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the lily of the valley-第39章

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soon after。 As for you; I not only see you brilliantly illuminated;

but I hear a voice which explains to me without words; by some mental

communication; what you ought to do。 Does any law forbid me to use

this wonderful gift for my children and for you?〃 she asked; falling

into a reverie。 Then; after a pause; she added; 〃Perhaps God wills to

take the place of their father。〃

〃Let me believe that my obedience is due to none but you;〃 I cried。

She gave me one of her exquisitely gracious smiles; which so exalted

my heart that I should not have felt a death…blow if given at that


〃As soon as the king returns to Paris; go there; leave Clochegourde;〃

she said。 〃It may be degrading to beg for places and favors; but it

would be ridiculous to be out of the way of receiving them。 Great

changes will soon take place。 The king needs capable and trustworthy

men; don't fail him。 It is well for you to enter young into the

affairs of the nation and learn your way; for statesmen; like actors;

have a routine business to acquire; which genius does not reveal; it

must be learnt。 My father heard the Duc de Choiseul say this。 Think of

me;〃 she said; after a pause; 〃let me enjoy the pleasures of

superiority in a soul that is all my own; for are you not my son?〃

〃Your son?〃 I said; sullenly。

〃Yes; my son!〃 she cried; mocking me; 〃is not that a good place in my


The bell rang for dinner; she took my arm and leaned contentedly upon


〃You have grown;〃 she said; as we went up the steps。 When we reached

the portico she shook my arm a little; as if my looks were

importunate; for though her eyes were lowered she knew that I saw only

her。 Then she said; with a charming air of pretended impatience; full

of grace and coquetry; 〃Come; why don't you look at our dear valley?〃

She turned; held her white silk sun…shade over our heads and drew

Jacques closely to her side。 The motion of her head as she looked

towards the Indre; the punt; the meadows; showed me that in my absence

she had come to many an understanding with those misty horizons and

their vaporous outline。 Nature was a mantle which sheltered her

thoughts。 She now knew what the nightingale was sighing the livelong

night; what the songster of the sedges hymned with his plaintive note。

At eight o'clock that evening I was witness of a scene which touched

me deeply; and which I had never yet witnessed; for in my former

visits I had played backgammon with the count while his wife took the

children into the dining…room before their bedtime。 The bell rang

twice; and all the servants of the household entered the room。

〃You are now our guest and must submit to convent rule;〃 said the

countess; leading me by the hand with that air of innocent gaiety

which distinguishes women who are naturally pious。

The count followed。 Masters; children; and servants knelt down; all

taking their regular places。 It was Madeleine's turn to read the

prayers。 The dear child said them in her childish voice; the ingenuous

tones of which rose clear in the harmonious silence of the country;

and gave to the words the candor of holy innocence; the grace of

angels。 It was the most affecting prayer I ever heard。 Nature replied

to the child's voice with the myriad murmurs of the coming night; like

the low accompaniment of an organ lightly touched; Madeleine was on

the right of the countess; Jacques on her left。 The graceful curly

heads; between which rose the smooth braids of the mother; and above

all three the perfectly white hair and yellow cranium of the father;

made a picture which repeated; in some sort; the ideas aroused by the

melody of the prayer。 As if to fulfil all conditions of the unity

which marks the sublime; this calm and collected group were bathed in

the fading light of the setting sun; its red tints coloring the room;

impelling the soulbe it poetic or superstitiousto believe that the

fires of heaven were visiting these faithful servants of God as they

knelt there without distinction of rank; in the equality which heaven

demands。 Thinking back to the days of the patriarchs my mind still

further magnified this scene; so grand in its simplicity。

The children said good…night; the servants bowed; the countess went

away holding a child by each hand; and I returned to the salon with

the count。

〃We provide you with salvation there; and hell here;〃 he said;

pointing to the backgammon…board。

The countess returned in half an hour; and brought her frame near the


〃This is for you;〃 she said; unrolling the canvas; 〃but for the last

three months it has languished。 Between that rose and this heartsease

my poor child was ill。〃

〃Come; come;〃 said Monsieur de Mortsauf; 〃don't talk of that any more。

Sixfive; emissary of the king!〃

When alone in my room I hushed my breathing that I might hear her

passing to and fro in hers。 She was calm and pure; but I was lashed

with maddening ideas。 〃Why should she not be mine?〃 I thought;

〃perhaps she is; like me; in this whirlwind of agitation。〃 At one

o'clock; I went down; walking noiselessly; and lay before her door。

With my ear pressed to a chink I could hear her equable; gentle

breathing; like that of a child。 When chilled to the bone I went back

to bed and slept tranquilly till morning。 I know not what prenatal

influence; what nature within me; causes the delight I take in going

to the brink of precipices; sounding the gulf of evil; seeking to know

its depths; feeling its icy chill; and retreating in deep emotion。

That hour of night passed on the threshold of her door where I wept

with rage;though she never knew that on the morrow her foot had trod

upon my tears and kisses; on her virtue first destroyed and then

respected; cursed and adored;that hour; foolish in the eyes of many;

was nevertheless an inspiration of the same mysterious impulse which

impels the soldier。 Many have told me they have played their lives

upon it; flinging themselves before a battery to know if they could

escape the shot; happy in thus galloping into the abyss of

probabilities; and smoking like Jean Bart upon the gunpowder。

The next day I went to gather flowers and made two bouquets。 The count

admired them; though generally nothing of the kind appealed to him。

The clever saying of Champcenetz; 〃He builds dungeons in Spain;〃

seemed to have been made for him。

I spent several days at Clochegourde; going but seldom to Frapesle;

where; however; I dined three times。 The French army now occupied

Tours。 Though my presence was health and strength to Madame de

Mortsauf; she implored me to make my way to Chateauroux; and so round

by Issoudun and Orleans to Paris with what haste I could。 I tried to

resist; but she commanded me; saying that my guardian angel spoke。 I

obeyed。 Our farewell was; this time; dim with tears; she feared the

allurements of the life I was about to live。 Is it not a serious thing

to enter the maelstrom of interests; passions; and pleasures which

make Paris a dangerous ocean for chaste love and purity of conscience?

I promised to write to her every night; relating the events and

thoughts of the day; even the most trivial。 When I gave the promise

she laid her head on my shoulder and said: 〃Leave nothing out;

everything will interest me。〃

She gave me letters for the duke and duchess; which I delivered the

second day after my return。

〃You are in luck;〃 said the duke; 〃dine here to…day; and go with me

this evening to the Chateau; your fortune is made。 The king spoke of

you this morning; and said; 'He is young; capable; and trustworthy。'

His Majesty added that he wished he knew whether you were living or

dead; and in what part of France events had thrown you after you had

executed your mission so ably。〃

That night I was appointed master of petitions to the council of

State; and I also received a private and permanent place in the

employment of Louis XVIII。
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