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madame bovary-第33章

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〃What's the meaning of that?〃 he asked himself。 And he looked at
her out of the corner of his eyes。

Her profile was so calm that one could guess nothing from it。 It
stood out in the light from the oval of her bonnet; with pale
ribbons on it like the leaves of weeds。 Her eyes with their long
curved lashes looked straight before her; and though wide open;
they seemed slightly puckered by the cheek…bones; because of the
blood pulsing gently under the delicate skin。 A pink line ran
along the partition between her nostrils。 Her head was bent upon
her shoulder; and the pearl tips of her white teeth were seen
between her lips。

〃Is she making fun of me?〃 thought Rodolphe。

Emma's gesture; however; had only been meant for a warning; for
Monsieur Lheureux was accompanying them; and spoke now and again
as if to enter into the conversation。

〃What a superb day! Everybody is out! The wind is east!〃

And neither Madame Bovary nor Rodolphe answered him; whilst at
the slightest movement made by them he drew near; saying; 〃I beg
your pardon!〃 and raised his hat。

When they reached the farrier's house; instead of following the
road up to the fence; Rodolphe suddenly turned down a path;
drawing with him Madame Bovary。 He called out

〃Good evening; Monsieur Lheureux! See you again presently。〃

〃How you got rid of him!〃 she said; laughing。

〃Why;〃 he went on; 〃allow oneself to be intruded upon by others?
And as to…day I have the happiness of being with you〃

Emma blushed。 He did not finish his sentence。 Then he talked of
the fine weather and of the pleasure of walking on the grass。 A
few daisies had sprung up again。

〃Here are some pretty Easter daisies;〃 he said; 〃and enough of
them to furnish oracles to all the amorous maids in the place。〃

He added; 〃Shall I pick some? What do you think?〃

〃Are you in love?〃 she asked; coughing a little。

〃H'm; h'm! who knows?〃 answered Rodolphe。

The meadow began to fill; and the housewives hustled you with
their great umbrellas; their baskets; and their babies。 One had
often to get out of the way of a long file of country folk;
servant…maids with blue stockings; flat shoes; silver rings; and
who smelt of milk; when one passed close to them。 They walked
along holding one another by the hand; and thus they spread over
the whole field from the row of open trees to the banquet tent。

But this was the examination time; and the farmers one after the
other entered a kind of enclosure formed by a long cord supported
on sticks。

The beasts were there; their noses towards the cord; and making a
confused line with their unequal rumps。 Drowsy pigs were
burrowing in the earth with their snouts; calves were bleating;
lambs baaing; the cows; on knees folded in; were stretching their
bellies on the grass; slowly chewing the cud; and blinking their
heavy eyelids at the gnats that buzzed round them。 Plough…men
with bare arms were holding by the halter prancing stallions that
neighed with dilated nostrils looking towards the mares。 These
stood quietly; stretching out their heads and flowing manes;
while their foals rested in their shadow; or now and then came
and sucked them。 And above the long undulation of these crowded
animals one saw some white mane rising in the wind like a wave;
or some sharp horns sticking out; and the heads of men running
about。 Apart; outside the enclosure; a hundred paces off; was a
large black bull; muzzled; with an iron ring in its nostrils; and
who moved no more than if he had been in bronze。 A child in rags
was holding him by a rope。

Between the two lines the committee…men were walking with heavy
steps; examining each animal; then consulting one another in a
low voice。 One who seemed of more importance now and then took
notes in a book as he walked along。 This was the president of the
jury; Monsieur Derozerays de la Panville。 As soon as he
recognised Rodolphe he came forward quickly; and smiling amiably;

〃What! Monsieur Boulanger; you are deserting us?〃

Rodolphe protested that he was just coming。 But when the
president had disappeared

〃Ma foi!*〃 said he; 〃I shall not go。 Your company is better than

*Upon my word!

And while poking fun at the show; Rodolphe; to move about more easily;
showed the gendarme his blue card; and even stopped now and then in
front of some fine beast; which Madame Bovary did not at all admire。
He noticed this; and began jeering at the Yonville ladies and their
dresses; then he apologised for the negligence of his own。 He had that
incongruity of common and elegant in which the habitually vulgar think
they see the revelation of an eccentric existence; of the
perturbations of sentiment; the tyrannies of art; and always a
certain contempt for social conventions; that seduces or
exasperates them。 Thus his cambric shirt with plaited cuffs was
blown out by the wind in the opening of his waistcoat of grey
ticking; and his broad…striped trousers disclosed at the ankle
nankeen boots with patent leather gaiters。

These were so polished that they reflected the grass。 He trampled
on horses's dung with them; one hand in the pocket of his jacket
and his straw hat on one side。

〃Besides;〃 added he; 〃when one lives in the country〃

〃It's waste of time;〃 said Emma。

〃That is true;〃 replied Rodolphe。 〃To think that not one of these
people is capable of understanding even the cut of a coat!〃

Then they talked about provincial mediocrity; of the lives it
crushed; the illusions lost there。

〃And I too;〃 said Rodolphe; 〃am drifting into depression。〃

〃You!〃 she said in astonishment; 〃I thought you very

〃Ah! yes。 I seem so; because in the midst of the world I know how
to wear the mask of a scoffer upon my face; and yet; how many a
time at the sight of a cemetery by moonlight have I not asked
myself whether it were not better to join those sleeping there!〃

〃Oh! and your friends?〃 she said。 〃You do not think of them。〃

〃My friends! What friends? Have I any? Who cares for me?〃 And he
accompanied the last words with a kind of whistling of the lips。

But they were obliged to separate from each other because of a
great pile of chairs that a man was carrying behind them。 He was
so overladen with them that one could only see the tips of his
wooden shoes and the ends of his two outstretched arms。 It was
Lestiboudois; the gravedigger; who was carrying the church chairs
about amongst the people。 Alive to all that concerned his
interests; he had hit upon this means of turning the show to
account; and his idea was succeeding; for he no longer knew which
way to turn。 In fact; the villagers; who were hot; quarreled for
these seats; whose straw smelt of incense; and they leant against
the thick backs; stained with the wax of candles; with a certain

Madame Bovary again took Rodolphe's arm; he went on as if
speaking to himself

〃Yes; I have missed so many things。 Always alone! Ah! if I had
some aim in life; if I had met some love; if I had found someone!
Oh; how I would have spent all the energy of which I am capable;
surmounted everything; overcome everything!〃

〃Yet it seems to me;〃 said Emma; 〃that you are not to be pitied。〃

〃Ah! you think so?〃 said Rodolphe。

〃For; after all;〃 she went on; 〃you are free〃 she hesitated;

〃Do not mock me;〃 he replied。

And she protested that she was not mocking him; when the report
of a cannon resounded。 Immediately all began hustling one another
pell…mell towards the village。

It was a false alarm。 The prefect seemed not to be coming; and
the members of the jury felt much embarrassed; not knowing if
they ought to begin the meeting or still wait。

At last at the end of the Place a large hired landau appeared;
drawn by two thin horses; which a coachman in a white hat was
whipping lustily。 Binet had only just time to shout; 〃Present
arms!〃 and the colonel to imitate him。 All ran towards the
enclosure; everyone pushed forward。 A few even forgot their
collars; but the equipage of the prefect seemed to anticipate the
crowd; and the two yoked jades; trapesing in their harness; came
up at a little trot in front of the peristyle of the town hall at
the v
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