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Rand gestured Rook to back off。 He took two steps toward the table and slammed his hand down。 〃Just tell us where you were attacked。〃

Wolff's hand went out to steady the bottle。 〃If you're thinking about trying to go out there and find him; forget it。 You won't make it。〃

Rand showed his teeth; then relaxed。 〃Look; we've got an Alpha fighter hidden nearby。 If there's even a chance that Scott's alive; you better believe I'm going out there to find him。〃

Mention of the VT seemed to bring Wolff around somewhat。 He lifted the bottle but set it down without pouring。 〃Even a fighter might not be enough。〃 Wolff gave Rand an appraising look。 〃Yes; Scott told me that you'd seen action together。 But we're up against a hive; not a Scout patrol。〃

〃It's still worth a try。〃

Wolff thought a moment; then said: 〃All right; I'll lead you out there。〃


Wolff stood up and went for his jacket。 〃We'll leave immediately。〃

Rand swung around to Rook。 〃Let the others know what I'm up to。 We'll get Scott back!〃

With that he rushed from the room; Wolff a few paces behind him。 Rook stood dumbfounded for a moment; then followed him to the doorway。 〃What am I…your personal messenger or something?〃 she yelled to his back。 But he didn't turn around。 〃Rand!〃 she shouted again; fuming。

Rand showed Wolff where the Alpha was hidden; but the colonel insisted they recon the area on Cyclones before bringing the Veritech into play。 The fighter; Wolff insisted; would stir up the entire hive; it was simply too precious a modity to risk; even for the life of a valued friend。

Rand saw the logic of it; disturbing as it was; especially after Wolff had led him to the hive。

〃The place is a fortress!〃 Rand exclaimed; keeping his voice low。 〃I've never seen anything like it。〃

Wolff regarded him from behind the dark glasses; obviously pleased by Rand's shocked reaction。 They were at the edge of the clearing now; suited up in Cyclone armor and armed with hand blasters。 〃It's just one of many;〃 Wolff said。 〃There's a chain of these things that runs clear to Reflex Point。〃

Rand swallowed hard; discouraged。 〃It was around here that you last saw Scott?〃

Wolff nodded and lowered the helmet's faceshield。 〃We'll search the perimeter first。〃 He motioned Rand off to the right。 〃Stick to the woods; and I'll meet you on the other side。 I only hope there's something left of Bernard to find。〃

Rand refused to allow the thought to register。 He turned and was about to move off when the ground began to tremble。 Wolff drew his blaster and pivoted through a 360; searching for some sign of the Invid's egress point。 Rand managed to get his blaster unholstered and aimed in the same general direction as Wolff 's。

In a moment the Invid Trooper showed itself; rising up through the earth and underbrush just outside the clearing。 Wolff and Rand hit it full power; but neither of them was successful at directing a charge to any of the creature's vulnerable points。 The Trooper seemed to sense their helplessness and opted to kill them with its claw rather than cannon fire。 It had one of its pincers raised for a downward strike; when someone behind the two men stunned it with a Scorpion delivered to the head。

Rand turned in time to see Rook's red Cyclone's rearwheel landing in the clearing。 She slid the tail end of the mecha around and shouted through the externals for Rand to jump on。

〃I told you you weren't leaving me behind;〃 Rand heard as he raced to the Cyc。 〃And it's a lucky thing for you two that I decided to follow。〃

As Rand straddled the Cyclone's rear seat; he realized that Wolff wasn't behind him。 Over his shoulder he glimpsed Wolff waving Rook off。 〃Get going!〃 Wolff told them。 〃I'll make it back to my mecha!〃

Rook wasn't about to sit around and argue。 She toed the Cyclone into gear and sped off almost before Rand had secured an adequate handhold behind her。 Meanwhile; the stunned Invid had e to life and was spewing a horizontal hail of annihilation discs into the trees。 The Trooper pursued them; its shoulder cannons blazing。 Rook pushed the Cyclone through a series of twists and turns; dodging explosions; plumes of fire and dirt。

Rand was thinking they were in the clear when the carapaced head of a second Invid appeared in front of them; pushing itself up from the soft forest ground; an unearthly land crab。 Rook tried to launch the Cyclone over the thing before it pleted its rise; but the Invid got one of its pincers free just as the mecha was directly overhead。 Rand felt the jolt as the alien's claw impacted the mecha; and the next thing he knew he was on his butt in the grass; dazed; Rook similarly postured nearby。 The Cyclone was nowhere in sight。

Rand shook his head clear and raised the helmet faceshield。 〃We've gotta find the Cyc;〃 he shouted to Rook。 〃Split up。〃

Rook got to her feet; Rand waved her the okay sign and disappeared into the brush。

Splitting up was a bad idea; Rand told himself fifteen minutes later。 The woods were thick; impenetrable in places; he had started working circles to fix his location; but he soon lost track of his own center…along with Rook and the missing Cyclone。

He was close to the hive clearing again; removing his helmet; when he heard sounds of movement close by。 Rand turned; glimpsed Colonel Wolff; and almost called out to him。 But something made him pull himself into concealment at the last moment。 Wolff had holstered his blaster and looked as though he were waiting for a delivery of some kind。 A Human…size figure was walking toward Wolff; but it was still too far off for Rand to get a good look at it。 And even when it finally approached Wolff; he didn't know what to make of it。

Rand had his H…90 aimed at the thing now: It was taller than it had first appeared; perhaps eight feet tall; bipedal and suited up in bulky dark…colored battle armor。 The creature's head…if that was indeed its head and not some kind of helmet…reminded Rand of a snail's foot。 He told himself that it had to be an Invid。 It certainly matched Scott's description of them; but Rand had for so long e to think of the aliens' ships as the creatures themselves that his mind refused to accept the idea。

Then Rand saw the Invid soldier hand Wolff a carry pack of Protoculture canisters。

He was tempted to kill them both…alien and traitor…but knew as the rage spread through him that he wanted Wolff to know who was taking him out when the moment came。

Rand lowered the weapon and silently began to work his way toward the conspirators。 There was an outcropping of rock behind Wolff; Rand made his way to the top of this while the Invid walked back to the hive。 Wolff had the Protoculture and was about to return to his Cyclone when Rand surprised him。

〃So the hero's a traitor;〃 Rand said from the outcropping; his blaster aimed down at Wolff。 Wolff had been quick to raise his own weapon; but Rand went on; undaunted。 〃No wonder the city's full of laughing soldiers…it's so safe and secure now that you've arrived。〃

Rand risked a leap and in a moment was standing face to face with Wolff; who had yet to say a word。 〃The Robotech hero's made a deal with the Invid! For a few measly canisters of Protoculture; the great Jonathan Wolff leads his own soldiers to the Invid's doorstep。 Isn't that it?〃

Wolff fired。

The low…charge blast caught Rand in the right forearm guard; knocking the weapon from his grip and sending a jolt of searing heat to the flesh beneath the battle armor。 He went down on one knee; as much from surprise as pain; and stared up at Wolff in disbelief。

〃Go ahead and finish me;〃 Rand spat。 〃I was meant to be Invid bait anyway。。。Just like Scott and all the others。。。It's how you always manage to return in one piece and well stocked with 'Culture。。。〃

Wolff put the short muzzle of the blaster to Rand's head。 〃Easy; boy;〃 he warned him。

Rand was shaking uncontrollably in spite of his best efforts to contain his fear。 〃How could you do it?〃 he asked Wolff。 〃Scott idolized you。。。He told me you'd saved his life once。〃

〃Now you know about the dark side of heroism;〃 Wolff said flatly。

Rand could feel the blaster's priming charge grounding on his skull。 He wished he could see the man's eyes; know
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