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enture; not yet a year old; where twice he'd faced loaded guns and gotten it done anyway。 One nice thing about the Marine Corps; they didn't turn out many pussies。 Ryan could think and act on his feet; and that was a nice thing to have in your pocket。 Better yet; the Brits liked him。 He'd seen the ments from Sir Basil Charleston on Ryan's tenure at Century House…he was taking quite a liking to the young American analyst。 So this was a chance to bring a new talent along; and though he wasn't a graduate of The Farm; that didn't mean he was a babe in the woods。 Ryan had been through the woods; and he'd killed himself a couple of wolves along the way; hadn't he?
   〃James; it's a little outside the box; but I won't say no for that reason。 Okay; cut him loose。 I hope your boy doesn't wet his pants。〃
   〃What did Foley call this operation?〃
   〃BEATRIX; he said。 You know; like Peter Rabbit。〃
   〃Foley; that boy is going places; Arthur; and his wife; Mary Patricia; she is a real piece of work。〃
   〃There we surely agree; James。 She'd make a great rodeo rider; and he'd be a pretty good town marshal west of the Pecos;〃 the DCI said。 He liked to see some of the young talent the Agency was producing。 Where they all came from…well; they came from a lot of different places; but they all seemed to have the same fire in the belly that he'd had thirty years before; working with Hans Tofte。 They weren't terribly different from the Texas Rangers he'd learned to admire as a little boy…the smart; tough people who did what had to be done。
   〃How do we get the word to Basil?〃
   〃I called Chip Bennett last night; told him to have his people gin up some one…timers。 Ought to be at Langley this evening。 We'll fly them to London on the 747 tonight; and shoot some on from there to Moscow。 So we'll be able to municate securely; if not conveniently。〃
   That; in fact; was just about done。 A puter system used for taking down the dot…dash signals of International Morse Code was connected to a highly sensitive radio tuned to a frequency used by no human agency; transforming the garbage noise into Roman letters。 One of the technicians at Fort Meade remarked along the way that the intergalactic noise they were copying down was the residual static produced by the Big Bang; for which Penzias and Miller had collected a Nobel Prize a few years before; and that was as random as things got…unless you could decode it to learn what God thought; which was beyond the skills even of NSA's Z…division。 A dot…matrix printer put the letters to carbon…paper sets…three copies of each; the original to the originators; and a copy each for CIA and NSA。 They all contained enough letters to transcribe the first third of the Bible; and each page and each line were alphanumerically identified to make decryption possible。 Three people separated the pages; made sure that the sets were properly arranged; and then slipped them into ring binders for some semblance of ease of use。 Then two were handed off to an Air Force NCO; who drove the CIA copies off to Langley。 The lead technician wondered what was so goddamned important to require such massive one…time pads; which NSA had long before gotten past with its institutional worship of electronic technology; but his was not…ever…to reason why; was it? Not at Fort Meade; Maryland; it wasn't。
   Ryan was watching TV; trying to get used to the British sits。 He'd grown to like British humor…they'd invented Benny Hill; after all。 That guy had to be mentally disabled to do some of the things he did…but the regular series TV took a little getting used to。 The signals were just different; and though he spoke English as well as any American; the nuances here…exaggerated; of course; on TV…had a subtle dimension that occasionally slipped by him。 But not his wife; Jack observed。 His wife was laughing hard enough to gag; and at things he barely prehended。 Then came the trilling note of his STU in his upstairs den。 He trotted upstairs to get it。 It wouldn't be a wrong number。 Whoever had set his number up…British Tele; a semiprivate corporation that did exactly what the government told it to do…would have chosen a number so far off the numerical trail that only an infant could dial his secure phone by mistake。
   〃Ryan;〃 he said; after his phone mated up with the one at the other end。
   〃Jack; Greer here。 How's Sunday evening in Jolly Old England?〃
   〃It rained today。 I didn't get to cut the grass;〃 Ryan reported。 He didn't mind much。 He hated cutting grass; having learned as a child that however much you sliced it down; the goddamned stuff just grew back in a few days to look scraggly again。
   〃Well; here the Orioles are leading the White Sox five…two after six innings。 I think your team looks good for the pennant。〃
   〃Who in the National League?〃
   〃If I had to bet; I'd say the Phillies all the way; my boy。〃
   〃I got a buck says you're wrong; sir。 My O's look good from here。〃 Which isn't there; damn it。 Since losing the Colts; he'd transferred his loyalty to baseball。 The game was more interesting; tactically speaking; though lacking the manly bat of NFL football。 〃So; what's happening in Washington on a Sunday afternoon; sir?〃
   〃Just wanted to give you a heads…up。 There's a signal on its way to London that's going to involve you。 New tasking。 It'll take maybe three or four days。〃
   〃Okay。〃 It perked his interest; but he'd have to see what it was before he got overly excited about it。 Probably some new analysis that they wanted him for。 Those were usually economics; because the Admiral liked his way of working through the numbers games。 〃Important?〃
   〃Well; we're interested in what you can do with it〃 was all the DDI wanted to say。
   This guy must teach foxes how to outsmart dogs and horses。 Good thing he wasn't a Brit。 The local aristocracy would shoot him for ruining their steeplechases; Ryan told himself。 〃Okay; sir; I'll be looking for it。 I don't suppose you can give me a play…by…play?〃 he asked with a little hope in his voice。
   〃That new shortstop…Ripken; is it?…just doubled down the left…field line; drove in run number six; one out; bottom of the seventh。〃
   〃Thank you for that; sir。 It beats Fawlty Towers。〃
   〃What the hell is that?〃
   〃It's what they call a edy over here; Admiral。 It's funny if you can understand it。〃
   〃Brief me in next time I e over;〃 the DDI suggested。
   〃Aye aye; sir。〃
   〃Family okay?〃
   〃We're all just fine; sir; thank you for asking。〃
   〃Okay。 Have a good one。 See ya。〃
   〃What was that?〃 Cathy asked in the living room。
   〃The boss。 He's sending me something to work on。〃
   〃What exactly?〃 She never stopped trying。
   〃He didn't say; just a heads…up that I have something new to play with。〃
   〃And he didn't tell you what it was?〃
   〃The Admiral likes his surprises。〃
   〃Hmph〃 was her response。
   The courier settled into his first…class seat。 The package in his carry…on bag was tucked under the seat in front; and he had a collection of magazines to read。 Since he was covert; not an official diplomatic courier; he could pretend to be a real person; a disguise that he'd shed at Heathrow's Terminal Four immigration desk; there to catch an embassy car for the ride into Grosvenor Square。 Mainly he looked forward to a nice pub and some Brit beer before he flew back home in a day and a half。 It was a waste of talent and training for the newly hatched field officer; but everyone had to pay his dues; and this; for a guy fresh out of The Farm; was just that。 He consoled himself with the thought that whatever it was; it had to be a little bit important。 Sure; Wilbur。 If it were all that important; he'd be on the Concorde。
   Ed foley was sleeping the sleep of the just。 The next day; he'd find an excuse to head over to the British Embassy and have a sit…down with Nigel and plan the operation。 If that went well; he'd wear his reddest tie and take the message from Oleg Ivan'ch; set up the next face…to…face and go for ward with the operation。 Who is it; he wondered; who the KGB is trying to kill? The Pope? Bob Ritter had his knickers in a twist over that。 Or somebody else? The KGB had a very direct way of dealing with people it didn't like。 CIA did not。 They hadn't actually killed 
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