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s who captured the three strangers would not learn of her statements。

〃Those no…good bums have done it this time;〃 said Pedro; starting for the door。

Maria's thin hands were clutched at her breast。 〃You won't let them hurt the others; then?〃

〃When I get my hands on them; I'll show them who runs this town!〃 the mayor said without looking back。

Josh watched the doors swing to and fro。 Who would he show? he asked himself。 The rogues or the strangers who had e in search of Alfred Nader? Roca Negra could so easily fall victim to violence from either side。。。

Meanwhile; Rand and bunk were speeding toward the bridge to rendezvous with Lancer and the others; unaware that the bad part of town had already e calling。

〃But why would they attack us?〃 Rand asked。 〃Just to drive us out of town; or what? And where the heck is Scott; anyway?〃

〃It has something to do with the disappearance of old man Nader;〃 Lunk said firmly。 He had the book out again and was regarding it while he drove。

〃If that's true; we oughta rethink your idea of trying to get that book to him;〃 Rand suggested。

Lunk shook his big head。 〃Uh uh; buddy; no way。 I said I'd deliver this thing no matter what the odds。 And if Nader's alive; I'll find 'im。〃

〃Bravo;〃 Rand replied; crossing his arms。 〃I just hope you don't get us both killed in the process。〃 The van was closing in on the bridge now; and Lancer was nowhere to be seen。 〃They're supposed to be here。 Where are they?〃

〃No sign of the Cyclones either;〃 Lunk added; bringing the van to a halt and climbing out。 He looked over toward the embankment; then down at tire marks in the dirt road…marks that didn't belong to the van。 〃Check this out;〃 he told Rand。 〃Something's been by here earlier on…a truck by the looks of it。〃

Rand and Lunk bent down to inspect the tracks and in so doing took no notice of the men who climbed up from under the bridge。 But Rand had thought to bring the autopistol with him and raised it threateningly as the men advanced。 However; a second group joined the first after a moment; and although underarmed with clubs; axes; and farm tools; they stood fourteen strong。

〃Some of you are gonna go down with me;〃 Rand warned。

He was standing back to back with Lunk at the center of the wide circle that was forming around them。

〃Get a load of this big bruiser with the knife;〃 Rand heard Lunk say。 He had no intention of turning around for a look but had to wonder about the size of the man if Lunk was calling him big。 〃If ever there was an hombre with no sense of humor; he's it。〃

〃Well; this character with the ax isn't exactly my idea of a edian either;〃 Rand answered to let Lunk know how things were on his side of the circle。

〃Ugly bunch of gorillas。。。〃 Lunk growled; lowering himself into a crouch and beckoning one of the men to e in on him。

〃What are they waiting for?〃 Rand started to say; when one of the circle said; 〃We have your friends。〃

Rand felt Lunk straighten up behind him。 〃Throw the weapon down;〃 Lunk told him。

〃We're just going to let them take us?〃

Lunk already had his massive arms raised。 〃Take it easy;〃 he said to Rand under his breath。 〃My guess is they'll take us to Lancer and the girls。 Then we'll make our getaway; all right with you?〃

〃Well; if you say so。。。〃 Rand gulped and tossed the autopistol to the dirt; much to the amazement of the circle。 〃It's your party;〃 he shrugged as the men moved in to bind his wrists。

A short while later; in the back of the same truck that had surprised Lancer; Rook; and Annie at the bridge; Lunk had a change of heart。 The truck had entered the plaza and was moving slowly past Jos?s Caf? Lunk spotted the owner standing in the doorway and said: 〃There's that bird Jos? I bet he knows where our friends are!〃

And the next thing Rand knew; Lunk was standing up and shouldering his way toward the street。 Rand jumped out of the truck and was right behind him。 As the two of them rolled; got to their feet; and made a mad dash for the caf?entrance; propelled by blasts from the very weapon Rand had surrendered only moments before。

Lunk crashed through the swinging doors at full speed; knocking frail…looking Jos?halfway across the room。

〃I sometimes have my doubts about you; partner!〃 Rand said; out of breath and dodging blasts that were entering the bar from the street。 The truck was backing up; disgorging men who were already closing in on the caf? 〃Hope you have another plan ready;〃 he added; noticing for the first time that there was a woman in the room。

Lunk was behind the bar; cutting the cords that bound his hands with a knife he had gripped between his teeth。 Jos?was cross…legged on the floor; shaking his head as if to restore himself to consciousness。 The woman was kneeling beside him。 Lunk freed himself and tossed the knife to Rand; who had to catch it in both hands and duplicate his friend's Houdini act。

〃Okay; what's next?〃 Rand managed with his mouth full。

Lunk grinned and pulled a hand blaster from beneath his shirt。 〃Surprise;〃 he said; shoving the weapon into Jos?s ribs。 〃Now; my closed…mouthed friend; you're going to do a little talking。〃

Rand took a cautious look out the swinging doors and turned to Lunk。 〃I hate to bring up an unpleasant subject; but there's quite a crowd gathering out there; and since we've only got one blast…〃

〃In a minute;〃 Lunk cut him off。 〃Start talking;〃 he said to Jos? ignoring the pleas of the man's wife。

Jos?swallowed hard。 〃What about? It isn't my problem。〃

〃You can begin with where our friends are…and no stalling!〃

〃Maria;〃 he said; looking imploringly at his wife。 〃What should I do?〃

〃Please believe us;〃 she told Lunk from her husband's side。 〃We don't know what became of your friends。 Only Pedro knows what happened to them。〃

〃Fine。 So produce Pedro。〃

〃He is the mayor;〃 Maria continued。 〃He's giving all the orders。〃

〃Maria!〃 Jos?yelled; trying to stop her。

〃Then take us to him…now!〃

〃But how?〃 said Jos? 〃We can't get past that mob。〃 He gestured toward the door。

〃I've got an idea;〃 Rand said from the door。 〃Jos? you've put on a pretty good act so far; and now you're going to do some acting on our behalf。。。〃

Jos?pulled Rand and Lunk through the caf?s swinging doors a few minutes later; leading them along on a leather leash。 Their hands were now bound in front of them with white cloth napkins Maria had helped to knot; one of which dutifully concealed Lunk's blaster。 The townsmen were suitably impressed (if somewhat bewildered) and moved in to retake custody of their prisoners; but Jos?waved them off。

〃Pedro has asked me to take them to him。 He wants you men to stay here and capture their panion when he shows up。〃

〃You're doing fine;〃 Lunk plimented him under his breath。 〃Now just keep walking。 Get us out of here and you'll save your skin。 Tell the driver to take us to Pedro。〃

Jos?motioned to the idling van one of the villagers had driven in from the bridge。 〃Is this their vehicle?〃

The man behind the wheel nodded。 Jos?shoved his prisoners into the rear seats and joined them there。 Maria rode shotgun。

〃Be alert for their rade;〃 Jos?reminded the men as he ordered the van off。

Away from the caf? Lunk loosed the cloth knot and brought the blaster out for the driver to see。 He ordered Jos?and the driver out of the van when they reached the mayor's offices。

〃Now don't get any funny ideas when we get inside;〃 Lunk advised them; making his point with the weapon。 〃I don't want to hurt anybody; but I'll do what's necessary。〃

〃You want me; too?〃 said the driver; Gomez。

〃You; too;〃 said Rand; giving him a light shove。

The building was a wooden two…story structure with tall; curved…top entry doors。 Lunk and Rand stayed behind the two men as they climbed the staircase to the upper floor; but once at the office; Jos?and Gomez burst through the doors shouting warnings to their friends inside。 Lunk was only a step behind them; though; and fired a shot at the ceiling to quiet the room。

There were a dozen or so townspeople in the office; not counting Lancer; Rook; and Annie; who were bound hand and foot on the floor in the center of the spacious room。

〃Hands up!〃 Lunk bellowed。

〃Well; hello; b
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