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madame bovary-第47章

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He pictured her to himself working in the evening by their side
beneath the light of the lamp; she would embroider him slippers;
she would look after the house; she would fill all the home with
her charm and her gaiety。 At last; they would think of her
marriage; they would find her some good young fellow with a
steady business; he would make her happy; this would last for

Emma was not asleep; she pretended to be; and while he dozed off
by her side she awakened to other dreams。

To the gallop of four horses she was carried away for a week
towards a new land; whence they would return no more。 They went
on and on; their arms entwined; without a word。 Often from the
top of a mountain there suddenly glimpsed some splendid city with
domes; and bridges; and ships; forests of citron trees; and
cathedrals of white marble; on whose pointed steeples were
storks' nests。 They went at a walking…pace because of the great
flag…stones; and on the ground there were bouquets of flowers;
offered you by women dressed in red bodices。 They heard the 
chiming of bells; the neighing of mules; together with the murmur
of guitars and the noise of fountains; whose rising spray
refreshed heaps of fruit arranged like a pyramid at the foot of
pale statues that smiled beneath playing waters。 And then; one
night they came to a fishing village; where brown nets were
drying in the wind along the cliffs and in front of the huts。 It
was there that they would stay; they would live in a low;
flat…roofed house; shaded by a palm…tree; in the heart of a gulf;
by the sea。 They would row in gondolas; swing in hammocks; and
their existence would be easy and large as their silk gowns; warm
and star…spangled as the nights they would contemplate。 However;
in the immensity of this future that she conjured up; nothing
special stood forth; the days; all magnificent; resembled
each other like waves; and it swayed in the horizon; infinite;
harmonised; azure; and bathed in sunshine。 But the child began to
cough in her cot or Bovary snored more loudly; and Emma did not
fall asleep till morning; when the dawn whitened the windows; and
when little Justin was already in the square taking down the
shutters of the chemist's shop。

She had sent for Monsieur Lheureux; and had said to him

〃I want a cloaka large lined cloak with a deep collar。〃

〃You are going on a journey?〃 he asked。

〃No; butnever mind。 I may count on you; may I not; and

He bowed。

〃Besides; I shall want;〃 she went on; 〃a trunknot too heavy

〃Yes; yes; I understand。 About three feet by a foot and a half;
as they are being made just now。〃

〃And a travelling bag。〃

〃Decidedly;〃 thought Lheureux。 〃there's a row on here。〃

〃And;〃 said Madame Bovary; taking her watch from her belt; 〃take
this; you can pay yourself out of it。〃

But the tradesman cried out that she was wrong; they knew one
another; did he doubt her? What childishness!

She insisted; however; on his taking at least the chain; and
Lheureux had already put it in his pocket and was going; when she
called him back。

〃You will leave everything at your place。 As to the cloak〃she
seemed to be reflecting〃do not bring it either; you can give me
the maker's address; and tell him to have it ready for me。〃

It was the next month that they were to run away。 She was to
leave Yonville as if she was going on some business to Rouen。
Rodolphe would have booked the seats; procured the passports; and
even have written to Paris in order to have the whole mail…coach
reserved for them as far as Marseilles; where they would buy a
carriage; and go on thence without stopping to Genoa。 She would
take care to send her luggage to Lheureux whence it would be
taken direct to the 〃Hirondelle;〃 so that no one would have any
suspicion。 And in all this there never was any allusion to the
child。 Rodolphe avoided speaking of her; perhaps he no longer
thought about it。

He wished to have two more weeks before him to arrange some
affairs; then at the end of a week he wanted two more; then he
said he was ill; next he went on a journey。 The month of August
passed; and; after all these delays; they decided that it was to
be irrevocably fixed for the 4th Septembera Monday。

At length the Saturday before arrived。

Rodolphe came in the evening earlier than usual。

〃Everything is ready?〃 she asked him。


Then they walked round a garden…bed; and went to sit down near
the terrace on the kerb…stone of the wall。

〃You are sad;〃 said Emma。

〃No; why?〃

And yet he looked at her strangely in a tender fashion。

〃It is because you are going away?〃 she went on; 〃because you are
leaving what is dear to youyour life? Ah! I understand。 I have
nothing in the world! you are all to me; so shall I be to you。 I
will be your people; your country; I will tend; I will love you!〃

〃How sweet you are!〃 he said; seizing her in his arms。

〃Really!〃 she said with a voluptuous laugh。 〃Do you love me?
Swear it then!〃

〃Do I love youlove you? I adore you; my love。〃

The moon; full and purple…coloured; was rising right out of the
earth at the end of the meadow。 She rose quickly between the
branches of the poplars; that hid her here and there like a black
curtain pierced with holes。 Then she appeared dazzling with
whiteness in the empty heavens that she lit up; and now sailing
more slowly along; let fall upon the river a great stain that
broke up into an infinity of stars; and the silver sheen seemed
to writhe through the very depths like a heedless serpent covered
with luminous scales; it also resembled some monster candelabra
all along which sparkled drops of diamonds running together。 The
soft night was about them; masses of shadow filled the branches。
Emma; her eyes half closed; breathed in with deep sighs the fresh
wind that was blowing。 They did not speak; lost as they were in
the rush of their reverie。 The tenderness of the old days came
back to their hearts; full and silent as the flowing river; with
the softness of the perfume of the syringas; and threw across
their memories shadows more immense and more sombre than those of
the still willows that lengthened out over the grass。 Often some
night…animal; hedgehog or weasel; setting out on the hunt;
disturbed the lovers; or sometimes they heard a ripe peach
falling all alone from the espalier。

〃Ah! what a lovely night!〃 said Rodolphe。

〃We shall have others;〃 replied Emma; and; as if speaking to
herself: 〃Yet; it will be good to travel。 And yet; why should my
heart be so heavy? Is it dread of the unknown? The effect of
habits left? Or rather? No; it is the excess of happiness。 How
weak I am; am I not? Forgive me!〃

〃There is still time!〃 he cried。 〃Reflect! perhaps you may

〃Never!〃 she cried impetuously。 And coming closer to him: 〃What
ill could come to me? There is no desert; no precipice; no ocean
I would not traverse with you。 The longer we live together the
more it will be like an embrace; every day closer; more heart to
heart。 There will be nothing to trouble us; no cares; no
obstacle。 We shall be alone; all to ourselves eternally。 Oh;
speak! Answer me!〃

At regular intervals he answered; 〃YesYes〃 She had passed her
hands through his hair; and she repeated in a childlike voice;
despite the big tears which were falling; 〃Rodolphe! Rodolphe!
Ah! Rodolphe! dear little Rodolphe!〃

Midnight struck。

〃Midnight!〃 said she。 〃Come; it is to…morrow。 One day more!〃

He rose to go; and as if the movement he made had been the signal
for their flight; Emma said; suddenly assuming a gay air

〃You have the passports?〃


〃You are forgetting nothing?〃


〃Are you sure?〃


〃It is at the Hotel de Provence; is it not; that you will wait
for me at midday?〃

He nodded。

〃Till to…morrow then!〃 said Emma in a last caress; and she
watched him go。

He did not turn round。 She ran after him; and; leaning over the
water's edge between the bulrushes

〃To…morrow!〃 she cried。

He was already on the other side of the river and walking fast
across the meadow。

After a few moments Rodolphe stopped; and when he saw her with
her white gown gradually fad
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