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the letters-2-第68章

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revisited the glimpses of the moon on your side of the ocean; I 

should know comparatively few of them。

My amanuensis deserts me … I should have said you; for yours is the 

loss; my script having lost all bond with humanity。  One touch of 

nature makes the whole world kin:  that nobody can read my hand。  

It is a humiliating circumstance that thus evens us with printers!

You must sometimes think it strange … or perhaps it is only I that 

should so think it … to be following the old round; in the gas 

lamps and the crowded theatres; when I am away here in the tropical 

forest and the vast silences!

My dear Archer; my wife joins me in the best wishes to yourself and 

Mrs。 Archer; not forgetting Tom; and I am yours very cordially;


Letter:  TO W。 B。 YEATS


DEAR SIR; … Long since when I was a boy I remember the emotions 

with which I repeated Swinburne's poems and ballads。  Some ten 

years ago; a similar spell was cast upon me by Meredith's LOVE IN 

THE VALLEY; the stanzas beginning 'When her mother tends her' 

haunted me and made me drunk like wine; and I remember waking with 

them all the echoes of the hills about Hyeres。  It may interest you 

to hear that I have a third time fallen in slavery:  this is to 

your poem called the LAKE ISLE OF INNISFRAE。  It is so quaint and 

airy; simple; artful; and eloquent to the heart … but I seek words 

in vain。  Enough that 'always night and day I hear lake water 

lapping with low sounds on the shore;' and am; yours gratefully;




MY DEAR MEREDITH; … Many good things have the gods sent to me of 

late。  First of all there was a letter from you by the kind hand of 

Mariette; if she is not too great a lady to be remembered in such a 

style; and then there came one Lysaght with a charming note of 

introduction in the well…known hand itself。  We had but a few days 

of him; and liked him well。  There was a sort of geniality and 

inward fire about him at which I warmed my hands。  It is long since 

I have seen a young man who has left in me such a favourable 

impression; and I find myself telling myself; 'O; I must tell this 

to Lysaght;' or; 'This will interest him;' in a manner very unusual 

after so brief an acquaintance。  The whole of my family shared in 

this favourable impression; and my halls have re…echoed ever since; 

I am sure he will be amused to know; with WIDDICOMBE FAIR。

He will have told you doubtless more of my news than I could tell 

you myself; he has your European perspective; a thing long lost to 

me。  I heard with a great deal of interest the news of Box Hill。  

And so I understand it is to be enclosed!  Allow me to remark; that 

seems a far more barbaric trait of manners than the most barbarous 

of ours。  We content ourselves with cutting off an occasional head。

I hear we may soon expect the AMAZING MARRIAGE。  You know how long; 

and with how much curiosity; I have looked forward to the book。  

Now; in so far as you have adhered to your intention; Gower 

Woodsere will be a family portrait; age twenty…five; of the highly 

respectable and slightly influential and fairly aged TUSITALA。  You 

have not known that gentleman; console yourself; he is not worth 

knowing。  At the same time; my dear Meredith; he is very sincerely 

yours … for what he is worth; for the memories of old times; and in 

the expectation of many pleasures still to come。  I suppose we 

shall never see each other again; flitting youths of the Lysaght 

species may occasionally cover these unconscionable leagues and 

bear greetings to and fro。  But we ourselves must be content to 

converse on an occasional sheet of notepaper; and I shall never see 

whether you have grown older; and you shall never deplore that 

Gower Woodsere should have declined into the pantaloon TUSITALA。  

It is perhaps better so。  Let us continue to see each other as we 

were; and accept; my dear Meredith; my love and respect。


P。S。 … My wife joins me in the kindest messages to yourself and 



'VAILIMA'; APRIL 17; '94。

MY DEAR CHARLES; … ST。 IVES is now well on its way into the second 

volume。  There remains no mortal doubt that it will reach the three 

volume standard。

I am very anxious that you should send me …

1ST。  TOM AND JERRY; a cheap edition。

2nd。  The book by Ashton … the DAWN OF THE CENTURY; I think it was 

called … which Colvin sent me; and which has miscarried; and

3rd。  If it is possible; a file of the EDINBURGH COURANT for the 

years 1811; 1812; 1813; or 1814。  I should not care for a whole 

year。  If it were possible to find me three months; winter months 

by preference; it would do my business not only for ST。 IVES; but 

for the JUSTICE…CLERK as well。  Suppose this to be impossible; 

perhaps I could get the loan of it from somebody; or perhaps it 

would be possible to have some one read a file for me and make 

notes。  This would be extremely bad; as unhappily one man's food is 

another man's poison; and the reader would probably leave out 

everything I should choose。  But if you are reduced to that; you 

might mention to the man who is to read for me that balloon 

ascensions are in the order of the day。

4th。  It might be as well to get a book on balloon ascension; 

particularly in the early part of the century。

。 。 。 。 。

III。  At last this book has come from Scribner; and; alas!  I have 

the first six or seven chapters of ST。 IVES to recast entirely。  

Who could foresee that they clothed the French prisoners in yellow?  

But that one fatal fact … and also that they shaved them twice a 

week … damns the whole beginning。  If it had been sent in time; it 

would have saved me a deal of trouble。 。 。 。

I have had a long letter from Dr。 Scott Dalgleish; 25 Mayfield 

Terrace; asking me to put my name down to the Ballantyne Memorial 

Committee。  I have sent him a pretty sharp answer in favour of 

cutting down the memorial and giving more to the widow and 

children。  If there is to be any foolery in the way of statues or 

other trash; please send them a guinea; but if they are going to 

take my advice and put up a simple tablet with a few heartfelt 

words; and really devote the bulk of the subscriptions to the wife 

and family; I will go to the length of twenty pounds; if you will 

allow me (and if the case of the family be at all urgent); and at 

least I direct you to send ten pounds。  I suppose you had better 

see Scott Dalgleish himself on the matter。  I take the opportunity 

here to warn you that my head is simply spinning with a multitude 

of affairs; and I shall probably forget a half of my business at 


R。 L。 S。



MY DEAR FRIEND; … I have at last got some photographs; and hasten 

to send you; as you asked; a portrait of Tusitala。  He is a strange 

person; not so lean; say experts; but infinitely battered; mighty 

active again on the whole; going up and down our break…neck road at 

all hours of the day and night on horseback; holding meetings with 

all manner of chiefs; quite a political personage … God save the 

mark! … in a small way; but at heart very conscious of the 

inevitable flat failure that awaits every one。  I shall never do a 

better book than CATRIONA; that is my high…water mark; and the 

trouble of production increases on me at a great rate … and mighty 

anxious about how I am to leave my family:  an elderly man; with 

elderly preoccupations; whom I should be ashamed to show you for 

your old friend; but not a hope of my dying soon and cleanly; and 

'winning off the stage。'  Rather I am daily better in physical 

health。  I
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