just have to sit on these two until it gets back。〃
〃That's all right;〃 the noble said。 〃Master Argith and I can reminisce about old times。 We'll all wait in the room where Syrzan interviewed the other recruits。〃
〃Perhaps you'd care to tag along;〃 the craftsman said; 〃to make abnotsolutely sure the masters don't cause any trouble。〃
Pharaun beamed up at the bloodthirsty aberration and asked; 〃Please? There are half a dozen questions concerning drider existence that have pernotplexed me for years。〃
Tsabrak ignored him; instead glowering at Houndaer and the artisan as if he suspected them of playing a trick on him。
Finally; he said; 〃Yes。 I'll go。 Somebody with sense needs to be there。〃
〃Fine。〃 Houndaer nodded to Ryld and Pharaun and said; 〃e this way。〃
The masters and their hosts; or captors; set off through a maze of passageways。 As promised; Pharaun treated Tsabrak to a barrage of quesnottions; and; when the drider failed to respond; cheerfully answered himself with a gush of scholarly speculation。
Ryld paid little attention。 He was too busy studying the rogues' citadel; a forlorn and dusty place where Pharaun's monologue echoed away into the quiet。 No servants were in evidence; merely runaway males and driders; who often recognized their former instructors and curiously peered after them。 The marks of magical attacks; bursts of lightning and sprays of acid; scarred the walls。
By all appearances; the conspirators were hiding in the seat of a House extinguished by its enemies。 No one was supposed to take possession of such a fortress without the Baenre's permission; and few would dare。 The vacant castles were supposedly cursed and haunted places; breeding grounds for sickness; insanity; and bad luck。 As if to pound the ponottential for ill fortune; the squatters had broken the copious shrouds of spiderweb wherever they impeded traffic and even in corners where they didn't。
At one point; the masters and their warders passed a row of small ocnottagonal windows。 The glass was gone but the molded calcite cames renotmained。 Ryld glanced out and saw mansions shining green and violet far below。 The rogues had taken a stalactite castle; hanging from the cavern ceiling; for their hiding place。 No doubt the isolation had attracted them。
A minute later; the little procession reached its destination; a chapel with rows of benches; a crooked aisle snaking up the middle to an asymnotmetrical basalt altar; and murals; agleam with silvery phosphorescence; carved in basrelief on the walls and ceiling。 To Ryld's surprise; these last depicted not the Demonweb but other hells entirely devoid of spiders; yochlols; or the goddess Lolth herself。 Apparently the House that once abode here had sacrificed to forbidden deities。 Perhaps that transgression had contributed to its downfall。
The dark elves settled themselves in the pews。 While Houndaer and the moner seemed convinced of the masters' claim of estrangement from Tier Breche; they nonetheless retained possession of the newers' gear。 Tsabrak crouched just inside the door; his legs splayed out on either side of the entrance。
〃I admire the decor;〃 Pharaun said。 〃Without even trying; I noticed images of Cyric; Orcu
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