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〃‘We know;' Ken chimed in from behind Scott。 ‘But we still want you to leave。'〃

〃‘Terrific;' Scott snarled。 ‘You're going to sit back and relax and let the Invid rule over you and the entire planet…'〃

〃'Fighting the Invid will aggravate the whole situation!' the crowd leader interrupted。 ‘All we want is a peaceful life。 What difference does it make who's at the top…some corrupt Council or the Invid? There's no such thing as freedom!'〃

〃The man must have caught a whiff of his own words; because all of a sudden he was soft…spoken and rational。 ‘Look; anybody who hasn't seen it our way has already left。 So will you please go?'〃

〃I had heard the same speech so often that I hardly paid any attention to it; but you just didn't go throwing the reality of the situation into the face of a guy who had e halfway across the galaxy to fight your battles for you。 Before I could open my mouth; Scott had grabbed the guy by the shirtfront and was ready to split his head open。〃

〃I told Scott to leave him alone。 After all; in their own way they were right: They had peaceful lives; even without the so…called freedoms that were so important thirty years ago。 Besides; nothing Scott or I could say or do was going to change the way they felt。〃

〃‘Look around you;' I told Scott。〃

〃He did; and the truth of it seemed to sink in some。 He shoved the man aside and spat in the street。 ‘I don't believe what I'm witnessing here;' he rebuked the crowd。 ‘You people make me sick! You think I'm the only one fighting the Invid? Well; there are plenty of others。 People who aren't ready to roll over and play dead; understand?'〃

〃The crowd looked at him pityingly。 He donned his helmet; mounted the Cyclone; and took off without a word to any of us。〃

〃I felt that I had to back Scott up and made some kind of silly speech about selling out strangers; but it all fell on deaf ears。 Except Annie's。〃

〃‘That goes for me; too;' she told the crowd。 ‘I wouldn't want to live in this rotten town anyway。' With that; she threw herself onto the cycle's rear seat and told me to ‘let 'er rip。'〃

〃Annie hugged herself to me for all it was worth; and I could almost feel her tears through my shirt。 But when I asked if she was okay; she said she would make it all right。 I was certain she had known worse moments in her life。。。〃

〃When we caught up with Scott; I asked about his plans。〃

〃‘Somehow or other I've got to find Reflex Point;' he yelled without bothering to look over at me。〃

〃He had mentioned this when we first met and once or twice since but had never explained its meaning。 ‘You keep talking about this place as if it's the most important thing in the world。'〃

〃‘It is;' Scott threw back sternly; and accelerated out front。〃

〃There was something about his attitude that put me off; or maybe I was just hoping for an argument that would split us up and return me to my solo riding。 I said; ‘You know what your problem is? You don't know how to municate with people! Now that you've had a taste of the old homeworld; don't you think you'd be a lot happier back in space with your girlfriend?'〃

〃His silence told me I'd gotten to him。〃

〃‘Lay off;' he snapped back; accelerating again。 'Marlene's dead。'〃

〃It literally stopped me cold in my tracks。〃

〃‘He never told you?' Annie said as we watched Scott disappear over a rise up ahead。〃

〃‘Not one word about it;' I mumbled。 It explained a lot about Scott's behavior; his obsession with waging this one…man war of his。。。〃

〃‘I know how he feels;' Annie was saying。 ‘Being the woman so many men dream of; and yet so unlucky in love; has made me very sensitive to this sort of thing。'〃

〃I didn't know whether she was trying to make me laugh or what; but her ment succeeded in lightening my spirits。 Then she slammed me on the back: ‘Hey; e on! We're gonna lose Scott if we don't get a move on!'〃

〃I asked her if she was sure about leaving Ken behind; and she made a face。〃

〃‘Uh…huh。 I have a feeling my next lover's going to be my last。 Now; let's get moving; Rand!'〃

〃She pounded her tiny fists against my back again; and we were gone。〃


Mom was; as they used to say at the turn of the century; one tough broad。 She was the most respected member of the Blue Angels; and even after her falling out with Romy and her flight from Cavern City; her name was adopted by only those riders who shot for the narrows; and scrawled on many a wall。
Maria Bartley…Rand; Flower of Life: Journey Beyond Protoculture

It wasn't much of a town…strictly Main…Street frontier; run…down and dirty…and it wasn't much of a bar; but at least the place offered cold beer (even if it was locally brewed and bitter…tasting); shade; and a singer backed by a decent pickup band。

After all of the battles are over
After all of the fighting is done
Will you be the one
To find yourself alone with your heart
Looking for the answer?

Rook Bartley lifted her glass and toasted the singer。 The song was soft and downbeat; just what she needed to ease herself into the blues; trip through memories she couldn't do anything about。

Rook took a look around the place over the rim of her mug。 It was dimly lit and poorly ventilated but surprisingly clean and tidy for a joint in the wastes。 There was the usual assortment of types; Foragers mostly; keeping to themselves in the corners; nursing drinks and private thoughts。 A couple or two wrapped around each other on the cleared space that passed for a dance floor。 And several bad boys on the upper tier; boots up on the table; midnight shades。 Rook judged they were locals from the way they were scanning the room for action; your basic rough trade feeling safe on the barren piece of turf they had secured for themselves。 Rook returned to her drink; unimpressed。

She was a petite and shapely eighteen…year…old with a mane of strawberry…blond hair and a face that more than one man had fallen in love with。 She was wearing a red and white short…sleeved bodysuit that hugged her in all the right places。 It was set off by forearm sheaths; a blue utility belt; and boots; an outfit styled to match the mecha she rode; a red Cyclone she had liberated from an armory just after her split from the Blue Angels; the assault by the Snakes。。。

When it feels like tomorrow will never e
When it seems like the night will not end
Can you pretend 
That you're really not alone?
You're out here on your own (Lonely soldier boy)
You're out here on your own (Lonely soldier boy)

Rook settled back in her chair to study the group's lead singer; a rocker well known in the wastes who called herself Yellow Dancer。 The song had taken an unanticipated leap to four…four; guitar and keyboards wailing; and Yellow was off to one side of the low stage; clapping in time and allowing the band their moment in the spots。 She was tall and rather broad…shouldered; Rook thought; but attractive in a way that appealed to men and women both。 Her hair was long but shagged; tinted slightly lavender and held by a green leather band that chevroned in the center of her forehead。 Yellow's stage clothes were not at all elaborate…pumps; tight…fitting slacks; and a strapless top trimmed in purple…but were well suited to her tall frame and flattering to her figure。

Yellow stepped back to the mike to acknowledge the applause。 She was modest and smiling until one of the bad boys decided to change the tempo somewhat。

〃Hey; baby face!〃 he called out; getting up from the table and approaching the stage。 〃Me and my friends don't like your music。 It stinks; y' hear?〃

Rook had expected as much。 It was the one with the pointed chin and wraparound sunglasses; the apparent gang leader。 He was wearing tight jeans tucked into suede shin boots and a short…sleeve shirt left unbuttoned。

〃It's garbage; it ain't music;〃 he insulted the singer。

Rook wondered how Yellow would handle it; the pickup band were locals; as was most of the room。 No one was exactly rising to her defense; but neither was she showing signs of concern。

〃Well; why don't you just give these people a sample of what you consider music?〃 she taunted back。

Some of the crowd found the eback amusing; which only managed to put Yellow's critic on the spot。 Rathe
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