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the lily of the valley-第25章

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which are limitless; they rise to the grandeur of the highest moral

conceptionsbe it the heather in bloom; covered with the diamonds of

the dew on which the sunlight dances; infinitude decked for the single

glance that may chance to fall upon it:be it a corner of the forest

hemmed in with time…worn rocks crumbling to gravel and clothed with

mosses overgrown with juniper; which grasps our minds as something

savage; aggressive; terrifying as the cry of the kestrel issuing from

it:be it a hot and barren moor without vegetation; stony; rigid; its

horizon like those of the desert; where once I gathered a sublime and

solitary flower; the anemone pulsatilla; with its violet petals

opening for the golden stamens; affecting image of my pure idol alone

in her valley:be it great sheets of water; where nature casts those

spots of greenery; a species of transition between the plant and

animal; where life makes haste to come in flowers and insects;

floating there like worlds in ether:be it a cottage with its garden

of cabbages; its vineyards; its hedges overhanging a bog; surrounded

by a few sparse fields of rye; true image of many humble existences:

be it a forest path like some cathedral nave; where the trees are

columns and their branches arch the roof; at the far end of which a

light breaks through; mingled with shadows or tinted with sunset reds

athwart the leaves which gleam like the colored windows of a chancel:

then; leaving these woods so cool and branchy; behold a chalk…land

lying fallow; where among the warm and cavernous mosses adders glide

to their lairs; or lift their proud slim heads。 Cast upon all these

pictures torrents of sunlight like beneficent waters; or the shadow of

gray clouds drawn in lines like the wrinkles of an old man's brow; or

the cool tones of a sky faintly orange and streaked with lines of a

paler tint; then listenyou will hear indefinable harmonies amid a

silence which blends them all。

During the months of September and October I did not make a single

bouquet which cost me less than three hours search; so much did I

admire; with the real sympathy of a poet; these fugitive allegories of

human life; that vast theatre I was about to enter; the scenes of

which my memory must presently recall。 Often do I now compare those

splendid scenes with memories of my soul thus expending itself on

nature; again I walk that valley with my sovereign; whose white robe

brushed the coppice and floated on the green sward; whose spirit rose;

like a promised fruit; from each calyx filled with amorous stamens。

No declaration of love; no vows of uncontrollable passion ever

conveyed more than these symphonies of flowers; my baffled desires

impelled me to efforts of expression through them like those of

Beethoven through his notes; to the same bitter reactions; to the same

mighty bounds towards heaven。 In their presence Madame de Mortsauf was

my Henriette。 She looked at them constantly; they fed her spirit; she

gathered all the thoughts I had given them; saying; as she raised her

head from the embroidery frame to receive my gift; 〃Ah; how


Natalie; you will understand this delightful intercourse through the

details of a bouquet; just as you would comprehend Saadi from a

fragment of his verse。 Have you ever smelt in the fields in the month

of May the perfume that communicates to all created beings the

intoxicating sense of a new creation; the sense that makes you trail

your hand in the water from a boat; and loosen your hair to the breeze

while your mind revives with the springtide greenery of the trees? A

little plant; a species of vernal grass; is a powerful element in this

veiled harmony; it cannot be worn with impunity; take into your hand

its shining blade; striped green and white like a silken robe; and

mysterious emotions will stir the rosebuds your modesty keeps hidden

in the depths of your heart。 Round the neck of a porcelain vase

imagine a broad margin of the gray…white tufts peculiar to the sedum

of the vineyards of Touraine; vague image of submissive forms; from

this foundation come tendrils of the bind…weed with its silver bells;

sprays of pink rest…barrow mingled with a few young shoots of oak…

leaves; lustrous and magnificently colored; these creep forth

prostrate; humble as the weeping…willow; timid and supplicating as

prayer。 Above; see those delicate threads of the purple amoret; with

its flood of anthers that are nearly yellow; the snowy pyramids of the

meadow…sweet; the green tresses of the wild oats; the slender plumes

of the agrostis; which we call wind…ear; roseate hopes; decking love's

earliest dream and standing forth against the gray surroundings。 But

higher still; remark the Bengal roses; sparsely scattered among the

laces of the daucus; the plumes of the linaria; the marabouts of the

meadow…queen; see the umbels of the myrrh; the spun glass of the

clematis in seed; the dainty petals of the cross…wort; white as milk;

the corymbs of the yarrow; the spreading stems of the fumitory with

their black and rosy blossoms; the tendrils of the grape; the twisted

shoots of the honeysuckle; in short; all the innocent creatures have

that is most tangled; wayward; wild;flames and triple darts; leaves

lanceolated or jagged; stalks convoluted like passionate desires

writhing in the soul。 From the bosom of this torrent of love rises the

scarlet poppy; its tassels about to open; spreading its flaming flakes

above the starry jessamine; dominating the rain of pollenthat soft

mist fluttering in the air and reflecting the light in its myriad

particles。 What woman intoxicated with the odor of the vernal grasses

would fail to understand this wealth of offered thoughts; these ardent

desires of a love demanding the happiness refused in a hundred

struggles which passion still renews; continuous; unwearying; eternal!

Put this speech of the flowers in the light of a window to show its

crisp details; its delicate contrasts; its arabesques of color; and

allow the sovereign lady to see a tear upon some petal more expanded

than the rest。 What do we give to God? perfumes; light; and song; the

purest expression of our nature。 Well; these offerings to God; are

they not likewise offered to love in this poem of luminous flowers

murmuring their sadness to the heart; cherishing its hidden

transports; its unuttered hopes; its illusions which gleam and fall to

fragments like the gossamer of a summer's night?

Such neutral pleasures help to soothe a nature irritated by long

contemplation of the person beloved。 They were to me; I dare not say

to her; like those fissures in a dam through which the water finds a

vent and avoids disaster。 Abstinence brings deadly exhaustion; which a

few crumbs falling from heaven like manna in the desert; suffices to

relieve。 Sometimes I found my Henriette standing before these bouquets

with pendant arms; lost in agitated reverie; thoughts swelling her

bosom; illumining her brow as they surged in waves and sank again;

leaving lassitude and languor behind them。 Never again have I made a

bouquet for any one。 When she and I had created this language and

formed it to our uses; a satisfaction filled our souls like that of a

slave who escapes his masters。

During the rest of this month as I came from the meadows through the

gardens I often saw her face at the window; and when I reached the

salon she was ready at her embroidery frame。 If I did not arrive at

the hour expected (though never appointed); I saw a white form

wandering on the terrace; and when I joined her she would say; 〃I came

to meet you; I must show a few attentions to my youngest child。〃

The miserable games of backgammon had come to end。 The count's late

purchases took all his time in going hither and thither about the

property; surveying; examining; and marking the boundaries of his new

possessions。 He had orders to give; rural works to overlook which

needed a master's eye;all of them 
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