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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第122章

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He gestured to the portal and said; 〃After you。〃
Pharaun smiled。
〃Thank you。〃
As easy as that? Pharaun thought。 He was experiencing a certain sense of anticlimax; which was absurd; really。 It had been astonishingly difficult to get this far。
He stepped into the portal; and experienced none of the spinning vernottigo of ordinary teleportation。 Save for a split second of blindness; it was just like striding from one room to the next。 The only problem was the drider waiting on the other side。
The wizard struggled not to make a sound。 Still; the huge creature; half spider; half drow; a bow in its hand and a quiver of arrows slung across its naked back; turned toward him。 Pharaun had no fear of a single such abernotration; but the goddess only knew just how elaborate this trap actually was。 He whirled back toward the magical doorway just as Ryld came through。
Ryld; who'd slain his share of driders in the caverns surrounding Menzoberranzan; knew that this one…a hybrid creature with the head; arms; and torso of a dark elf male married to the body and segmented legs of a colossal spider…was larger than average; a robust example of its species; if species was the proper term。 Nature didn't make them; magic did。 Somenottimes; when the goddess deemed one of her worshipers insufficiently revnoterent; the punishment was transformation at the hands of a circle of priestesses and a demon called a yochlol。
The Master of Melee…Magthere naturally focused on the venomous aberration as soon as he stepped through the portal; but like every notpetent warrior…and unlike Pharaun; evidently…he also took in the disnotposition of the entire area。
The portal had deposited them in a large; unfurnished hall with a number of openings along the wall。 It was the sort of central hub used in castles to link the various wings。 A couple males were wandering through; and while neither had ventured into the drider's immediate vicinity; they weren't preparing to attack him or flee from him; either。 Nor did the creanotture himself appear on the verge of assaulting anyone; though he regarded the newers with a scowl。
Somewhat pleased to be ahead of his clever friend for once; Ryld gripped Pharaun by the shoulder。
〃Steady;〃 the swordsman said。 〃Don't embarrass yourself。〃
The wizard looked around; then grinned and said; 〃Right。 Our friends didn't trick us into entering a trap。 The drider's magically constrained。〃
Ryld glanced back to see that the two bogus ores had stepped through the portal; which dwindled to nothing behind them。 It was the bigger and more talkative of the duo who was speaking。
〃The driders help us of their own free will。〃
〃Interesting;〃 said Pharaun。
In the blink of an eye; the goblinoids turned into an aristocratic warnotrior…Houndaer Tuin'Tarl; specifically; whom Ryld had trained…and a craftsman of one sort or another。 The prince closed the portal with a wave of his arm。
〃Do you still use that second…intention indirect attack?〃 Ryld asked。 〃That was a nice move。〃
For the first time; Houndaer smiled a smile that had neither malice nor suspicion in it。
〃You remember that; Master? It's been so long; I'm surprised you even remember me。〃
〃I always remember the ones who truly learn。〃
〃Well; thank you。 It's good to have you with us; and you're going to be glad you are。 Great things are in store。〃 the noble said。 The drider scuttled toward them。 〃Ah; here es Tsabrak。 You'll see his mind isn't sluggish or otherwise crippled; yet he's on our side nonetheless。〃
In point of fact; the drider didn't look especially congenial。 The length of his legs lifted his head above those of the four dark elves; and he glared down at them with eyes full of madness and hate。 Ryld inferred that Tsabrak had entered into a typical Menzoberranyr alliance。 He'd thrown in with the runaways to secure some practical advantage; but he still loathed all the drow who'd deformed him and cast him out。
〃What is this?〃 the drider snarled; exposing his fangs。 They seemed to impede his speech a trifle。 〃Syrzan said no!〃
Syrzan wasn't a typical drow name; but Ryld had no idea to which other race it might belong
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