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madame bovary-第73章

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which depended the honour; the very life of a third person。

〃No matter!〃 she said; looking at him sadly。 〃I have suffered

He replied philosophically

〃Such is life!〃

〃Has life;〃 Emma went on; 〃been good to you at least; since our

〃Oh; neither good nor bad。〃

〃Perhaps it would have been better never to have parted。〃

〃Yes; perhaps。〃

〃You think so?〃 she said; drawing nearer; and she sighed。 〃Oh;
Rodolphe! if you but knew! I loved you so!〃

It was then that she took his hand; and they remained some time;
their fingers intertwined; like that first day at the Show。 With
a gesture of pride he struggled against this emotion。 But sinking
upon his breast she said to him

〃How did you think I could live without you? One cannot lose the
habit of happiness。 I was desolate。 I thought I should die。 I
will tell you about all that and you will see。 And youyou fled
from me!〃

For; all the three years; he had carefully avoided her in
consequence of that natural cowardice that characterises the
stronger sex。 Emma went on; with dainty little nods; more coaxing
than an amorous kitten

〃You love others; confess it! Oh; I understand them; dear! I
excuse them。 You probably seduced them as you seduced me。 You are
indeed a man; you have everything to make one love you。 But we'll
begin again; won't we? We will love one another。 See! I am
laughing; I am happy! Oh; speak!〃

And she was charming to see; with her eyes; in which trembled a
tear; like the rain of a storm in a blue corolla。

He had drawn her upon his knees; and with the back of his hand
was caressing her smooth hair; where in the twilight was mirrored
like a golden arrow one last ray of the sun。 She bent down her
brow; at last he kissed her on the eyelids quite gently with the
tips of his lips。

〃Why; you have been crying! What for?〃

She burst into tears。 Rodolphe thought this was an outburst of
her love。 As she did not speak; he took this silence for a last
remnant of resistance; and then he cried out

〃Oh; forgive me! You are the only one who pleases me。 I was
imbecile and cruel。 I love you。 I will love you always。 What is
it。 Tell me!〃 He was kneeling by her。

〃Well; I am ruined; Rodolphe! You must lend me three thousand

〃Butbut〃 said he; getting up slowly; while his face assumed a
grave expression。

〃You know;〃 she went on quickly; 〃that my husband had placed his
whole fortune at a notary's。 He ran away。 So we borrowed; the
patients don't pay us。 Moreover; the settling of the estate is
not yet done; we shall have the money later on。 But to…day; for
want of three thousand francs; we are to be sold up。 It is to be
at once; this very moment; and; counting upon your friendship; I
have come to you。〃

〃Ah!〃 thought Rodolphe; turning very pale; 〃that was what she
came for。〃 At last he said with a calm air

〃Dear madame; I have not got them。〃

He did not lie。 If he had had them; he would; no doubt; have
given them; although it is generally disagreeable to do such fine
things: a demand for money being; of all the winds that blow upon
love; the coldest and most destructive。

First she looked at him for some moments。

〃You have not got them!〃 she repeated several times。 〃You have
not got them! I ought to have spared myself this last shame。 You
never loved me。 You are no better than the others。〃

She was betraying; ruining herself。

Rodolphe interrupted her; declaring he was 〃hard up〃 himself。

〃Ah! I pity you;〃 said Emma。 〃Yesvery much。〃

And fixing her eyes upon an embossed carabine; that shone against
its panoply; 〃But when one is so poor one doesn't have silver on
the butt of one's gun。 One doesn't buy a clock inlaid with
tortoise shell;〃 she went on; pointing to a buhl timepiece; 〃nor
silver…gilt whistles for one's whips;〃 and she touched them; 〃nor
charms for one's watch。 Oh; he wants for nothing! even to a
liqueur…stand in his room! For you love yourself; you live well。
You have a chateau; farms; woods; you go hunting; you travel to
Paris。 Why; if it were but that;〃 she cried; taking up two studs
from the mantelpiece; 〃but the least of these trifles; one can
get money for them。 Oh; I do not want them; keep them!〃

And she threw the two links away from her; their gold chain
breaking as it struck against the wall。

〃But I! I would have given you everything。 I would have sold all;
worked for you with my hands; I would have begged on the
highroads for a smile; for a look; to hear you say 'Thanks!' And
you sit there quietly in your arm…chair; as if you had not made
me suffer enough already! But for you; and you know it; I might
have lived happily。 What made you do it? Was it a bet? Yet you
loved meyou said so。 And but a moment sinceAh! it would have
been better to have driven me away。 My hands are hot with your
kisses; and there is the spot on the carpet where at my knees you
swore an eternity of love! You made me believe you; for two years
you held me in the most magnificent; the sweetest dream! Eh! Our
plans for the journey; do you remember? Oh; your letter! your
letter! it tore my heart! And then when I come back to himto
him; rich; happy; freeto implore the help the first stranger
would give; a suppliant; and bringing back to him all my
tenderness; he repulses me because it would cost him three
thousand francs!〃

〃I haven't got them;〃 replied Rodolphe; with that perfect calm
with which resigned rage covers itself as with a shield。

She went out。 The walls trembled; the ceiling was crushing her;
and she passed back through the long alley; stumbling against the
heaps of dead leaves scattered by the wind。 At last she reached
the ha…ha hedge in front of the gate; she broke her nails against
the lock in her haste to open it。 Then a hundred steps farther
on; breathless; almost falling; she stopped。 And now turning
round; she once more saw the impassive chateau; with the park;
the gardens; the three courts; and all the windows of the facade。

She remained lost in stupor; and having no more consciousness of
herself than through the beating of her arteries; that she seemed
to hear bursting forth like a deafening music filling all the
fields。 The earth beneath her feet was more yielding than the
sea; and the furrows seemed to her immense brown waves breaking
into foam。 Everything in her head; of memories; ideas; went off
at once like a thousand pieces of fireworks。 She saw her father;
Lheureux's closet; their room at home; another landscape。 Madness
was coming upon her; she grew afraid; and managed to recover
herself; in a confused way; it is true; for she did not in the;
least remember the cause of the terrible condition she was in;
that is to say; the question of money。 She suffered only in her
love; and felt her soul passing from her in this memory; as
wounded men; dying; feel their life ebb from their bleeding

Night was falling; crows were flying about。

Suddenly it seemed to her that fiery spheres were exploding in
the air like fulminating balls when they strike; and were
whirling; whirling; to melt at last upon the snow between the
branches of the trees。 In the midst of each of them appeared the
face of Rodolphe。 They multiplied and drew near her; penetrating;
her。 It all disappeared; she recognised the lights of the houses
that shone through the fog。

Now her situation; like an abyss; rose up before her。 She was
panting as if her heart would burst。 Then in an ecstasy of
heroism; that made her almost joyous; she ran down the hill;
crossed the cow…plank; the foot…path; the alley; the market; and
reached the chemist's shop。 She was about to enter; but at the
sound of the bell someone might come; and slipping in by the
gate; holding her breath; feeling her way along the walls; she
went as far as the door of the kitchen; where a candle stuck on
the stove was burning。 Justin in his shirt…sleeves was carrying
out a dish。

〃Ah! they are dining; I will wait。〃

He returned; she tapped at the window。 He went out。

〃The key! the one for upstairs where he keeps the〃


And he looked at her; astonished at the pallor of her face; that
stood out white against the black background of the
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