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Some of the crowd found the eback amusing; which only managed to put Yellow's critic on the spot。 Rather than risk making a fool of himself; he decided to teach her a quick lesson and stepped forward swinging a lightning right。

〃I'll give 'em a sample;〃 he said at the same time。

But Yellow was even faster; still maintaining her place; she ducked to the left; leaving vacuum in her wake。 The rogue's arm sailed clean through nothingness; wrapping itself around the mike stand; and threw him pletely off balance。 The crowd howled; and Yellow smiled。 But in that instant; her assailant recollected himself; turned; and caught her across the face with an open…hand left。

Yellow's head snapped back; but not for long。 She countered with a right; open…hand also but hooked a bit to bring her nails into play。 The man took the blow full force to his temple and cheek; his glasses were knocked askew; and blood had been drawn。

〃Now we're even;〃 she said to the leader; whose back was still turned to her。 But she now had the rest of the gang to answer to as well; they had left their tables and were approaching her threateningly。 〃How about calling it quits; fellahs?〃 she told them。 〃Tag…team wrestling isn't scheduled until Saturday night; and we wouldn't want to mess up the program; would we?〃

Rook had to laugh; either she knew what she was doing or she was one of those who got her kicks facedown。 Rook had reason to believe it was the former; however。 Yellow was set like an upsprung trap; her legs slightly bent; her fists clawed。 At the same time; she was keeping an eye on the one she had already wounded and was more than ready for him when he pounced。

〃You little witch!〃 the man snarled。 〃I'll kill you!〃

He moved in and swung a roundhouse left with little of the lightning that had characterized his first swing and none of the ambivalence of the second。 But once again; Yellow was left untouched; and the momentum carried the man off the stage; practically into the arms of his henchmen。

〃I've enjoyed our little dancing lesson;〃 Yellow joked; backing away somewhat。 〃But if it's all the same to you; this place is paying me to sing。〃 Her eyes darted right and left; plotting an escape if needed。 〃Of course; we can pick up where we left off after the show…you could sure use some work on your fox…trot; you know…and if you're all nice boys; I'll teach you to rumba。。。〃

The gang was closing in on her; and Rook was beginning to rethink her earlier evaluation of Yellow Dancer。 Whatever happened now; she had some of it ing。 Meanwhile the club owner had appeared on the stage to intercede。 But Rook had to laugh again; grog making it up into her nose。 Not only was the dude pushing seventy; but he began his little speech by referring to Yellow's opponents as gentlemen!

〃If you can't control yourselves;〃 he continued; his white mustache twitching; 〃I'm going to have to ask you all to leave!〃

You and what army; Rook said to herself; quoting the punch line of an old T'sentrati joke。

One of the toughs; a mean…looking little guy in a muscle shirt; had whipped out a throwing knife during the old man's attempted reprimand。 He gave the knife a backhand toss now; sending it whizzing past the owner's head and straight into the plywood wall behind the stage。

〃Mind your manners; Gramps!〃 the youth cautioned。

Rook sighed tiredly; swallowed the last two drops of her drink; and stood up from the table。

〃Boy; you guys sure have guts;〃 she told the gathered gang members。 They turned slowly toward her as she knew they would; looks of disbelief on their faces。 〃Think you can handle her all by yourselves?〃

This brought immediate catcalls and challenges from the rest of the room。 Rook smiled for the audience's benefit and winked at the gang leader。 She had been through scenes like this too often to count; and she knew the leader's type as well as she knew herself。 She was confident she could take him; and that would eliminate the need to go one on one with the others。 All she had to do was go after the leader's pride; and she had already made a good start in that direction。。。

〃Blondie; take my advice and stay out of this or you'll be next;〃 he warned her。

Rook looked away nonchalantly。 〃Maybe if two of you held her down while the others ran for reinforcements。。。Then you might have a chance。〃

The catcalls increased in volume and originality。 Even the leader cracked an appreciative smile。 He steadied his shades and gave Rook the once…over。 〃A edian。〃 He sneered。 〃Too bad for you I've got such a poor sense of humor; 'cause I'm gonna make you sorry you ever walked in here。〃

The nasty little knife thrower produced a second shiv; but the leader motioned him back。 〃She's mine;〃 he told his boys; and launched himself into a charge。

Rook had plenty of time to prepare and position herself; plus she had already sized up the guy's strengths and weaknesses。 He was ing at her full force; yelling at the top of his lungs; his hands at shoulder height slightly out front。 On the balls of her feet now; Rook dropped herself into a crouch and brought her right arm in front of her face; elbow pointed outward。 When the leader was within range; she twisted back; then sprang up and took her shot; catching the man square in the larynx。

Instantly; he went down on his knees; hands clutching his throat。 〃You almost killed me;〃 he managed to rasp。

〃Well; e at me again and let's see if I can get it right this time;〃 Rook answered him。

The room was full of applause and cheers by now; even some of the gang members were laughing。

Rook heard Yellow Dancer say; 〃I think the baboon's overmatched;〃 just before the leader growled and shouted; 〃Stop laughing!〃

Then the knife wielder started to move in。。。

Outside the bar; two Cyclones were added to the long row of cycles and various hybrid vehicles that lined the town's main street。 Scott and Rand glanced at the cycles and at the bar and traded questioning looks。

〃Shall we go in?〃 Rand asked。

Scott shrugged and removed his helmet。 〃What've we got to lose?〃

〃That's not what I wanted to hear;〃 Rand started to say; but Annie was already off the Cyclone and heading for the door。

〃e on; Rand。 I'm dry enough to spit cotton。〃

Rand exhaled forcibly and dismounted wondering just how he had let things get so out of hand。 Just one more town; he had told himself。 A place where he could feel all right about leaving Annie and saying a final farewell to Scott。 Then it was going to be back to solo riding and the open road。 But that had been three days and several towns ago; not one of which suited his needs。 Nor did he have especially good feelings about this one。 Two rows of ruined high…tech prefabs split by the northern highway and squeezed between the stone walls of an arid canyon; the place had a filthy; forlorn look to it。 It seemed as though the town had surrendered long before the Invid's arrival。

〃They could at least clean the place up;〃 Rand said to Scott now。 〃Bunch of lazy slobs。。。〃

〃You country boys do things differently; I suppose;〃 Scott said in a patronizing way。

Rand scowled。 〃At least we have enough self…respect to keep our homes from being pigsties。 You wonder why I'd rather five off the land; Scott? Well; look around。〃

〃Oh; quit arguing; you two;〃 Annie said; stepping through the barroom's swinging doors。 〃This dump isn't so bad。 What do you think they do for fun around here?〃

Inside; the first thing that greeted their eyes was a knife fight。

An attractive young woman in a red bodysuit was squaring off against a mean…looking youth wielding what looked like a hunting knife。 Onlookers were cheering and offering words of encouragement to both parties。 On the room's stage; a tall; lean female and a white…haired old man yelled for the fight to stop。

Scott stopped short。 〃It's her!?〃

〃Who?〃 said Annie。

〃She's the one who helped us out the other day…the girl on the Cyclone!〃

Rand's eyes went wide。 〃The girl on the Cyclone? Now you tell me!。。。Well what are we waiting for? Let's go…〃

〃No; hold up a minute。〃 Scott put his arm out to restrain Rand。 〃I'm sure she can handle herself all right。〃

〃But they'll kill her;〃 said Annie。

Scott shook his head。 〃No; I
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