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g it onto the stage before being scooped up by guards and carried off。 Something had to be done quickly!

Scott; Rook; and Rand had scarcely a foot of breathing space left; and the water level was still rising。 Things had reached the desperate stage a few minutes before; and now the three of them were in the water pushing up against each and every ceiling stone; praying that one would give。

〃That story about the hero escaping through a loose stone is just a fairy tale;〃 Rand was saying; when his hands felt the stone budge。 For a moment he was speechless; but finally he managed to gulp out the words: 〃It moved! The stone moved!〃

〃She's already gone a half hour overtime!〃 the chief shouted to Woods。 〃I want the concert wrapped up…and I mean now!〃

〃But look at the kids;〃 Woods tried。 〃They're having the time of their lives。 I mean; after all; when do they ever get a chance to let off a little…〃

〃Now!〃 the chief said firmly。 〃Or this will be the last chance they ever get。 Do you understand me?〃

Woods backed away and threw a signal to the control booth: They were to cut the power as soon as Yellow finished her song。。。

Lunk; meanwhile; was pacing back and forth in the small area beneath the stage。 Scott was way overdue。 There were no contingency plans other than to get out of Norristown as quickly as possible。 Annie and Lancer would be all right; but Lunk could be identified by the guards at the facility tower。 But just as he was resigning himself to this; he heard sounds of movement behind him。 He swung around in time to see his waterlogged friends step through the parted wall。 Each of them was toting Protoculture canister packs。

〃Well; it's about time;〃 Lunk said to them; eyeing their soaked clothing。 〃What happened to you guys…you e by way of the river; or what?〃

〃We'll explain later;〃 Scott said hurriedly; already fastening the packs to the balloon clusters。 〃Signal Lancer; and let's get this show on the road。〃

Yellow was aware that the control room and sound personnel had been ordered to cut the power; so she was milking the final song for all it was worth; extending the chorus and encouraging the audience to join in; in the hopes that Scott would appear in time。 But by now she had done all she could; the band was finishing up with an interminable one…chord wrap…up; and she was just about to make the grand leap that would cut it off。 Then she heard a small but unmistakable flashing tone emitted by her left earring。 It was Lunk's signal: Scott had made it!

〃Thank you! Thank you; all of you!〃 Yellow yelled into the microphone over deafening applause。 Yellow gestured to Annie and watched as she began to worm her way toward the cordon; readying the pass that would admit her backstage。

People in the crowd were pointing to something in the air now; and Annie got a glimpse of a skyful of balloons before she disappeared through the door to the stage wings。

〃I love you!〃 Yellow added as she left the stage。

The plan called for Scott; Rook; and Rand to infiltrate themselves among Yellow Dancer's retinue of sidemen and bodyguards; all of whom had been handpicked by Woods。 At the same time; Lunk's role was to see to it that the waiting police van was rendered safe and secure。

This was easily acplished; thanks to the fact that the guard was napping when Lunk stole up to the driver's side door。 Lunk pummeled the man into a more lasting sleep。 Scott; Rook; and Rand took to the canvas…backed van; while Lunk dragged the guard off to one side and began to change into the man's police helmet; shirt; and trousers。 Annie appeared a moment later; followed by Yellow; who was clutching two wardrobe suitcases under her arms。 The colonel was inside the arena; waiting patiently at Yellow's dressing…room door for the singer to arrive。 Woods's team; meanwhile; had spirited her out a rear entry and was now doing its best to keep things backstage suitably chaotic。

〃So; you're alive after all;〃 Yellow said breathlessly; running to the truck and passing her valises up to Scott。

〃Never underestimate the best;〃 Rand said; full of importance。

Yellow gave Rand the once…over and smiled bemusedly。 〃Why are you so wet?〃

〃e on; get in;〃 Rook broke in。 〃It'll be your bedtime story。〃

Yellow climbed up into the back of the truck; already pulling off the clothes that separated her from Lancer。 Rand threw himself in and unfurled the rear canvas drape。 Annie ran around to the passenger seat and settled herself; while a smiling Lunk did the same behind the wheel。 He knew how; ridiculous he looked in the smaller man's uniform and helmet and couldn't keep from laughing。

A moment later the truck was screeching away from the stage entrance; just short of a crowd of fans who had found their way back there。 Woods stood pleased in the doorway; silently wishing Yellow and her friends a smooth getaway。

Back outside the dressing…room door; Colonel Briggs was glancing impatiently at his watch and plaining under his breath about how much time women required to change outfits。 He contemplated walking in on Yellow; wondering if he would be able to catch her at a vulnerable moment。 The thought was blossoming into a Technicolor fantasy when one of his guards ran up to him and saluted。

〃There's been a break…in at the facility;〃 the staffer reported in a rush。 〃Thirty…eight cases of Protoculture are missing。〃

The colonel's mouth fell open。 〃B…but。。。how?〃

〃They used some kind of scramblers to disrupt the surveillance cameras and apparently lowered themselves into the storage room from one of the overhead maintenance corridors。〃

Briggs grabbed the man by the lapels and pulled him close。 〃How could they get through the towers? Were all vehicles searched?〃

〃Yes; chief; everyone was searched;〃 the man managed to get out。 〃They must have found another way out。〃

The colonel shook the man; took a few steps; then whirled on him again。 〃Search the city! Set up roadblocks! I want them found…alive!〃

The staffer saluted。 〃We'll do what we can。 But most of our units are still working crowd control outside。〃

〃Forget the crowds!〃 Briggs barked。 〃Get every man on it。〃

The city's streets were soon filled with police vans…sirens hooting; tearing around corners in search of a team of sneak thieves。 But by this time; Lunk was edging the van out of town; way ahead of the roadblocks the colonel's currently understaffed security force were attempting to set up at all possible points of egress。

The colonel's own van screeched to a halt in a cobblestone square; where it rendezvoused with three others that were returning from various checkpoints。 Briggs leapt out and approached one of his lieutenants; demanding all pertinent information。

〃And don't tell me they've disappeared;〃 he warned the already shaking staffer。

〃We have reason to believe that they made their getaway in a police van;〃 the lieutenant updated。 〃So we're in the process of having our men check each van they e across to ascertain the identity of those inside。〃

〃Good;〃 the colonel said haltingly。 Then: 〃You mean to tell me that your men are out there searching each other?!〃 He was about to say more; when he heard a small crash behind him; as if something had fallen from a rooftop。 Turning; Briggs saw a cluster of red; yellow; and green balloons weighted down by something he couldn't make out until he had taken three steps toward it。

〃Protoculture canisters!〃 he exclaimed; kneeling beside the helium balloons and their precious cargo。 He looked up and saw scores more drifting high over the city on a northeast wind。 〃Gather up all those balloons;〃 he ordered the lieutenant。 〃Shoot them down if you have to!。。。And bring me that singer;〃 he hastened to add; thinking back to the concert and its colorful finale。。。

Briggs was hurrying back to his van when a vehicle from the facility pulled alongside him。

〃Have you found them?〃 he asked eagerly。

〃No;〃 the driver answered。 〃But the Invid Intercessors have arrived at the facility。。。And they wanna speak to you。。。〃

The getaway truck and the rigged balloon clusters arrived at the transmitter site at the same time; a clearing in the woods that fringed the northeastern outskirts of Norristown。 The tea
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