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purple and healing…bruise purple。

 So I could understand Jeb’s point—yes; I needed a bath。 And a change of clothes as well; to make the 
bath worth the effort。 Jeb offered me some of Jamie’s clothes to wear while mine dried; but I didn’t want 
to ruin Jamie’s few things by stretching them。 Thankfully; he didn’t try to offer me anything of Jared’s。 I 
ended up with an old but clean flannel shirt of Jeb’s that had the sleeves ripped off; and a pair of faded; 
holey cutoff sweatpants that had gone unclaimed for months。 These were draped over my arm—and a 
bumpy mound of vile…smelling; loosely molded chunks that Jeb claimed was homemade cactus soap was 
in my hand—as I followed Jeb to the room with the two rivers。

 Again we were not alone; and again I was miserably disappointed that this was the case。 Three men and 
one woman—the salt…and…pepper braid—were filling buckets with water from the smaller stream。 A loud 


 “We’ll just wait our turn;” Jeb told me。

 He leaned against the wall。 I stood stiffly beside him; unfortably conscious of the four pairs of eyes 
on me; though I kept my own on the dark hot spring rushing by underneath the porous floor。

 After a short wait; three women exited the bathing room; their wet hair dripping down the backs of their 
shirts—the athletic caramel…skinned woman; a young blonde I didn’t remember seeing before; and 
Melanie’s cousin Sharon。 Their laughter stopped abruptly as soon as they caught sight of us。

 “Afternoon; ladies;” Jeb said; touching his forehead as if it were the brim of a hat。

 “Jeb;” the caramel woman acknowledged dryly。

 Sharon and the other girl ignored us。

 “Okay; Wanda;” he said when they’d passed。 “It’s all yours。”

 I gave him a glum look; then made my way carefully into the black room。

 I tried to remember how the floor went—I was sure I had a few feet before the edge of the water。 I 
took off my shoes first; so that I could feel for the water with my toes。

 It was just so dark。 I remembered the inky appearance of the pool—ripe with suggestions of what might 
lurk beneath its opaque surface—and shuddered。 But the longer I waited; the longer I would have to be 
here; so I put the clean clothes next to my shoes; kept the smelly soap; and shuffled forward carefully 
until I found the lip of the pool。

 The water was cool pared to the steamy air of the outer cavern。 It felt nice。 That didn’t keep me 
from being terrified; but I could still appreciate the sensation。 It had been a long time since anything had 
beencool。 Still fully dressed in my dirty clothes; I waded in waist deep。 I could feel the stream’s current 
swirl around my ankles; hugging the rock。 I was glad the water was not stagnant—it would be upsetting 
to sully it; filthy as I was; if that were the case。

 I crouched down into the ink until I was immersed to my shoulders。 I ran the coarse soap over my 
clothes; thinking this would be the easiest way to make sure they were clean。 Where the soap touched 
my skin; it burned mildly。

 I took off the soapy clothes and scrubbed them under the water。 Then I rinsed them again and again until 
there was no way any of my sweat or tears could have survived; wrung them out; and laid them on the 
floor beside where I thought my shoes were。

 The soap burned more strongly against my bare skin; but the sting was bearable because it meant I 
could be clean again。 When I was done lathering; my skin prickled everywhere and my scalp felt scalded。 
It seemed as if the places where the bruises had formed were more sensitive than the rest of me—they 
must still have been there。 I was happy to put the acidic soap on the rock floor and rinse my body again 
and again; the way I had my clothes。

 It was with a strange mingling of relief and regret that I sloshed my way out of the pool。 The water was 
very pleasant; as was the feeling of clean; if prickling; skin。 But I’d had quite enough of the blindness and 


 Jeb laughed when I emerged; his eyes were on the soap in my cautious grasp。

 “Smarts a bit; don’t it? We’re trying to fix that。” He held out his hand; protected by the tail of his shirt; 
and I placed the soap in it。 
I didn’t answer his question because we weren’t alone; there was a line waiting silently behind him—five 

people; all of them from the field turning。 
Ian was first in line。 
“You look better;” he told me; but I couldn’t tell from his tone if he was surprised or annoyed that I did。 
He raised one arm; extending his long; pale fingers toward my neck。 I flinched away; and he dropped his 

hand quickly。 
“Sorry about that;” he muttered。 
Did he mean for scaring me now or for marking up my neck in the first place? I couldn’t imagine that he 

was apologizing for trying to kill me。 Surely he still wanted me dead。 But I wasn’t going to ask。 I started 
walking; and Jeb fell into step behind me。 
“So; today wasn’t that bad;” Jeb said as we walked through the dark corridor。

 “Not that bad;” I murmured。 After all; I hadn’t been murdered。 That was always a plus。 
“Tomorrow will be even better;” he promised。 “I always enjoy planting—seeing the miracle of the little 
dead…looking seeds having so much life in them。 Makes me feel like a withered old guy might have some 
potential left in him。 Even if it’s only to be fertilizer。” Jeb laughed at his joke。

 When we got to the big garden cavern; Jeb took my elbow and steered me east rather than west。

 “Don’t try to tell me you’re not hungry after all that digging;” he said。 “It’s not my job to provide room 
service。 You’re just going to have to eat where everyone else eats。” 
I grimaced at the floor but let him lead me to the kitchen。 
It was a good thing the food was exactly the same thing as always; because if; miraculously; a filet 

mignon or a bag of Cheetos had materialized; I wouldn’t have been able to taste a thing。 It took all my 
concentration just to make myself swallow—I hated to make even that small sound in the dead silence 
that followed my appearance。 The kitchen wasn’t crowded; just ten people lounging against the counters; 
eating their tough rolls and drinking their watery soup。 But I killed all conversation again。 I wondered how 
long things could last like this。

 The answer was exactly four days。 
It also took me that long to understand what Jeb was up to; what the motivation was behind his switch 
from the courteous host to the curmudgeonly taskmaster。 


 Ian worked with us; when it was clearly not his turn; and this bothered me。

 I had to eat in the kitchen again。 Jamie was there; and he kept the room from total silence。 I knew he 
was too sensitive not to notice the awkward hush; but he deliberately ignored it; seeming to pretend that 
he and Jeb and I were the only people in the room。 He chattered about his day in Sharon’s class; 
bragging a little about some trouble he’d gotten into for speaking out of turn; and plaining about the 
chores she’d given him as punishment。 Jeb chastised him halfheartedly。 They both did a very good job of 
acting normal。 I had no acting ability。 When Jamie asked me about my day; the best I could do was stare 
intently at my food and mumble one…word answers。 This seemed to make him sad; but he didn’t push 

 At night it was a different story—he wouldn’t let me stop talking until I begged to be allowed to sleep。 
Jamie had reclaimed his room; taking Jared’s side of the bed and insisting that I take his。 This was very 
much as Melanie remembered things; and she approved of the arrangement。

 Jeb did; too。 “Saves me the trouble of finding someone to play guard。 Keep the gun close and don’t 
forget it’s there;” he told Jamie。

 I protested again; but both the man and the boy refused to listen to me。 So Jamie slept with the gun on 
the other side of his body from me; and I fretted and had nightmares about it。

 The third day of chores; I worked in the kitchen。 Jeb taught me how to knead the coarse bread dough; 
how to lay it out in round lumps and let it rise; and; later on; how to feed the fire in the bottom of the big 
stone oven when it was da
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