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madame bovary-第40章

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〃And you're out so early?〃

〃Yes;〃 she said stammering; 〃I am just coming from the nurse
where my child is。〃

〃Ah! very good! very good! For myself; I am here; just as you
see me; since break of day; but the weather is so muggy; that
unless one had the bird at the mouth of the gun〃

〃Good evening; Monsieur Binet;〃 she interrupted him; turning on
her heel。

〃Your servant; madame;〃 he replied drily; and he went back into
his tub。

Emma regretted having left the tax…collector so abruptly。 No
doubt he would form unfavourable conjectures。 The story about the
nurse was the worst possible excuse; everyone at Yonville knowing
that the little Bovary had been at home with her parents for a
year。 Besides; no one was living in this direction; this path led
only to La Huchette。 Binet; then; would guess whence she came;
and he would not keep silence; he would talk; that was certain。
She remained until evening racking her brain with every
conceivable lying project; and had constantly before her eyes
that imbecile with the game…bag。

Charles after dinner; seeing her gloomy; proposed; by way of
distraction; to take her to the chemist's; and the first person
she caught sight of in the shop was the taxcollector again。 He
was standing in front of the counter; lit up by the gleams of the
red bottle; and was saying

〃Please give me half an ounce of vitriol。〃

〃Justin;〃 cried the druggist; 〃bring us the sulphuric acid。〃 Then
to Emma; who was going up to Madame Homais' room; 〃No; stay here;
it isn't worth while going up; she is just coming down。 Warm
yourself at the stove in the meantime。 Excuse me。 Good…day;
doctor;〃 (for the chemist much enjoyed pronouncing the word
〃doctor;〃 as if addressing another by it reflected on himself
some of the grandeur that he found in it)。 〃Now; take care not to
upset the mortars! You'd better fetch some chairs from the little
room; you know very well that the arm…chairs are not to be taken
out of the drawing…room。〃

And to put his arm…chair back in its place he was darting away
from the counter; when Binet asked him for half an ounce of sugar

〃Sugar acid!〃 said the chemist contemptuously; 〃don't know it;
I'm ignorant of it! But perhaps you want oxalic acid。 It is
oxalic acid; isn't it?〃

Binet explained that he wanted a corrosive to make himself some
copperwater with which to remove rust from his hunting things。

Emma shuddered。 The chemist began saying

〃Indeed the weather is not propitious on account of the damp。〃

〃Nevertheless;〃 replied the tax…collector; with a sly look;
〃there are people who like it。〃

She was stifling。

〃And give me〃

〃Will he never go?〃 thought she。

〃Half an ounce of resin and turpentine; four ounces of yellow
wax; and three half ounces of animal charcoal; if you please; to
clean the varnished leather of my togs。〃

The druggist was beginning to cut the wax when Madame Homais
appeared; Irma in her arms; Napoleon by her side; and Athalie
following。 She sat down on the velvet seat by the window; and the
lad squatted down on a footstool; while his eldest sister hovered
round the jujube box near her papa。 The latter was filling
funnels and corking phials; sticking on labels; making up
parcels。 Around him all were silent; only from time to time; were
heard the weights jingling in the balance; and a few low words
from the chemist giving directions to his pupil。

〃And how's the little woman?〃 suddenly asked Madame Homais。

〃Silence!〃 exclaimed her husband; who was writing down some
figures in his waste…book。

〃Why didn't you bring her?〃 she went on in a low voice。

〃Hush! hush!〃 said Emma; pointing with her finger to the

But Binet; quite absorbed in looking over his bill; had probably
heard nothing。 At last he went out。 Then Emma; relieved; uttered
a deep sigh。

〃How hard you are breathing!〃 said Madame Homais。

〃Well; you see; it's rather warm;〃 she replied。

So the next day they talked over how to arrange their rendezvous。
Emma wanted to bribe her servant with a present; but it would be
better to find some safe house at Yonville。 Rodolphe promised to
look for one。

All through the winter; three or four times a week; in the dead
of night he came to the garden。 Emma had on purpose taken away
the key of the gate; which Charles thought lost。

To call her; Rodolphe threw a sprinkle of sand at the shutters。
She jumped up with a start; but sometimes he had to wait; for
Charles had a mania for chatting by the fireside; and he would
not stop。 She was wild with impatience; if her eyes could have
done it; she would have hurled him out at the window。 At last she
would begin to undress; then take up a book; and go on reading
very quietly as if the book amused her。 But Charles; who was in
bed; called to her to come too。

〃Come; now; Emma;〃 he said; 〃it is time。〃

〃Yes; I am coming;〃 she answered。

Then; as the candles dazzled him; he turned to the wall and fell
asleep。 She escaped; smiling; palpitating; undressed。 Rodolphe
had a large cloak; he wrapped her in it; and putting his arm
round her waist; he drew her without a word to the end of the

It was in the arbour; on the same seat of old sticks where
formerly Leon had looked at her so amorously on the summer
evenings。 She never thought of him now。

The stars shone through the leafless jasmine branches。 Behind
them they heard the river flowing; and now and again on the bank
the rustling of the dry reeds。 Masses of shadow here and there
loomed out in the darkness; and sometimes; vibrating with one
movement; they rose up and swayed like immense black waves
pressing forward to engulf them。 The cold of the nights made them
clasp closer; the sighs of their lips seemed to them deeper;
their eyes that they could hardly see; larger; and in the midst
of the silence low words were spoken that fell on their souls
sonorous; crystalline; and that reverberated in multiplied

When the night was rainy; they took refuge in the consulting…room
between the cart…shed and the stable。 She lighted one of the
kitchen candles that she had hidden behind the books。 Rodolphe
settled down there as if at home。 The sight of the library; of
the bureau; of the whole apartment; in fine; excited his
merriment; and he could not refrain from making jokes about
Charles; which rather embarrassed Emma。 She would have liked to
see him more serious; and even on occasions more dramatic; as;
for example; when she thought she heard a noise of approaching
steps in the alley。

〃Someone is coming!〃 she said。

He blew out the light。

〃Have you your pistols?〃


〃Why; to defend yourself;〃 replied Emma。

〃From your husband? Oh; poor devil!〃 And Rodolphe finished his
sentence with a gesture that said; 〃I could crush him with a
flip of my finger。〃

She was wonder…stricken at his bravery; although she felt in it a
sort of indecency and a naive coarseness that scandalised her。

Rodolphe reflected a good deal on the affair of the pistols。 If
she had spoken seriously; it was very ridiculous; he thought;
even odious; for he had no reason to hate the good Charles; not
being what is called devoured by jealousy; and on this subject
Emma had taken a great vow that he did not think in the best of

Besides; she was growing very sentimental。 She had insisted on
exchanging miniatures; they had cut off handfuls of hair; and now
she was asking for a ringa real wedding…ring; in sign of an
eternal union。 She often spoke to him of the evening chimes; of
the voices of nature。 Then she talked to him of her motherhers!
and of his motherhis! Rodolphe had lost his twenty years ago。
Emma none the less consoled him with caressing words as one would
have done a lost child; and she sometimes even said to him;
gazing at the moon

〃I am sure that above there together they approve of our love。〃

But she was so pretty。 He had possessed so few women of such
ingenuousness。 This love without debauchery was a new experience
for him; and; drawing him out of his lazy habits; caressed at
once his pride and his sensuality。 Emma's enthusiasm; which his
bourgeois good sense disdained; seemed to him in his heart of
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