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y predictable; munique that had arrived with the Station Chief; which was now sitting in the center of his desk。
   〃Bob Taylor's wife…she's pregnant; remember?…had some plumbing problems; and they flew 'em both off to Second Army General Hospital up at Kaiserslauten to get checked out。〃
   Ericsson grunted。 〃Yeah; I forgot。〃
   〃Anyway; the short version is; I blew it;〃 Szell had to admit。 It just wasn't his way to cover things up。 It would cause a major hiccup in his CIA career; but that couldn't be helped。 Damned sure it was a lot rougher right now for that poor clumsy bastard who'd screwed up the transfer。 The Hungarian State Security Authority…Allavedelmi Hatosag; or AVH…officers who'd interrogated him evidently hadn't had a good gloat in some time; and had made a point of telling him how easily he'd been bagged。 Fucking amateurs; Szell raged。 But the end of the game was that he was now PNG'd; declared persona non grata by the Hungarian government; and requested to leave the country in forty…eight hours…preferably; with his tail tucked firmly between his legs。
   〃Sorry to lose you; Bob; but there's nothing much I can do。〃
   〃And I'm pretty useless to the team now anyway。 I know。〃 Szell let out a long and frustrated breath。 He'd been here long enough to set up a pretty good little spy shop; providing fairly good political and military information…none of it overly important; because Hungary was not an overly important country; but you just never knew when something of interest would happen; even in Lesotho…which might well be his next posting; Szell reflected。 He'd have to buy some sunblock and a nice bush jacket。。。 At least he'd get to catch the World Series back at home。
   But for now; Station Budapest was out of business。 Not that Langley would really miss it; Szell consoled himself。
   The signal about this would go to Foggy Bottom via embassy telex…encrypted; of course。 Ambassador Ericsson drafted his reply to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry; rejecting out of hand the absurd allegation that James Szell; Second Secretary to the Embassy of the United States of America; had done anything inconsistent with his diplomatic status; and lodging an official protest in the name of the U。S。 Department of State。 Perhaps in the next week; Washington would send some Hungarian diplomat back…whether he was a sheep or a goat would be decided in Washington。 Ericsson thought it would be a sheep。 Why let on that the FBI had ID'd a goat; after all? Better to let the goat continue to munch away in whatever garden it had invaded…under close observation。 And so the game went on。 The Ambassador thought it a stupid game; but every member of his staff played it with greater or lesser enthusiasm。
   The message about Szell; it turned out; was sufficiently under the radar so that when it was forwarded to CIA headquarters; it was tucked into routine traffic as not worthy of interfering with the DCI's weekendJudge Moore got a morning brief every single day anyway; of course; and this item would wait until 8:00 A。M。 Sunday; the watch officers collectively decided; because judges liked an orderly life。 And Budapest wasn't all that important in the Great Scheme of Things; was it?
   Sunday morning in Moscow was much the same as Sunday morning everywhere else; albeit with fewer people getting dressed up for church。 That was true for Ed and Mary Pat; also。 A Catholic priest celebrated mass at the U。S。 Embassy on Sunday mornings; but most of the time they didn't make it…though they were both Catholic enough to feel guilt for their slothful transgressions。 They both told themselves that their guilt was mitigated by the fact that they were both doing God's own work right in the center of the land of the heathen。 So the plan for today was to take Eddie for a walk in the park; where he might meet some kids to play with。 At least; that was Eddie's mission brief。 Ed rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom first; followed by his wife and then by little Eddie。 No morning paper; and the Sunday TV programming was every bit as bad as it was the rest of the week。 So they actually had to talk over breakfast; something many Americans find hard to do。 Their son was still young and impressionable enough to find Moscow interesting; though nearly all of his friends were Americans or Brits: inmates; like his entire family; in the pound/ghetto; guarded by MGB or KGB…opinions were divided on that question; but everyone knew it made little real difference。
   The meeting was set for 11:00。 Oleg Ivan'ch would be easy to spot…as would she; Mary Pat knew。 Like a peacock among crows; her husband liked to say (even though the peacock was actually a male bird)。 She decided to play it down today。 No makeup; just casually brushed…out hair; jeans; and a pullover shirt。 She couldn't change her figure very much…the local aesthetic preferred women of her height to be about ten kilograms heavier。 Diet; she supposed。 Or maybe when you had food available in what was largely a hungry country; you ate it。 Maybe the fat layer you acquired made the winters more fortable? Whatever; the level of fashion for the average Russian female was like something from a Dead End Kids movie。 You could tell the wives of important people easily; because their clothes looked almost middle…class; as opposed to the more normal Appalachia class of dress。 But that was grossly unfair to the people of Appalachia; Mary Pat decided。
   〃You ing; Ed?〃 she asked after breakfast。
   〃No; honey。 I'll clean up the kitchen and get into this new book I got last week。〃
   〃The truck driver did it;〃 she offered。 〃I've read that guy before。〃
   〃Thanks a bunch;〃 her husband grumbled。
   And with that; she checked her watch and headed out。 The park was just three of the long blocks to the east。 She waved to the gate guard…definitely KGB; she thought…and headed to the left; holding little Eddie's hand。 The traffic on the street was minimal by American standards; and it was definitely getting cooler out。 She was glad she'd dressed her son in a long…sleeve shirt。 A turn to look down at him revealed no obvious tail。 There could; of course; be binoculars in the apartments across the street; but somehow she thought not。 She'd pretty well established herself as a dumb American blonde; and just about everyone bought it。 Even Ed's press contacts thought her dumber than him…and they thought him to be an ass…which could not have suited her any better。 Those chattering blackbirds repeated everything she and Ed said to one another; until the word was as uniformly spread as the icing on one of her cakes。 It all got back to KGB as quickly as any rumor could go…damned near the speed of light in that munity; because reporters did intellectual incest as a way of life…and the Russians listened to them and put everything in their voluminous dossiers until it became something that 〃everybody knows。〃 A good field officer always used others to build his or her cover。 Such a cover was random…sounding…just as real life always was…and that made it plausible; even to a professional spook。
   The park was about as bleak as everything else in Moscow。 A few trees; some badly trodden grass。 Almost as though KGB had had all the parks trimmed to make them bad contact points。 That it would also limit places for young Muscovites to rendezvous and trade some kisses probably would not have troubled the consciences at The Centre; which were probably about the Pontius Pilate level on a reflective day。
   And there was the Rabbit; a hundred meters or so away; nicely located; near some play items that would appeal to a three…year…old…or a four…year…old。 Walking closer; she saw again that Russians doted on their little ones; and; in this case; maybe a little more…the Rabbit was KGB; and so he had access to better consumer goods than the average Russian; which; like a good parent in any land; he lavished on his little girl。 That was a good sign for his character; Mary Pat decided。 Maybe she could even like this guy; an unexpected gift for a field officer。 So many agents were screwed up as badly as a South Bronx street mugger。 He didn't observe her approach any more than to turn and scan the area in boredom; as men walking their children did。 The two Americ
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