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madame bovary-第22章

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every wind; there is always some desire that draws her; some
conventionality that restrains。

She was confined on a Sunday at about six o'clock; as the sun was

〃It is a girl!〃 said Charles。

She turned her head away and fainted。

Madame Homais; as well as Madame Lefrancois of the Lion d'Or;
almost immediately came running in to embrace her。 The chemist;
as man of discretion; only offered a few provincial felicitations
through the half…opened door。 He wished to see the child and
thought it well made。

Whilst she was getting well she occupied herself much in seeking
a name for her daughter。 First she went over all those that have
Italian endings; such as Clara; Louisa; Amanda; Atala; she liked
Galsuinde pretty well; and Yseult or Leocadie still better。

Charles wanted the child to be called after her mother; Emma
opposed this。 They ran over the calendar from end to end; and
then consulted outsiders。

〃Monsieur Leon;〃 said the chemist; 〃with whom I was talking about
it the other day; wonders you do not chose Madeleine。 It is very
much in fashion just now。〃

But Madame Bovary; senior; cried out loudly against this name of
a sinner。 As to Monsieur Homais; he had a preference for all
those that recalled some great man; an illustrious fact; or a
generous idea; and it was on this system that he had baptized his
four children。 Thus Napoleon represented glory and Franklin
liberty; Irma was perhaps a concession to romanticism; but
Athalie was a homage to the greatest masterpiece of the French
stage。 For his philosophical convictions did not interfere with
his artistic tastes; in him the thinker did not stifle the man of
sentiment; he could make distinctions; make allowances for
imagination and fanaticism。 In this tragedy; for example; he
found fault with the ideas; but admired the style; he detested
the conception; but applauded all the details; and loathed the
characters while he grew enthusiastic over their dialogue。 When
he read the fine passages he was transported; but when he thought
that mummers would get something out of them for their show; he
was disconsolate; and in this confusion of sentiments in which he
was involved he would have like at once to crown Racine with both
his hands and discuss with him for a good quarter of an hour。

At last Emma remembered that at the chateau of Vaubyessard she
had heard the Marchioness call a young lady Berthe; from that
moment this name was chosen; and as old Rouault could not come;
Monsieur Homais was requested to stand godfather。 His gifts were
all products from his establishment; to wit: six boxes of
jujubes; a whole jar of racahout; three cakes of marshmallow
paste; and six sticks of sugar…candy into the bargain that he had
come across in a cupboard。 On the evening of the ceremony there
was a grand dinner; the cure was present; there was much
excitement。 Monsieur Homais towards liqueur…time began singing
〃Le Dieu des bonnes gens。〃 Monsieur Leon sang a barcarolle; and
Madame Bovary; senior; who was godmother; a romance of the time
of the Empire; finally; M。 Bovary; senior; insisted on having the
child brought down; and began baptizing it with a glass of
champagne that he poured over its head。 This mockery of the first
of the sacraments made the Abbe Bournisien angry; old Bovary
replied by a quotation from 〃La Guerre des Dieux〃; the cure
wanted to leave; the ladies implored; Homais interfered; and they
succeeded in making the priest sit down again; and he quietly
went on with the half…finished coffee in his saucer。

Monsieur Bovary; senior; stayed at Yonville a month; dazzling the
native by a superb policeman's cap with silver tassels that he
wore in the morning when he smoked his pipe in the square。 Being
also in the habit of drinking a good deal of brandy; he often
sent the servant to the Lion d'Or to buy him a bottle; which was
put down to his son's account; and to perfume his handkerchiefs
he used up his daughter…in…law's whole supply of eau…de…cologne。

The latter did not at all dislike his company。 He had knocked
about the world; he talked about Berlin; Vienna; and Strasbourg;
of his soldier times; of the mistresses he had had; the grand
luncheons of which he had partaken; then he was amiable; and
sometimes even; either on the stairs; or in the garden; would
seize hold of her waist; crying; 〃Charles; look out for

Then Madame Bovary; senior; became alarmed for her son's
happiness; and fearing that her husband might in the long…run
have an immoral influence upon the ideas of the young woman; took
care to hurry their departure。 Perhaps she had more serious
reasons for uneasiness。 Monsieur Bovary was not the man to
respect anything。

One day Emma was suddenly seized with the desire to see her
little girl; who had been put to nurse with the carpenter's wife;
and; without looking at the calendar to see whether the six weeks
of the Virgin were yet passed; she set out for the Rollets'
house; situated at the extreme end of the village; between the
highroad and the fields。

It was mid…day; the shutters of the houses were closed and the
slate roofs that glittered beneath the fierce light of the blue
sky seemed to strike sparks from the crest of the gables。 A heavy
wind was blowing; Emma felt weak as she walked; the stones of the
pavement hurt her; she was doubtful whether she would not go home
again; or go in somewhere to rest。

At this moment Monsieur Leon came out from a neighbouring door
with a bundle of papers under his arm。 He came to greet her; and
stood in the shade in front of the Lheureux's shop under the
projecting grey awning。

Madame Bovary said she was going to see her baby; but that she
was beginning to grow tired。

〃If〃 said Leon; not daring to go on。

〃Have you any business to attend to?〃 she asked。

And on the clerk's answer; she begged him to accompany her。 That
same evening this was known in Yonville; and Madame Tuvache; the
mayor's wife; declared in the presence of her servant that
〃Madame Bovary was compromising herself。〃

To get to the nurse's it was necessary to turn to the left on
leaving the street; as if making for the cemetery; and to follow
between little houses and yards a small path bordered with privet
hedges。 They were in bloom; and so were the speedwells;
eglantines; thistles; and the sweetbriar that sprang up from the
thickets。 Through openings in the hedges one could see into the
huts; some pigs on a dung…heap; or tethered cows rubbing their
horns against the trunk of trees。 The two; side by side walked
slowly; she leaning upon him; and he restraining his pace; which
he regulated by hers; in front of them a swarm of midges
fluttered; buzzing in the warm air。

The recognized the house by an old walnut…tree which shaded it。

Low and covered with brown tiles; there hung outside it; beneath
the dormer…window of the garret; a string of onions。 Faggots
upright against a thorn fence surrounded a bed of lettuce; a few
square feet of lavender; and sweet peas stung on sticks。 Dirty
water was running here and there on the grass; and all round were
several indefinite rags; knitted stockings; a red calico jacket;
and a large sheet of coarse linen spread over the hedge。 At the
noise of the gate the nurse appeared with a baby she was suckling
on one arm。 With her other hand she was pulling along a poor puny
little fellow; his face covered with scrofula; the son of a Rouen
hosier; whom his parents; too taken up with their business; left
in the country。

〃Go in;〃 she said; 〃your little one is there asleep。〃

The room on the ground…floor; the only one in the dwelling; had
at its farther end; against the wall; a large bed without
curtains; while a kneading…trough took up the side by the window;
one pane of which was mended with a piece of blue paper。 In the
corner behind the door; shining hob…nailed shoes stood in a row
under the slab of the washstand; near a bottle of oil with a
feather stuck in its mouth; a Matthieu Laensberg lay on the dusty
mantelpiece amid gunflints; candle…ends; and bits of amadou。

Finally; the last luxury in the apartment was a 〃Fame〃 blowing
her trumpets; a picture cut out; no doub
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