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2 new moon新月-第23章

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say anything; though。 They fight dirty if you start on their names—they'll tag team you。〃 

〃Good friends。〃 I raised one eyebrow。 

〃No; they are。 Just don't mess with their names。〃 

Just then a call echoed in the distance。 〃Jacob?〃 someone shouted。 

〃Is that Billy?〃 I asked。 

〃No。〃 Jacob ducked his head; and it looked like he was blushing under his brown skin。 〃Speak of the 
devil;〃 he mumbled; 〃and the devil shall appear。〃 

〃Jake? Are you out here?〃 The shouting voice was closer now。 

〃Yeah!〃 Jacob shouted back; and sighed。 

We waited through the short silence until two tall; dark…skinned boys strolled around the corner into the 

One was slender; and almost as tall as Jacob。 His black hair was chin…length and parted down the 
middle; one side tucked behind his left ear while the right side swung free。 The shorter boy was more 
burly。 His white T…shirt strained over his well…developed chest; and he seemed gleefully conscious of that 
fact。 His hair was so short it was almost a buzz。 

Both boys stopped short when they saw me。 The thin boy glanced swiftly back and forth between Jacob 
and me; while the brawny boy kept his eyes on me; a slow smile spreading across his face。 

〃Hey; guys;〃 Jacob greeted them halfheartedly。 

〃Hey; Jake;〃 the short one said without looking away from me。 I had to smile in response; his grin was so 
impish。 When I did; he winked at me。 〃Hi; there。〃 

〃Quil; Embry—this is my friend; Bella。〃 

Quil and Embry; I still didn't know which was which; exchanged a loaded look。 

〃Charlie's kid; right?〃 the brawny boy asked me; holding out his hand。 

〃That's right;〃 I confirmed; shaking hands with him。 His grasp was firm; it looked like he was flexing his 

〃I'm Quil Ateara;〃 he announced grandly before releasing my hand。 

〃Nice to meet you; Quil。〃 

〃Hey; Bella。 I'm Embry; Embry Call—you probably already figured that out; though。〃 Embry smiled a shy 
smile and waved with one hand; which he then shoved in the pocket of his jeans。 

I nodded。 〃Nice to meet you; too。〃 

〃So what are you guys doing?〃 Quil asked; still looking at me。 

〃Bella and I are going to fix up these bikes;〃 Jacob explained inaccurately。 But bikes seemed to be the 
magic word。 Both boys went to examine Jacob's project; drilling him with educated questions。 Many of 
the words they used were unfamiliar to me; and I figured I'd have to have a Y chromosome to really 
understand the excitement。 

They were still immersed in talk of parts and pieces when I decided that I needed to head back home 
before Charlie showed up here。 With a sigh; I slid out of the Rabbit。 

Jacob looked up; apologetic。 〃We're boring you; aren't we?〃 

〃Naw。〃 And it wasn't a lie。 I was enjoying myself—how strange。 〃I just have to go cook dinner for 

〃Oh… well; I'll finish taking these apart tonight and figure out what more we'll need to get started 
rebuilding them。 When do you want to work on them again?〃 

〃Could I come back tomorrow?〃 Sundays were the bane of my existence。 There was never enough 
homework to keep me busy。 

Quil nudged Embry's arm and they exchanged grins。 

Jacob smiled in delight。 〃That would be great!〃 

〃If you make a list; we can go shop for parts;〃 I suggested。 

Jacob's face fell a little。 〃I'm still not sure I should let you pay for everything。〃 

I shook my head。 〃No way。 I'm bankrolling this party。 You just have to supply the labor and expertise。〃 

Embry rolled his eyes at Quil。 

〃That doesn't seem right;〃 Jacob shook his head。 

〃Jake; if I took these to a mechanic; how much would he charge me?〃 I pointed out。 

He smiled。 〃Okay; you're getting a deal。〃 

〃Not to mention the riding lessons;〃 I added。 

Quil grinned widely at Embry and whispered something I didn't catch。 Jacob's hand flashed out to smack 
the back of Quil's head。 〃That's it; get out;〃 he muttered。 

〃No; really; I have to go;〃 I protested; heading for the door。 〃I'll see you tomorrow; Jacob。〃 

As soon as I was out of sight; I heard Quil and Embry chorus; 〃Wooooo!〃 

The sound of a brief scuffle followed; interspersed with an 〃ouch〃 and a 〃hey!〃 

〃If either of you set so much as one toe on my land tomorrow…〃 I heard Jacob threaten。 His voice was 
lost as I walked through the trees。 

I giggled quietly。 The sound made my eyes widen in wonder。 I was laughing; actually laughing; and there 
wasn't even anyone watching。 I felt so weightless that I laughed again; just make the feeling last longer。 

I beat Charlie home。 When he walked in I was just taking the fried chicken out of the pan and laying it on 
a pile of paper towels。 

〃Hey; Dad。〃 I flashed him a grin。 

Shock flitted across his face before he pulled his expression together。 〃Hey; honey;〃 he said; his voice 
uncertain。 〃Did you have fun with Jacob?〃 

I started moving the food to the table。 〃Yeah; I did。〃 

〃Well; that's good。〃 He was still cautious。 〃What did you two do?〃 

Now it was my turn to be cautious。 〃I hung out in his garage and watched him work。 Did you know he's 
rebuilding a Volkswagen?〃 

〃Yeah; I think Billy mentioned that。〃 

The interrogation had to stop when Charlie began chewing; but he continued to study my face as he ate。 

After dinner; I dithered around; cleaning the kitchen twice; and then did my homework slowly in the front 
room while Charlie watched a hockey game。 I waited as long as I could; but finally Charlie mentioned the 
late hour。 When I didn't respond; he got up; stretched; and then left; turning out the light behind him。 
Reluctantly; I followed。 

As I climbed the stairs; I felt the last of the afternoon's abnormal sense of well…being drain from my 
system; replaced by a dull fear at the thought of what I was going to have to live through now。 

I wasn't numb anymore。 Tonight would; no doubt; be as horrific as last night。 I lay down on my bed and 
curled into a ball in preparation for the onslaught。 I squeezed my eyes shut and… the next thing I next I 
knew; it was morning。 

I stared at the pale silver light coming through my window; stunned。 

For the first time in more than four months; I'd slept without dreaming。 Dreaming or screaming。 I couldn't 
tell which emotion was stronger—the relief or the shock。 

I lay still in my bed for a few minutes; waiting for it to come back。 Because something must be coming。 If 
not the pain; then the numbness。 I waited; but nothing happened。 I felt more rested than I had in a long 

I didn't trust this to last。 It was a slippery; precarious edge that I balanced on; and it wouldn't take much 
to knock me back down。 Just glancing around my room with these suddenly clear eyes—noticing how 
strange it looked; too tidy; like I didn't live here at all—was dangerous。 

I pushed that thought from my mind; and concentrated; as I got dressed; on the fact that I was going to 
see Jacob again today。 The thought made me feel almost… hopeful。 Maybe it would be the same as 
yesterday。 Maybe I wouldn't have to remind myself to look interested and to nod or smile at appropriate 
intervals; the way I had to with everyone else。 Maybe… but I wouldn't trust this to last; either。 Wouldn't 
trust it to be the same—so easy—as yesterday。 I wasn't going to set myself up for disappointment like 

At breakfast; Charlie was being careful; too。 He tried to hide his scrutiny; keeping his eyes on his eggs 
until he thought I wasn't looking。 

〃What are you up to today?〃 he asked; eyeing a loose thread on the edge of his cuff like he wasn't paying 
much attention to my answer。 

〃I'm going to hang out with Jacob again。〃 

He nodded without looking up。 〃Oh;〃 he said。 

〃Do you mind?〃 I pretended to worry。 〃I could stay…〃 

He glanced up quickly; a hint of panic in his eyes。 〃No; no! You go ahead。 Harry was going to come up 
to watch the game with me anyway。〃 

〃Maybe Harry could give Billy a ride up;〃 I suggested。 The fewer witnesses the better。 

〃That's a great idea。〃 

I wasn't sure if the game was just an excuse for kicking me out; but he looked excited enough now。 He 
headed to the phone while I donned my rain jacket。 I felt self…consc
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