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lly a voluntary union of republics; and Russia theoretically had a constitution that existed over and above the will of the munist Party of the Soviet Union。 And there was theoretically an Easter Bunny; too; he thought; looking around。
   They took the escalator to the second floor…the escalator was of the old sort; with thick wooden runners instead of the metal type which had long since taken over in the West。 The fur department was over on the right; toward the back; and; on initial visual inspection; the selection there wasn't all that shabby。
   Best of all; so was Ivan; wearing the same clothes that he'd worn on the metro。 Maybe his best suit? Foley wondered。 If so; he'd better get his ass to a Western country as soon as possible。
   Other than the at…best…mediocre quality of the goods here; a department store was a department store; though here the departments were semi…independent shops。 But their Ivan was smart。 He'd suggested a meet in a part of the place where there would certainly be high…quality goods。 For millennia; Russia had been a place of cold winters; a place where even the elephants had needed fur coats; and since 25 percent of the human blood supply goes to the brain; men needed hats。 The decent fur hats were called shapkas; roughly tubular fur head coverings that had little in the way of precise shape; but did serve to keep the brain from freezing。 The really good ones were made out of muskrat…mink and sable went only to the most expensive specialty stores; and those were mainly limited to well…to…do women; the wives and/or mistresses of Party bosses。 But the noble muskrat; a swamp creature that smelled…well; the smell was taken out of the skin somehow; lest the wearer of the hat be mistaken for a tidal wetland garbage dump…had very fine fur or hair or whatever it was; and was a good insulator。 So; fine; a rat with a high R rating。 But that wasn't the important part; was it?
   Ed and Mary Pat could also municate with their eyes; though the bandwidth was pretty narrow。 The time of day helped。 The winter hats had just been stocked in the store; and the fall weather didn't have people racing to buy new ones yet。 There was just one guy in a brown jacket; and Mary Pat moved in that direction; after shooing her husband away; as though to buy him something as a semi…surprise。
   The man was shopping; just as she was; and he was in the hat department。 He's not a dummy; whoever he is; she thought。
   〃Excuse me;〃 she said in Russian。
   〃Yes?〃 His head turned。 Mary Pat checked him out; he was in his early thirties; but looked older than that; as life in Russia tended to age people more rapidly; even more rapidly than New York City。 Brown hair; brown eyes…rather smart…looking in the eyes。 That was good。
   〃I am shopping for a winter hat for my husband; as you suggested;〃 she added in her very best Russian; 〃on the metro。〃
   He didn't expect it to be a girl; Mrs。 Foley saw at once。 He blinked hard and looked at her; trying to square the perfect Russian with the fact that she had to be an American。
   〃On the metro?〃
   〃That's right。 My husband thought it better that I should meet you; rather than he。 So。。。〃 She lifted a hat and riffled the fur; then turned to her new friend; as though asking his opinion。 〃So; what do you wish of us?〃
   〃What do you mean?〃 he blurted back at her。
   〃You have approached an American and requested a meeting。 Do you want to assist me in buying a hat for my husband?〃 she asked very quietly indeed。
   〃You are CIA?〃 he asked; his thought now back under semicontrol。
   〃My husband and I work for the American government; yes。 And you work for KGB。〃
   〃Yes;〃 he replied; 〃in munications; Central munications。〃
   〃Indeed?〃 She turned back to the gable and lifted another shapka。 Holy shit; she thought; but was he telling the truth; or did he just want a cheap ticket to New York?
   〃Really? How can I be sure of that?〃
   〃I say it is so;〃 he replied; surprised and slightly outraged that his honesty should e into question。 Did this woman think he was risking his life as a lark? 〃Why do you talk to me?〃
   〃The message blanks you passed on the metro did get my attention;〃 she said; holding up a dark brown hat and frowning; as though it were too dark。
   〃Madam; I work in the Eighth Chief Directorate。〃
   〃Which department?〃
   〃Simple munications processing。 I am not part of the signals intelligence service。 I am a munications officer。 I transmit outgoing signals to the various rezidenturas; and when signals e to my desk from out in the field; I forward them to the proper recipients。 As a result; I see many operational signals。 Is that sufficient to your purpose? 〃 He was at least playing the game properly; gesturing to the shapka and shaking his head; then pointing to another; its fur dyed a lighter brown; almost a blond color。
   〃I suppose it might be。 What do you ask of us?〃
   〃I have information of great importance…very great importance。 In return for that information; I require passage to the West for myself; my wife; and my daughter。〃
   〃How old is your daughter?〃
   〃Three years and seven months。 Can you deliver what I require?〃
   That question shot a full pint of adrenaline into her bloodstream。 She'd have to make this decision almost instantly; and with that decision she was mitting the whole power of CIA onto a single case。 Getting three people out of the Soviet Union was not going to be a picnic。
   But this guy works in MERCURY; Mary Pat realized。 He'd know things a hundred well…placed agents couldn't get to。 Ivan here was custodian of the Russian Crown Jewels; more valuable even than Brezhnev's balls; and so…
   〃Yes; we can get you and your family out。 How soon?〃
   〃The information I have is very time…sensitive。 As soon as you can arrange。 I will not reveal my information until I am in the West; but I assure you the information is a matter of great importance…it is enough to force me into this action;〃 he added as an additional dangle。
   Don't overplay your hand; Ivan; she thought。 An ego…driven agent would tell them he had the launch codes for the Russian Strategic Rocket Forces; when he just had his mother's recipe for borscht; and getting the bastard out would be a waste of resources that had to be used with the greatest care。 But; against that possibility; Mary Pat had her eyes。 She looked into this man's soul; and saw that whatever he was; 〃liar〃 probably wasn't among them。
   〃Yes; we can do this very quickly if necessary。 We need to discuss place and methods。 We cannot talk any longer here。 I suggest a meeting place to discuss details。〃
   〃That is simple;〃 Zaitzev replied; setting the place for the following morning。
   You're in a hurry。 〃What name do I call you?〃 she finally asked。
   〃Oleg Ivan'ch;〃 he answered automatically; then realized he'd spoken the truth; in a situation where dissimulation might have served him better。
   〃That is good。 My name is Maria;〃 she replied。 〃So; which shapka would you remend?〃
   〃For your husband? This one; certainly;〃 Zaitzev said; handing over the dirty…blond one。
   〃Then I shall buy it。 Thank you; rade。〃 She fussed over the hat briefly; then walked off; checking the price tag; 180 rubles; more than a month's pay for a Moscow worker。 To effect the purchase; she handed the shapka over to one clerk; then walked to a cash register; where she paid her cash…the Soviets hadn't discovered credit cards yet…and got a receipt in return; which she handed to the first clerk; who gave her the hat back。
   So; it was true…the Russians really were more inefficient than the American government。 Amazing that it was possible; but seeing was believing; she told herself; clutching the brown…paper bag and finding her husband; whom she quickly walked outside。
   〃So; what did you buy me?〃
   〃Something you'll like;〃 she promised; holding up the bag; but her sparkling blue eyes said it all。 Then she checked her watch。 It was just 3:00 A。M。 in Washington and; if they phoned this one in; it was too early。 This wasn't something for the night crew; even the trusted people in MERCURY。 She'd just learned that one the hard way。 No; this one would get written up; encrypted; and put in the diplomatic bag。 Then it was jus
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