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 the presence of the Flower。 It had found patible soil and climate on the blue and white world。 All that was required were the Pollinators; a missing element in the Robotech Masters' equations。

In any case; the Invid had already had dealings with Earthlings; having battled them on a dozen planets; including Tirol itself。 But as resilient as the Humans might have been on Haydon IV; Spheris; and the rest; they were a pathetic lot on their homeworld。

In less than a week the Invid conquered the planet; destroying the orbiting factory satellite…an ironic end for the Zentraedi aboard…laying to waste city after city; and dismissing with very little effort the vestiges of the Army of the Southern Cross。 Depleted of the Protoculture charges necessary to fuel their Robo…technological war machines; those warriors who had fought so valiantly against the Masters were forced to fall back on a small supply of nuclear weapons and conventional ordnance that was no match for the Invid's plasma and laser…array superiority。

Even if Protoculture had been available to the Southern Cross for their Hovertanks and Alpha Veritechs; there would have been gross problems to overe: the two years since the mutual annihilation of the Robotech Masters and Anatole Leonard's mand had seen civilization's unchecked slide into lawlessness and barbarism。 Cities became city…states and warred with one another; men and women rose quickly to positions of power only to fall even more swiftly in the face of greater military might。 Greed and butchery ruled; and what little remained of the northern hemisphere's dignity collapsed。

Though certain cities remained strong…Mannatan; for example (formerly New York City)…the centers of power shifted southward; into Brazilas especially (the former Zentraedi Control Zone); where growth had been sure and steady since the SDF…1's return to devastated Earth and the founding of New Macross and its sister city; Monument。

Unlike the Zentraedi or the Tirol Masters; the Invid were not inclined to destroy the planet or exterminate humankind。 Quite the contrary: Not only had the Flower found favorable conditions for growth; the Invid had as well。 The Regis had learned enough in her campaign against the Tirolians and the so…called Sentinels to recognize the continuing need for technology。 Gone was the blissful tranquillity of Optera; but the experiment had to be carried forth to its conclusion nonetheless; and Earth was well suited for the purpose。

After disarming and occupying the planet; the Regis believed she was more than halfway toward her goal。 By utilizing a percentage of Humans to cultivate and harvest the Flowers; she was free to carry out her experiments uninterrupted。 The central hive; which came to be called Reflex Point; was to be the site of the Great Work; but secondary hives were soon in place across the planet to maintain control of the Human sectors of her empire。 The Regis was willing to let humankind survive until such time as the work neared pletion。 Then; she would rid herself of them。

There was; however; one thing she had not taken into account: the very warriors she had fought tooth and claw on those worlds once seeded by Zor。 Enslave a world she might; but take it for her own?



The armada of Robotech ships T。R。 Edwards had amassed for his planned invasion and conquest of Earth would be put to that very use years later when Admiral Hunter sent them against the Invid。 Adding irony to irony; it should be mentioned that the warships had serious design flaws which went unnoticed during their use on Tirol。 Assuming this would have been the case even if Edwards had managed to persevere; the invasion would have failed。 Destiny failed to deliver Edwards the crown he felt justified to wear and likewise failed to deliver Hunter the quick victory he felt justified to claim。
Selig Kahler; The Tirolian Campaign

A fleet of Robotech warships moved into attack formation above the Moon; a mixed school of gleaming predators; radiant where the distant sun touched their armored hulls and alloy fins。 Each carried in its belly a score or more of Veritech fighters; sleek; transformable mecha developed and perfected over the course of the past thirty years。 And inside each of these was a pilot ready to die for a world unseen。 War was at the top of the agenda; but in a narrow hold aboard one of the mand vessels a young man was thinking about love。

He was a pleasant…looking; clean…shaven youth going on twenty; with his father's long legs and the wide eyes of his mother。 He wore his blue…black hair bed straight back from his high forehead…save for that undisciplined strand that always seemed to fall forward…making his ears appear more prominent than they actually were。 He wore the Expeditionary Force uniform…simple gray tight…fitting pants tucked into high boots and a short…sleeved ornately collared top worn over a crimson…colored synthcloth bodysuit。 The Mars Group patch adorned the young man's shirt。

His name was Scott Bernard…Lieutenant Scott Bernard…and this was a homeing of sorts。 That fact; coupled with the anxieties he felt concerning the imminent battle; had put him in an impassioned frame of mind。 The fortunate recipient of this not…so…sudden desire was a pretty; dark…eyed teenager named Marlene; a good six inches shorter than Scott; with milk…chocolate…brown hair and shapely legs enhanced by the uniform's short skirt。

Scott had Marlene's small face cupped in his hands while he looked lovingly into her eyes。 As his hands slid to her narrow shoulders; he pulled her to him; his mouth full against hers; stifling the protest her more cautious nature wished to give voice to and urging her to respond。 Which she did; with a moan of pleasure; her hands flat against his chest。

〃Marry me; Marlene;〃 he said after she had broken off their embrace。 He heard himself say it and almost applauded; simply for finally getting the nerve up to ask her; Marlene's response was a separate issue。

Her surprised gasp probably said the same: that she too couldn't believe he was finally getting around to it。 She turned away from him; nervous hands at her chin it an attitude of prayer。

〃Well; will you?〃 Scott pressed。

〃It's a bit sudden;〃 she said coyly。 But Scott didn't pick up on her tone and reacted as though he had been slapped。

〃You'll have to speak to my father first;〃 Marlene continued in the same tone; her back to him still。 〃My mother; too。〃 When she turned around; Scott was staring at her slack jawed。

〃But they're back on Tirol!〃 he stammered。 〃They might not be here for…〃 Then he caught her smile and understood at once。 He had literally known her for her entire life; and he still couldn't tell when she was putting him on。

Marlene was smiling up at him now; eyes beaming。 But the sudden shrill of sirens collapsed her happiness。

〃Defold operation plete;〃 a voice said over the PA。 〃All wing manders report to the bridge for final briefing and bat assignments。〃

Scott's lips were a thin line when he looked at her。

〃Answer me; Marlene。 I might not get another chance to ask you。〃

The mand ship bridge was a tight; no…nonsense affair; with two duty stations squeezed between the wraparound viewports and four more back to back behind these。 There was none of the spaciousness and calm that had characterized the SDF…1 bridge; here everyone had a seat; and everyone put duty first。 It took something like the first sight of Earth to elicit any casual conversation; and even then the ments would have surprised some。

〃I'm so excited;〃 a woman tech was saying。 〃I can hardly wait to see what Earth looks like after all these years。'

mander Gardner seated at the forward station of starboard pair; heard this and laughed bitterly to himself。 He had served under Gloval during the First Robotech War and had been with Hunter since。 His thick hair and mustache had gone to silver these past few years; but he still retained a youthful energy and the unwavering loyalty of his young crew。

The woman tech who had spoken was all of seventeen years old; born in deep space like most of her shipmates。 Gardner wished for a moment he could have showed her the Earth of forty years ago; teeming with lif
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