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the letters-2-第67章

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DAVID BALFOUR a nice little book; and very artistic; and just the 

thing to occupy the leisure of a busy man; but for the top flower 

of a man's life it seems to me inadequate。  Small is the word; it 

is a small age; and I am of it。  I could have wished to be 

otherwise busy in this world。  I ought to have been able to build 

lighthouses and write DAVID BALFOURS too。  HINC ILLAE LACRYMAE。  I 

take my own case as most handy; but it is as illustrative of my 

quarrel with the age。  We take all these pains; and we don't do as 

well as Michael Angelo or Leonardo; or even Fielding; who was an 

active magistrate; or Richardson; who was a busy bookseller。  J'AI 

HONTE POUR NOUS; my ears burn。

I am amazed at the effect which this Chicago exhibition has 

produced upon you and others。  It set Mrs。 Fairchild literally mad 

… to judge by her letters。  And I wish I had seen anything so 

influential。  I suppose there was an aura; a halo; some sort of 

effulgency about the place; for here I find you louder than the 

rest。  Well; it may be there is a time coming; and I wonder; when 

it comes; whether it will be a time of little; exclusive; one…eyed 

rascals like you and me; or parties of the old stamp who can paint 

and fight; and write and keep books of double entry; and sculp; and 

scalp。  It might be。  You have a lot of stuff in the kettle; and a 

great deal of it Celtic。  I have changed my mind progressively 

about England; practically the whole of Scotland is Celtic; and the 

western half of England; and all Ireland; and the Celtic blood 

makes a rare blend for art。  If it is stiffened up with Latin 

blood; you get the French。  We were less lucky:  we had only 

Scandinavians; themselves decidedly artistic; and the Low…German 

lot。  However; that is a good starting…point; and with all the 

other elements in your crucible; it may come to something great 

very easily。  I wish you would hurry up and let me see it。  Here is 

a long while I have been waiting for something GOOD in art; and 

what have I seen?  Zola's DEBACLE and a few of Kipling's tales。  

Are you a reader of Barbey d'Aurevilly?  He is a never…failing 

source of pleasure to me; for my sins; I suppose。  What a work is 



This is degenerating into mere twaddle。  So please remember us all 

most kindly to Mrs。 Low; and believe me ever yours;


P。S。 … Were all your privateers voiceless in the war of 1812?  Did 

NO ONE of them write memoirs?  I shall have to do my privateer from 

chic; if you can't help me。  My application to Scribner has been 

quite in vain。  See if you can get hold of some historic sharp in 

the club; and tap him; they must some of them have written memoirs 

or notes of some sort; perhaps still unprinted; if that be so; get 

them copied for me。

R。 L。 S。

Letter:  TO H。 B。 BAILDON


MY DEAR BAILDON; … 'Call not blessed。' … Yes; if I could die just 

now; or say in half a year; I should have had a splendid time of it 

on the whole。  But it gets a little stale; and my work will begin 

to senesce; and parties to shy bricks at me; and now it begins to 

look as if I should survive to see myself impotent and forgotten。  

It's a pity suicide is not thought the ticket in the best circles。

But your letter goes on to congratulate me on having done the one 

thing I am a little sorry for; a little … not much … for my father 

himself lived to think that I had been wiser than he。  But the 

cream of the jest is that I have lived to change my mind; and think 

that he was wiser than I。  Had I been an engineer; and literature 

my amusement; it would have been better perhaps。  I pulled it off; 

of course; I won the wager; and it is pleasant while it lasts; but 

how long will it last?  I don't know; say the Bells of Old Bow。

All of which goes to show that nobody is quite sane in judging 

himself。  Truly; had I given way and gone in for engineering; I 

should be dead by now。  Well; the gods know best。

I hope you got my letter about the RESCUE。 … Adieu;

R。 L。 S。

True for you about the benefit:  except by kisses; jests; song; ET 

HOC GENUS OMNE; man CANNOT convey benefit to another。  The 

universal benefactor has been there before him。

Letter:  TO J。 H。 BATES


MY DEAR MR。 JOE H。 BATES; … I shall have the greatest pleasure in 

acceding to your complimentary request。  I shall think it an honour 

to be associated with your chapter; and I need not remind you (for 

you have said it yourself) how much depends upon your own exertions 

whether to make it to me a real honour or only a derision。  This is 

to let you know that I accept the position that you have seriously 

offered to me in a quite serious spirit。  I need scarce tell you 

that I shall always be pleased to receive reports of your 

proceedings; and if I do not always acknowledge them; you are to 

remember that I am a man very much occupied otherwise; and not at 

all to suppose that I have lost interest in my chapter。

In this world; which (as you justly say) is so full of sorrow and 

suffering; it will always please me to remember that my name is 

connected with some efforts after alleviation; nor less so with 

purposes of innocent recreation which; after all; are the only 

certain means at our disposal for bettering human life。

With kind regards; to yourself; to Mr。 L。 C。 Congdon; to E。 M。 G。 

Bates; and to Mr。 Edward Hugh Higlee Bates; and the heartiest 

wishes for the future success of the chapter; believe me; yours 





MY DEAR ARCHER; … Many thanks for your THEATRICAL WORLD。  Do you 

know; it strikes me as being really very good?  I have not yet read 

much of it; but so far as I have looked; there is not a dull and 

not an empty page in it。  Hazlitt; whom you must often have thought 

of; would have been pleased。  Come to think of it; I shall put this 

book upon the Hazlitt shelf。  You have acquired a manner that I can 

only call august; otherwise; I should have to call it such amazing 

impudence。  The BAUBLE SHOP and BECKET are examples of what I mean。  

But it 'sets you weel。'

Marjorie Fleming I have known; as you surmise; for long。  She was 

possibly … no; I take back possibly … she was one of the greatest 

works of God。  Your note about the resemblance of her verses to 

mine gave me great joy; though it only proved me a plagiarist。  By 

the by; was it not over THE CHILD'S GARDEN OF VERSES that we first 

scraped acquaintance?  I am sorry indeed to hear that my esteemed 

correspondent Tomarcher has such poor taste in literature。  I fear 

he cannot have inherited this trait from his dear papa。  Indeed; I 

may say I know it; for I remember the energy of papa's disapproval 

when the work passed through his hands on its way to a second 

birth; which none regrets more than myself。  It is an odd fact; or 

perhaps a very natural one; I find few greater pleasures than 

reading my own works; but I never; O I never read THE BLACK ARROW。  

In that country Tomarcher reigns supreme。  Well; and after all; if 

Tomarcher likes it; it has not been written in vain。

We have just now a curious breath from Europe。  A young fellow just 

beginning letters; and no fool; turned up here with a letter of 

introduction in the well…known blue ink and decorative hieroglyphs 

of George Meredith。  His name may be known to you。  It is Sidney 

Lysaght。  He is staying with us but a day or two; and it is strange 

to me and not unpleasant to hear all the names; old and new; come 

up again。  But oddly the new are so much more in number。  If I 

revisited the glimpses of the moon on your side of the ocean; I 

should know com
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