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2 new moon新月-第94章

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Check's in the mail; kid 

This time; I mean it 

Thanks again to my brother Jacob for his ongoing expert advice on all my automotive choices 

A big thank you to my agent; Jodi Reamer; for her continued guidance and assistance in my career And 
also for enduring my craziness with a smile when I know she d like to use some of her ninja moves on me 

Love; kisses; and gratitude to my publicist; the beautiful Elizabeth Eulberg; for making my touring 
experience less a chore and more a pajama party; for aiding and abetting my cyber…stalkery; for 
convincing those exclusive snobs in the EEC (Elizabeth Eulberg Club) to let me in; and; oh yeah; also for 
getting me on the New York Times bestseller's list 

A huge vat of thanks to everyone at Little; Brown and Company for their support and their belief in the 
potential of my stories 

And; finally; thank you to the talented musicians who inspire me; particularly the band Muse—there are 
emotions; scenes; and plot threads in this novel that were born from Muse songs and would not exist 
without their genius 

Also Linkin Park; Travis; Elbow; Coldplay; Marjoric Fair; My Chemical Romance; Brand New; The 
Strokes; Armor for Sleep; The Arcade Fire; and The Fray have all been instrumental in staving off the 

writer's block 


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