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34-the witch-第2章

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And the birch rustled its leaves; and said: 'I have served you

longer than I can say; and you never tied a bit of twine even

round my branches; and the dear children bound them up with their

brightest ribbons。'

So the witch saw there was no help to be got from her old

servants; and that the best thing she could do was to mount on

her broom and set off in pursuit of the children。  And as the

children ran they heard the sound of the broom sweeping the

ground close behind them; so instantly they threw the

handkerchief down over their shoulder; and in a moment a deep;

broad river flowed behind them。

When the witch came up to it; it took her a long time before she

found a place which she could ford over on her broom…stick; but

at last she got across; and continued the chase faster than

before。  And as the children ran they heard a sound; and the

little sister put her ear to the ground; and heard the broom

sweeping the earth close behind them; so; quick as thought; she

threw the comb down on the ground; and in an instant; as the cat

had said; a dense forest sprung up; in which the roots and

branches were so closely intertwined; that it was impossible to

force a way through it。  So when the witch came up to it on her

broom she found that there was nothing for it but to turn round

and go back to her hut。

But the twins ran straight on till they reached their own home。 

Then they told their father all that they had suffered; and he

was so angry with their step…mother that he drove her out of the

house; and never let her return; but he and the children lived

happily together; and he took care of them himself; and never let

a stranger come near them。
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