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roken glass; arose from the direction of Masterton's shout。 It was followed by a sharp slap and Chariton saying; 〃Stop that or get the hell out of here! Stop it right now!〃
  Louis burst into the waiting room and was first only conscious of the blood…there was a lot of blood。 One of the candy…stripers was sobbing。 The other; pale as cream; had put her fisted hands to the corners of her mouth; pulling her lips into a big revolted grin。 Masterton was kneeling down; trying to hold the head of the boy sprawled on the floor。
  Steve looked up at Louis; eyes grim and wide and frightened He tried to speak。 Nothing came out。
  People were congregating at the Student Medical Center's big glass doors; peering in; their hands cupped around their faces to cut out the glare。 Louis's mind conjured up an insanely appropriate image: sitting in the living room as a kid of no more than six with his mother in the morning before she went to work。 watching the television。 Watching the old 〃Today〃 show; with Dave Garroway。 People were outside; gaping in at Dave and Frank Blair and good old J。 Fred Muggs。 He looked around and saw other people standing at the windows。 He couldn't do anything about the doors; but… 〃Shut the drapes;〃 he snapped at the candy…striper who had screamed。
  When she didn't move immediately; Charlton slapped her can。 〃Do it; girl!〃
  The candy…striper got in gear。 A moment later green drapes were jerked across the windows。 Chariton and Steve Masterton moved instinctively between the boy or。 the floor and the doors; cutting off the view as best they could。
  〃Hard stretcher; Doctor?〃 Chariton asked。
  〃If we need it; get it;〃 Louis said; squatting beside Masterton。 〃I haven't even had a chance to look at him。〃
  〃e on;〃 Chariton said to the girl who had closed the drapes。 She was pulling the corners of her mouth with her fists again; making that humorless; screaming grin。 She looked at Charlton and moaned; 〃Oh; ag;〃
  〃Yeah; oh; ag is right。 e on。〃 She gave the girl a hard yank and got her moving; her red and white pinstriped skirt swishing against her legs。
  Louis bent over his first patient at the University of Maine at Orono。
  He was a young man; age approximately twenty; and it took Louis less than three seconds to make the only diagnosis that mattered: The young man was suing to die。 Half of his head was crushed。 His neck had been Broken。 One collarbone jutted from his swelled and twisted right shoulder。 From his head; blood and a yellow; pussy fluid seeped sluggishly into the carpet。 Louis could see the man's brain; whitish…gray and pulsing through a shattered section of skull。 It was like looking through a broken window。 The incursion was perhaps five centimeters wide; if he had had a baby in his skull; he could almost have birthed it; like Zeus delivering from his forehead。 That he was still alive at all was incredible。 In his mind suddenly he heard Jud Crandall saying sometimes you could feel it bite your ass。 And his mother: dead is dead。 He felt a crazy urge to laugh。 Dead was dead; all right。 That's affirmative; good buddy。
  〃Holler for the ambulance;〃 he snapped at Masterton。
  〃Louis; the ambulance is…〃
  〃Oh Christ;〃 Louis said; slapping his own forehead。 He shifted his gaze to Charlton。 〃Joan; what do you do in a case like this? Call Campus Security or the EMMC?〃
  Joan looked flustered and upset…an extreme rarity with her; Louis guessed。 But her voice was posed enough as she replied。 〃Doctor; I don't know。 We've never had a situation like this before in my time at the Medical Center。〃
  Louis thought as fast as he could。 'Call the campus police。 We can't wait for EMMC to send out their own ambulance。 If they have to; they can take him up to Bangor in one of the fire engines。 At least it has a siren; flashers。 Go do it; Joan。〃
  She went but not before he caught her deeply sympathetic glance and interpreted it。 This young man; who was deeply tanned and well…muscledperhaps from a summer working on a roadcrew somewhere; or painting houses; or giving tennis lessons…and dressed now only in red gym shorts with white piping; was going to die no matter what they did。 He would be just as dead even if their ambulance had been parked out front with the motor idling when the patient was brought in。
  Incredibly; the dying man was moving。 His eyes fluttered and opened。 Blue eyes; the irises ringed with blood。 They stared vacantly around; seeing nothing。 He tried to move his head; and Louis exerted pressure to keep him from doing so; mindful of the broken neck。 The cranial trauma did not preclude the possibility of pain。
  The hole in his head; oh Christ; the hole in his head。
  〃What happened to him?〃 he asked Steve; aware that it was; under the circumstances; a stupid and pointless question。 The question of a bystander。 But the hole in the man's head confirmed his status; a bystander was all he was。 〃Did the police bring him?〃
  〃Some students brought him in a blanket sling。 I don't know what the circumstances were。〃
  There was what happened next to be thought of。 That was his responsibility too。 〃Go out and find them;〃 Louis said。 〃Take them around to the other door。 I want them handy; but I don't want them to see any more of this than they already have。〃
  Masterton; looking relieved to be away from what was happening in here; went to the door and opened it; letting in a babble of excited; curious; confused conversation。 Louis could also hear the warble of a police siren。 Campus Security was here then。 Louis felt a kind of miserable relief。
  The dying man was making a gurgling sound in his throat。 He tried to speak。 Louis heard syllables…phonetics; at least… but the words themselves were slurred and unclear。
  Louis leaned over him and said; 〃You're going to be all right; fella。〃 He thought of Rachel and Ellie as he said it; and his stomach gave a great; unlovely lurch。 He put a hand over his mouth and stifled a burp。
  〃Caaa;〃 the young man said。 〃Gaaaaaa…〃
  Louis looked around and saw that he was momentarily alone with the dying man。 Dimly he could hear Joan Charlton yelling at the candy…stripers that the hard stretcher was in the supply closet off Room Two。 Louis doubted if they knew Room Two from a frog's gonads; it was; after all; their first day on the job。 They had gotten a hell of an introduction to the world of medicine。 The green wall…to…wall carpet was now soaked a muddy purple in an expanding circle around the young man's ruined head; the leakage of intercranial fluid had; mercifully; stopped。
  〃In the Pet Sematary;〃 the young man croaked 。 。 。 and he began to grin。 This grin was remarkably like the mirthless hysterical grin of the candy…striper who had closed the drapes。
  Louis stared down at him; at first refusing to credit what he had heard。 Then Louis thought he must have had an auditory hallucination。 He made some more of those phonetic sounds and my subconscious made them into something coherent; cross…patched the sounds into my own experience。 But that was not what had happened; and a moment later he was forced to realize it。 A swooning; mad terror struck him and his flesh began to creep avidly; seeming to actually move up and down his arms and along his belly in waves。 。 。 but even then he simply refused to believe it Yes; the syllables had been on the bloody lips of the man on the carpet as well as in Louis's ears; but that only meant the hallucination had been visual as well as auditory。
  'What did you say?〃 he whispered。
  And this time; as clear as the words of a speaking parrot or a crow whose tongue had been split; the words were unmistakable: 〃It's not the real cemetery。〃 The eyes were vacant; not…seeing; rimmed with blood: the mouth grinning the large grin of a dead carp。
  Horror rolled through Louis; gripping his warm heart in its cold hands; squeezing。 It reduced him; made him less and less; until he felt like taking to his heels and running from this bloody; twisted; speaking head on the floor of the infirmary waiting room。 He was a man with no deep religious training; no bent toward the superstitious or the occult。 He was ill…prepared for this。 。 。 whatever it was。
  Fighting the urge to r
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