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the evolution of modern medicine(现代医药的演变)-第61章

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generations before tuberculosis is placed at last; with leprosy and typhus; 

among   the      vanquished      diseases。    Education;     organization;      cooperation 

these   are   the   weapons   of   our   warfare。   Into   details   I   need   not   enter。  The 

work   done   by  the   National Association   under  the  strong   guidance  of   its 

secretary;   Mr。   Farrand;   the   pioneer   studies   of Trudeau   and   the   optimism 

which   he   has   brought   into   the   campaign;   the  splendid   demonstration   by 

the New York Board of Health of what organization can do; have helped 

immensely in this world…wide conflict。 

       SOME   years   ago;   in   an   address   at   Edinburgh;   I   spoke   of   the   triple 

gospel   which   man   has   publishedof his   soul;  of   his   goods;  of   his   body。 

This third gospel; the gospel of his body; which brings man into relation 

with    nature;    has   been   a  true   evangelion;   the     glad   tidings   of  the   final 

conquest of   nature by  which   man   has   redeemed   thousands   of his   fellow 

men from sickness and from death。 

     If; in the memorable phrase of the Greek philosopher; Prodicus; 〃That 

which benefits human life is God;〃 we may see in this new gospel a link 

betwixt us and the crowning race of those who eye to eye shall look on 

knowledge; and in whose hand nature shall be an open bookan approach 

to the glorious day of which Shelley sings so gloriously: 

       Happiness      And     Science    dawn     though    late   upon    the  earth;   Peace 

cheers the mind; health renovates the frame; Disease and pleasure cease to 

mingle   here;   Reason   and   passion   cease   to        combat   there;   Whilst      mind 


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unfettered o'er the earth extends Its all…subduing energies; and wields The 

sceptre of a vast dominion there。 

    (Daemon of the World; Pt。 II。) 


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