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I couldn’t make it out。 Had she been here before? I searched for a memory; a sight or a smell that 
corresponded; but found nothing。 Picacho Peak。 Again; there was that spike of interest that Melanie 
repressed。 What did the words mean to her? She retreated into faraway memories; avoiding me。

 This made me curious。 I drove a little faster; wondering if the sight of the place would trigger something。

 A solitary mountain peak—not massive by normal standards; but towering above the low; rough hills 
closer to me—was beginning to take shape on the horizon。 It had an unusual; distinctive shape。 Melanie 
watched it grow as we traveled; pretending indifference to it。

 Why did she pretend not to care when she so obviously did? I was disturbed by her strength when I 
tried to find out。 I couldn’t see any way around the old blank wall。 It felt thicker than usual; though I’d 
thought it was almost gone。

 I tried to ignore her; not wanting to think about that—that she was growing stronger。 I watched the peak 
instead; tracing its shape against the pale; hot sky。 There was something familiar about it。 Something I 
was sure I recognized; even as I was positive that neither of us had been here before。

 Almost as if she was trying to distract me; Melanie plunged into a vivid memory of Jared; catching me by 


trees。 I tell myself that it is not as cold as I think it is。 My body just isn’t used to this。 
The hands that are suddenly there on my shoulders do not startle me; though I am afraid of this unfamiliar 
place and I did not hear his silent approach。 Their weight is too familiar。

 “You’re easy to sneak up on。” 
Even now; there is a smile in his voice。 
“I saw you ing before you took the first step;” I say without turning。 “I have eyes in the back of my 

Warm fingers stroke my face from my temple to my chin; dragging fire along my skin。 
“You look like a dryad hidden here in the trees;” he whispers in my ear。 “One of them。 So beautiful that 

you must be fictional。” 
“We should plant more trees around the cabin。” 
He chuckles; and the sound makes my eyes close and my lips stretch into a grin。 
“Not necessary;” he says。 “You always look that way。” 
“Says the last man on Earth to the last woman on Earth; on the eve of their separation。” 
My smile fades as I speak。 Smiles cannot last today。 
He sighs。 His breath on my cheek is warm pared to the chill forest air。 
“Jamie might resent that implication。” 
“Jamie’s still a boy。 Please; please keep him safe。” 
“I’ll make you a deal;” Jared offers。 “You keepyourself safe; and I’ll do my best。 Otherwise; no deal。” 
Just a joke; but I can’t take it lightly。 Once we are apart; there are no guarantees。 “No matter what 

happens;” I insist。 
“Nothing’s going to happen。 Don’t worry。” The words are nearly meaningless。 A waste of effort。 But his 

voice is worth hearing; no matter the message。 
He pulls me around to face him; and I lean my head against his chest。 I don’t know what to pare his 

scent to。 It is his own; as unique as the smell of juniper or the desert rain。 
“You and I won’t lose each other;” he promises。 “I will always find you again。” Being Jared; he cannot 
be pletely serious for more than a heartbeat or two。 “No matter how well you hide。 I’m unstoppable 
at hide…and…seek。” 


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“Without peeking。” 
“You’re on;” I mumble; trying to disguise the fact that my throat is thick with tears。 
“Don’t be afraid。 You’ll be fine。 You’re strong; you’re fast; and you’re smart。” He’s trying to convince 

himself; too。 
Why am I leaving him? It’s such a long shot that Sharon is still human。 
But when I saw her face on the news; I was so sure。 
It was just a normal raid; one of a thousand。 As usual when we felt isolated enough; safe enough; we had 

the TV on as we cleaned out the pantry and fridge。 Just to get the weather forecast; there isn’t much 
entertainment in the dead…boring everything…is…perfect reports that pass for news among the parasites。 It 
was the hair that caught my eye—the flash of deep; almost pink red that I’d only ever seen on one 

 I can still see the look on her face as she peeked at the camera from the corner of one eye。 The look 
that said;I’m trying to be invisible; don’t see me。 She walked not quite slowly enough; working too 
hard at keeping a casual pace。 Trying desperately to blend in。

 No body snatcher would feel that need。 
What is Sharon doing walking around human in a huge city like Chicago? Are there others? Trying to 

find her doesn’t even seem like a choice; really。 If there is a chance there are more humans out there; we 
have to locate them。 
And I have to go alone。 Sharon will run from anyone but me—well; she will run from me; too; but 

maybe she will pause long enough for me to explain。 I am sure I know her secret place。 
“And you?” I ask him in a thick voice。 I’m not sure I can physically bear this looming goodbye。 “Will 

you be safe?” 
“Neither heaven nor hell can keep me apart from you; Melanie。” 
Without giving me a chance to catch my breath or wipe away the fresh tears; she threw another at me。 
Jamie curls up under my arm—he doesn’t fit the way he used to。 He has to fold in on himself; his long; 

gangly limbs poking out in sharp angles。 His arms are starting to turn hard and sinewy; but in this moment 
he’s a child; shaking; cowering almost。 Jared is loading the car。 Jamie would not show this fear if he were 
here。 Jamie wants to be brave; to be like Jared。

 “I’m scared;” he whispers。 
I kiss his night…dark hair。 Even here among the sharp; resinous trees; it smells like dust and sun。 It feels 
like he is part of me; that to separate us will tear the skin where we are joined。 
“You’ll be fine with Jared。” I have to sound brave; whether I feel that way or not。 


 I flinch。 When Dad didn’t e back—though his body did eventually; trying to lead the Seekers to 
us—it was the most horror and the most fear and the most pain I’d ever felt。 What if I do that to Jamie 


 “I’ll e back。 I always e back。”

 “I’m scared;” he says again。

 I have to be brave。

 “I promise everything will be fine。 I’m ing back。 I promise。 You know I won’t break a promise; 

Jamie。 Not to you。”

 The shaking slows。 He believes me。 He trusts me。

 And another:

 I can hear them on the floor below。 They will find me in minutes; or seconds。 I scrawl the words on a 

dirty shred of newsprint。 They are nearly illegible; but if he finds them; he will understand:

 Not fast enough。 Love you love Jamie。 Don’t go home。

 Not only do I break their hearts; I steal their refuge; too。 I picture our little canyon home abandoned; as 
it must be forever now。 Or if not abandoned; a tomb。 I see my body leading the Seekers to it。 My face 
smiling as we catch them there…

 “Enough;” I said out loud; cringing away from the whiplash of pain。 “Enough! You’ve made your point! I 
can’t live without them either now。 Does that make you happy? Because it doesn’t leave me many 
choices; does it? Just one—to get rid of you。 Do youwant the Seeker inside you? Ugh!” I recoiled from 
the thought as if I would be the one to house her。

 Thereisanother choice; Melanie thought softly。

 “Really?” I demanded with heavy sarcasm。 “Show me one。”

 Look and see。

 I was still staring at the mountain peak。 It dominated the landscape; a sudden upthrust of rock 
surrounded by flat scrubland。 Her interest pulled my eyes over the outline; tracing the uneven 
two…pronged crest。

 A slow; rough curve; then a sharp turn north; another sudden turn back the other way; twisting back to 
the north for a longer stretch; and then the abrupt southern decline that flattened out into another shallow 

 Not north and south; the way I’d always seen the lines in her piecemeal memories; it was up and down。

 The profile of a mountain peak。 


 I could find them。

 Wecould find them; she corrected me。You don’t know all the direct
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