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stories to tell to children-第28章

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at last I fall; go to the Rat; little brother。〃

And so; after going all over the world to

find the strongest person; the Rat King had

to marry his daughter to a rat; after all; but

the princess was very glad of it; for she wanted

to marry the grey Rat; all the time。


Once a little Frog sat by a big Frog; by the

side of a pool。  〃Oh; father;〃 said he; 〃I

have just seen the biggest animal in the world;

it was as big as a mountain; and it had horns

on its head; and it had hoofs divided in two。〃

〃Pooh; child;〃 said the old Frog; 〃that was

only Farmer White's Ox。  He is not so very

big。  I could easily make myself as big as he。〃

And he blew; and he blew; and he blew; and

swelled himself out。

〃Was he as big as that?〃 he asked the

little Frog。

〃Oh; much bigger;〃 said the little Frog。

The old Frog blew; and blew; and blew again;

and swelled himself out; more than ever。

〃Was he bigger than that?〃 he said。

〃Much; much bigger;〃 said the little Frog。

〃I can make myself as big;〃 said the old

Frog。  And once more he blew; and blew; and

blew; and swelled himself out;and he burst!

Self…conceit leads to self…destruction。


'1' Adapted from The Basket Woman; by Mary Austin。

This is the Indian story of how fire was

brought to the tribes。  It was long; long ago;

when men and beasts talked together with

understanding; and the grey Coyote was friend

and counsellor of man。

There was a Boy of the tribe who was swift

of foot and keen of eye; and he and the Coyote

ranged the wood together。  They saw the men

catching fish in the creeks with their hands;

and the women digging roots with sharp stones。

This was in summer。  But when winter came

on; they saw the people running naked in the

snow; or huddled in caves of the rocks; and

most miserable。  The Boy noticed this; and was

very unhappy for the misery of his people。

〃I do not feel it;〃 said the Coyote。

〃You have a coat of good fur;〃 said the

Boy; 〃and my people have not。〃

〃Come to the hunt;〃 said the Coyote。

〃I will hunt no more; till I have found a

way to help my people against the cold;〃 said

the Boy。  〃Help me; O Counsellor!〃

Then the Coyote ran away; and came back

after a long time; he said he had found a

way; but it was a hard way。

〃No way is too hard;〃 said the Boy。  So the

Coyote told him that they must go to the Burning

Mountain and bring fire to the people。

〃What is fire?〃 said the Boy。  And the

Coyote told him that fire was red like a flower;

yet not a flower; swift to run in the grass and

to destroy; like a beast; yet no beast; fierce

and hurtful; yet a good servant to keep one

warm; if kept among stones and fed with small


〃We will get this fire;〃 said the Boy。

First the Boy had to persuade the people to

give him one hundred swift runners。  Then he

and they and the Coyote started at a good pace

for the far away Burning Mountain。  At the

end of the first day's trail they left the weakest

of the runners; to wait; at the end of the second;

the next stronger; at the end of the third; the

next; and so for each of the hundred days of

the journey; and the Boy was the strongest

runner; and went to the last trail with the

Counsellor。  High mountains they crossed; and

great plains; and giant woods; and at last they

came to the Big Water; quaking along the sand

at the foot of the Burning Mountain。

It stood up in a high peaked cone; and smoke

rolled out from it endlessly along the sky。  At

night; the Fire Spirits danced; and the glare

reddened the Big Water far out。

There the Counsellor said to the Boy; 〃Stay

thou here till I bring thee a brand from the

burning; be ready and right for running; for I

shall be far spent when I come again; and the

Fire Spirits will pursue me。〃

Then he went up to the mountain; and the

Fire Spirits only laughed when they saw him;

for he looked so slinking; inconsiderable; and

mean; that none of them thought harm from

him。  And in the night; when they were at

their dance about the mountain; the Coyote

stole the fire; and ran with it down the slope of

the burning mountain。  When the Fire Spirits

saw what he had done they streamed out after

him; red and angry; with a humming sound like

a swarm of bees。  But the Coyote was still

ahead; the sparks of the brand streamed out

along his flanks; as he carried it in his mouth;

and he stretched his body to the trail。

The Boy saw him coming; like a failing star

against the mountain; he heard the singing

sound of the Fire Spirits close behind; and the

labouring breath of the Counsellor。  And when

the good beast panted down beside him; the

Boy caught the brand from his jaws and was off;

like an arrow from a bent bow。  Out he shot on

the homeward path; and the Fire Spirits snapped

and sang behind him。  But fast as they pursued

he fled faster; till he saw the next runner standing

in his place; his body bent for the running。

To him he passed it; and it was off and away;

with the Fire Spirits raging in chase。

So it passed from hand to hand; and the Fire

Spirits tore after it through the scrub; till they

came to the mountains of the snows; these they

could not pass。  Then the dark; sleek runners

with the backward streaming brand bore it forward;

shining starlike in the night; glowing red

in sultry noons; violet pale in twilight glooms;

until they came in safety to their own land。

And there they kept it among stones and fed

it with small sticks; as the Counsellor advised;

and it kept the people warm。

Ever after the Boy was called the Fire…Bringer;

and ever after the Coyote bore the sign of the

bringing; for the fur along his flanks was singed

and yellow from the flames that streamed backward

from the brand。


'1' Adapted from Gleanings in Buddha…Fields; by Lafeadio

Hearn。  (Kegan Paul; Trench; Trubner and Co; Ltd。  5s。 net。)

Once there was a good old man who lived up

on a mountain; far away in Japan。  All round

his little house the mountain was flat; and the

ground was rich; and there were the ricefields

of all the people who lived in the village at the

mountain's foot。  Mornings and evenings; the

old man and his little grandson; who lived with

him; used to look far down on the people at

work in the village; and watch the blue sea

which lay all round the land; so close that there

was no room for fields below; only for houses。

The little boy loved the ricefields; dearly; for he

knew that all the good food for all the people

came from them; and he often helped his grandfather

to watch over them。

One day; the grandfather was standing alone;

before his house; looking far down at the people;

and out at the sea; when; suddenly; he saw

something very strange far off where the sea

and sky meet。  Something like a great cloud

was rising there; as if the sea were lifting itself

high into the sky。  The old man put his hands

to his eyes and looked again; hard as his old

sight could。  Then he turned and ran to the

house。  〃Yone; Yone!〃 he cried; 〃bring a

brand from the hearth!〃

The little grandson could not imagine what

his grandfather wanted with fire; but he always

obeyed; so he ran quickly and brought the brand。

The old man already had one; and was running

for the ricefields。  Yone ran after。  But what was

his horror to see his grandfather thrust his burning

brand into the ripe dry rice; where it stood。

〃Oh; Grandfather; Grandfather!〃 screamed

the little boy; 〃what are you doing?〃

〃Quick; set fire! thrust your brand in!〃 said

the grandfather。

Yone thought his dear grandfather had lost

his mind; and he began to sob; but a little

Japanese boy always obeys; so though he sobbed;

he thrust 
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