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ny more than to turn and scan the area in boredom; as men walking their children did。 The two Americans headed the right way in what would surely appear to be a random act。
   〃Eddie; there's a little girl you can say hello to。 Try out your Russian on her;〃 his mommy suggested。
   〃Okay!〃 and he raced off in the manner of toddlers。 Little Eddie ran right up to her and said 〃Hello。〃
   〃My name is Eddie。〃
   〃My name is Svetlana Olegovna。 Where do you live?〃
   〃That way。〃 Eddie pointed back to the foreigners' ghetto。
   〃That is your son?〃 the Rabbit asked。
   〃Yes; Eddie Junior。 Edward Edwardovich to you。〃
   〃So;〃 Oleg Ivan'ch said next; without amusement; 〃is he also CIA?〃
   〃Not exactly。〃 Almost theatrically; she extended her hand to him。 She had to protect him; just in case cameras were about。 〃I am Mary Patricia Foley。〃
   〃I see。 Does your husband like his shapka?〃
   〃Actually; he does。 You have good taste in furs。〃
   〃Many Russians do。〃 Then he switched gears。 It was time to go back to business。 〃Have you decided that you can help me or not?〃
   〃Yes; Oleg Ivan'ch; we can。 Your daughter is darling。 Her name is Svetlana?〃
   The munications officer nodded。 〃Yes; that is my little zaichik。〃
   The irony of that was positively eerie。 Their Rabbit called his little girl his bunny。 It generated a brilliant smile。 〃So; Oleg; how do we get you to America?〃
   〃You ask me this?〃 he asked with no small degree of incredulity。
   〃Well; we need some information。 Your hobbies and interests; for example; and your wife's。〃
   〃I play chess。 More than anything else; I read books on old chess matches。 My wife is more classically educated than I。 She loves music…classical music; not the trash you make in America。〃
   〃Any particular poser?〃
   He shook his head。 〃Any of the classical posers; Bach; Mozart; Brahms…I do not know all of the names。 It is Irina's passion。 She studied piano as a child; but wasn't quite good enough to get official state training。 That is her greatest regret; and we do not have a piano for her to practice on;〃 he added; knowing that he had to give her this kind of information to assist in her efforts to save him and his family。 〃What else do you require?〃
   〃Do any of you have any health problems…medications; for example?〃 They were speaking in Russian again; and Oleg noted her elegant language skills。
   〃No; we are all quite healthy。 My Svetlana has been through all the usual childhood diseases; but without plications of any sort。〃
   〃Good。〃 That simplifies a lot of things; Mary Pat thought。 〃She's a lovely little girl。 You must be very proud of her。〃
   〃But will she like life in the West?〃 he worried aloud。
   〃Oleg Ivan'ch; no child has ever had reason to dislike life in America。〃
   〃And how does your little Edward like things in the Soviet Union?〃
   〃He misses his friends; of course; but right before we came over; we took him to Disney World。 He still talks a lot about that。〃
   Then came a surprise: 〃Disney World? What is that?〃
   〃It is a large mercial business made for the pleasure of children…and for adults who remember their childhood。 It's in Florida;〃 she added。
   〃I've never heard of it。〃
   〃You will find it remarkable and most enjoyable。 More so for your daughter。〃 She paused。 〃What does your wife think of your plans?〃
   〃Irina knows nothing of this;〃 Zaitzev said; surprising the hell out of his American interlocutor。
   〃What did you say?〃 Are you out of your fucking mind? MP wondered at once。
   〃Irina is a good wife to me。 She will do what I tell her to do。〃 Russian male chauvinism was of the aggressive variety。
   〃Oleg Ivan'ch; that is most dangerous for you。 You must know that。〃
   〃The danger to me is being caught by KGB。 If that happens; I am a dead man; and so is someone else;〃 he added; thinking a further dangle was in his interest。
   〃Why are you leaving? What convinced you that it is necessary?〃 she had to ask。
   〃KGB is planning to kill a man who does not deserve to die。〃
   〃Who?〃 And she had to ask that one; too。
   〃That I will tell you when I am in the West。〃
   〃That is a fair response;〃 she had to say in reply。 Playing a little cagey; aren't we?
   〃One other thing;〃 he added。
   〃Be very careful what items you transmit to your headquarters。 There is reason to believe your munications are promised。 You should use one…time pads; as we do at The Centre。 Do you understand what I am telling you?〃
   〃All munications about you were first encrypted and then dispatched by Diplomatic Bag to Washington。〃 When she said that; the relief on his face was real; much as he tried to hide it。 And the Rabbit had just told her something of very great importance。 〃Are we penetrated?〃
   〃That; also; is something I will discuss only in the West。〃
   Oh; shit; Mary Pat thought。 They have a mole somewhere; and he might be in the White House Rose Garden for all we know。 Oh; shit。。。
   〃Very well; we will take the utmost security with your case;〃 she promised。 But that meant that there'd be a two…day minimum turnaround time for important signals。 It was back to World War One procedures with this guy。 Ritter would just love that。 〃Can you tell me what methods might be safe?〃
   〃The British changed their cipher machines about four months ago。 We have as yet had no success in cracking them。 That I know。 Exactly which of your signals are promised; I do not know; but I do know that some are fully penetrated。 Please keep this in mind。〃
   〃That I will do; Oleg Ivan'ch。〃 This guy had information that CIA needed…big…time。 Cracked munications were the most dangerous things that could happen to any covert agency。 Wars had been won and lost over such things as that。 The Russians lacked American puter technology; but they did have some of the world's finest mathematicians; and the brain between a person's ears was the most dangerous instrument of all; and a damned site more petent that the ones that sat on a desk or a floor。 Did Mike Russell have any of the old one…time pads at the embassy? CIA had used them once upon a time; but their cumbersome nature had caused them to be discarded。 NSA told everybody who'd listen that on his best day; Seymour Cray couldn't brute…force their ciphers; even with his brand…new CRAY…2 superputer on amphetamines。 If they were wrong; it could hurt America in ways too vast to prehend。 But there were many cipher systems; and those who cracked one could not necessarily crack another。 Or so everybody said。。。 but munications security was not her area of expertise。 Even she had to trust someone and something once in a while。 But this was like being shot in the back by the starting gun in a hundred…meter race and having to run for the tape anyway。 Damn。
   〃It is an inconvenience; but we will do what is necessary to protect you。 You want to be taken out soon。〃
   〃This week would be very helpful…not so much for my needs as for the needs of a man whose life is in danger。〃
   〃I see;〃 she said; not quite seeing。 This guy might be laying a line on her; but if so; he was doing it like a real pro; and she wasn't getting that signal from this guy。 No; he didn't read like an experienced field spook。 He was a player; but not her kind of player。
   〃Very well。 When you get to work tomorrow; make a contact report;〃 she told him。
   That one surprised him: 〃Are you serious?〃
   〃Of course。 Tell your supervisor that you met an American; the wife of a minor embassy official。 Describe me and my son…〃
   〃And tell them you are a pretty but shallow American female who has a handsome and polite little boy;〃 he surmised。 〃And your Russian needs a little work; shall we say?〃
   〃You learn quickly; Oleg Ivan'ch。 I bet you play a good game of chess。〃
   〃Not good enough。 I will never be a Grand Master。〃
   〃We all have our limitations; but in America you will find them far more distant than they are in the Soviet Union。〃
   〃By the end of the week?〃
   〃When my husband wears his bright red tie; you set the time and place for a meeting。 Possibly by tomorrow afternoon you will get your signal; and we will make the arrangements。〃
   〃Good day to you; then。 Where did you learn your Russian?〃
   〃My grandfather was equerry t
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