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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第105章

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A road ran up the eminence that was Qu'ellarz'orl to the castles of Men…zoberranzan's greatest families。 It wasn't off limits to moners。 Mernotchants and supplicants used it all the time; but they were subject to search and interrogation by House Baenre patrols。
Quenthel started up the twisting road and made it better than halfway to the top before she heard the distinctive grunt and hiss of a riding lizard。 She scurried off the path into the forest of giant; phosphorescent mushnotrooms; where she crouched behind a particularly massive specimen。
The patrol; a mounted officer and a dozen foot soldiers; marched by without so much as glancing her way。 Hiding from her own troops was another bizarre; almost surreal experience。
When the warriors passed; she hurried on up the slope。 In another minute; she reached the top of the rise。 Before her rose the most opulent fortresses in the city。 At the easternmost end of the expanse; House Baenre towered on the highest ground of all; dwarfing every other structure。
She turned her steps toward the tall; slender spire known as Spelltower Xorlarrin; residence of the Fifth House。 Bands of shimmering faerie fire striped the iron walls。
She climbed the steep steps to the gate under the watchful eyes of the sentries on the battlements。 Had she not already known it; their vigilance would have shown that she could maintain plete anonymity no longer。
Still; she'd do the best she could。
When a sentry armed with spear and long sword strode over to ask her business; she said; 〃I'm going to show you something remarkable。 Don't let your amazement show。〃
He looked skeptical。 He lived in the Spelltower; after all; and had seen his share of marvels。
〃All right; ma'am。 Show me; if you will。〃
She twitched open her piwafwi; giving him a glimpse of the Baenre House insignia hanging at her throat。
His eyes widened; but otherwise; he did a fair job of doing as she'd bade him。
〃How may I serve you?〃 he asked softly; the slightest quaver in his voice。
〃I want to enter the tower without anyone paying the least attention to me; and I want to talk to your matron alone。〃
〃Please; e with me。〃
The guard led her through the gate and into a confusion of service pasnotsages such as every castle possessed。 The corridors eventually brought them into a nicely appointed room with fortable…looking sandstone chairs; a carnelian…and…obsidian sava set awaiting a pair of players; and frescos of some of Lolth's attendant demons adorning the walls。
Her escort departed in search of his mistress; leaving Quenthel to prowl restlessly about the room。 Finally the door opened; and Zeerith Q'Zorlar…rin slipped through。 Her features were plain and nondescript; but she was notable for a dignified bearing and posure that rarely failed her even in the most extreme situations。 For a matron; her costume was rather plain and austere。
The two princesses saluted one another; then Zeerith ushered her guest to a seat。
〃When Antatlab told me you'd e without a single guard; I wonnotdered if he'd gone mad;〃 the matron remarked。
〃Can I trust him not to gossip about my visit?〃
〃He's discreet enough。 Now; may I ask why I'm so unexpectedly enjoynoting the honor of your pany?〃
Quenthel related the events of the past three nights。
〃If I still possessed my magic;〃 she concluded。 〃I could deal with this matter easily; but as things stand 。。。 I need help。〃
The words galled her; but they had to be said。
〃Why have you sought it here?〃 Zeerith asked。
〃The Xorlarrins have always supported the Baenre and profited thereby。 Try as I might; I can't think of a pelling reason you'd want me dead; and your House boasts many of the best wizards in Menzoberranzan。 So; if I must trust someone; you're a good chance。 Will you aid me; Matron?〃
Zeerith took her time replying。 Quenthel knew the other female was cold…bloodedly pondering whether to help; deny; or betray her。 Where did the greatest advantage lie?
〃Your plight is an outrage;〃 the Xorlarrin said at last; 〃an affront to all priestesses。 Of course I'll aid you。 For ten thousand talents of gold; and your support when my clan's dispute with H
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